
Cultivation God -My Harem

[Mature Content +18] «Support book with your power stone» Given a second chance by been transmigrated into a different universe; one which his every dream could be accomplished there, with a system. Nate adventures and struggles in every way possible to get strong and protect those he cared for in this new world. Driven by the desire for more power, he puts himself in every life and death battle just to improve himself.... toughening his will and challenging destiny. «Quest received» [Defeat the enemy] [Difficulty: hard] [Reward: lv 10 magic abilities, level up +2] A young man who was slaying his enemies, causing massacre on the battleground heard the sound. Lifting his head, he stared at the distant figure. “What the......”, opening the mouth wide, he stared at the creature moving in his direction.“I’m doomed...” he said, but not losing his will. Standing on the battlefield, Nates black cloak was covered in blood with cuts all over,his blue eyes expressing helplessness and exhaustion with his long black hair fluttering through the wind waves adding to his handsome charming features, he was like a devil from the abyss. ~~~~~~ >Will his adventure to become the strongest duo cultivator in the new universe be accomplished, with the soo many challenges he faces??..... or will there be someone or something to stop him from doing so??? Join the the adventure......

BAKumi · ファンタジー
28 Chs

17 : Everything is okay.

Meanwhile, the wounded guard returned with the royal guards, a selected group of highly trained soldiers loyal to the king. They formed a protective circle around Dolph and beside the barrier, awaiting his command.

"The barrier is cracking," Dolphy shared his findings with them, surprised, he went in to explain the situation and the need to penetrate the barrier to reach the king.

A man stepped forward from the group,wearing his black armor; he seemed devilish. The hair around him was in distortion as he walked.

"Let me see if I can feel something."

The reaction of those around calmed, knowing the person and his abilities, they couldn't retort. Reaching out his hands, he grimaced as energy started to flow through his hands the minute his hand touched the barrier.

"Ahh!.....", with pained look, he withdrew his hands from the barrier. The dark energy within the barrier was dissipating, with no one in the hall who could use dark energy, the energy was in chaos in the barrier formation. Touching the barrier with his hands had triggered the energy as it sensed an unknown energy surrounding it.

"Something is wrong..."

The atmosphere became grim, Marquess Dolph, seeing this approached him.

"What's it...what's wrong ....., Douglas."

Signaling for the guards to be ready, he approached him.

Douglas is a guard who worked for the royal family. He had been serving the military after his father died in a battle. With the goal of getting stronger he had been pushing himself, which had won him the respect of his colleagues as he moved up in ranks from a mere foot soldier to becoming one of the escort guards. Been young and achieving this has made him very admiring of, adding to his average looks and beautiful silver eyes every young woman in the kingdom will be grateful falling into his embrace. But that's not his personality, his only goal been to avenge the death of his father; and accomplishing that means he should get stronger than his father had been. Been a young boy with this goal, he always turns cold, only initiating conversations when necessary.

Fighting against the surge of energies clashing through him, he forced a smile,

"Am good...Marque.."

"No you don't look good,"He interjected, Douglas was like a son to him. Been on the front line with his father, they became close friends and after his father was killed, Marquees Dolph had trained him till now.

"I can feel the energy clashing within you...but getting close to you I can tell you can fight it over. Those damn creatures cultivates the energy of the universe too, dark energy and you already know....," He whispered into his ears, eyes still glued at the barrier.

"The energy activating the barrier is in chaos and this only mean one thing....."

The people around focused on the point of view, not understanding what it is.

"What is that ?, Marquees..." Out of curiosity one asked.

"The creature inside is either fatally wounded and is losing energy... or is dead."

Happiness bloomed all over their faces, chattering among themselves. But some where not convinced, not seeing the appearance of the king itself and knowing the health situation the king was in.


Pointing his hands at the direction of the barrier, Douglas got up on one kneel. Concentrating on what's happening within him, he found a way to get rid of the dark energy whiles not destroying himself.

"His majesty is still in there, if he fought then he had used his energy..... he may not be faring well," panting, he looked at the Marquees.

"I have a way....., but ...."

All eyes turned to look at him before he could finish speaking.

"But what.., Douglas," Marquees questioned.

Supporting himself with the edges of the wall, he got up, "But it will require us to attack the barrier with our combined energy."

"What!!, that's suicide to the king If mistakenly the barriers shattering disrupts space, his majesty might not survive..."

Whiles many supported the ideal, some also didn't want his ideal to be taken into action.

"If his plan is very true then his Majesty will take a liking to him, and if given much power will be very disturbing," whispering to the other's ears, they planned to wane his ideal.

"What did you just said!?, If we don't act now his life can be in danger!!!" The atmosphere became tense, generals about to fight themselves at the most peril time, many were chattering on it and some royal guards even betting the winner.

ENOUGH!!, what do you people think you are doing?, at this time his majesty is our top priority.

Taking a look at the situation and the moods of the soldiers, he knew he can't make the decision together so he called for a discussion with the generals. Some suggested channeling concentrated magical energy, finding a specific rune combination, or even using brute force to break through. They considered each suggestion carefully, weighing the risks and potential consequences.

After evaluating their options, Dolphy formulated a plan. He directed the royal guards to gather and restore their energy, such as magical artifacts or weapons that could aid in the barrier's penetration. Meanwhile, he assigned a group of guards to continue searching the perimeter for any hidden entrances or weak points.

Dolph himself delved deeper into his investigation, trying to find patterns or irregularities in the barriers energy flow. He examined the cracks more closely, noticing that they seemed to converge at a particular point. With this observation, a glimmer of hope sparked within him.

Calling upon all the suggestions, They chose to trust Douglas's insight. He proposed focusing their combined strength on the convergence point, believing it to be the barrier's weakest spot. He instructed the guards to prepare themselves mentally and physically, knowing that shattering the barrier would be arduous and dangerous.

With the royal guards standing at the ready in mix of the generals, Dolphy positioned himself at the convergence point. Been the one with the highest cultivation and experience he took the lead. He closed his eyes, centering his focus and tapping into his inner strength. He visualized the barrier dissipating, envisioning a path opening up to the king. With a deep breath, he gave the signal to begin.


They unleashed their collective force upon the barrier, striking with precision and determination. Their combined strength, augmented by Douglas and Dolph's strategic guidance, caused the barrier to crack further. The air crackled with energy as they persisted, relentless in their assault.

Finally, with one last mighty blow, the barrier shattered, dispelling its field around it.

The path to the king was now clear. Dolphy led his guards through the breach, rushing toward the meeting hall.

"I will take care if your family, rest assured..."

Having been saved at the last minute and ending it with his life, he had shown gratitude and loyalty to his king.

The King had now assured him of protecting and taking care if his family. Through their little chat, the king got to know that he had been in the military once and got transfered to the palace as a cool off and would be moving to the front line during the battle against the humanoids.

"Your Majesty!!!" A voice called out, then scanning the room with his energy he made sure there was no threat anymore. Marquees Dolphy stood before the large entrance, his mood sobering after seeing the king. Soon all the generals who were right behind arrived at the scene,with a quick glance they could see a man, face pale, he looked very aged. Many of the guards who arrived late looked at the man thinking he must be the enemy, they raised their weapons ready to attack.


"Stop!!!, don't you recognize who he is..??" Dolphy shouted to the guards, his voice trailing off and sadness over whelming him.

"Your Majesty, are you alright?".

The guards, told to stand clear focused their gaze on the man. With his face paled and his skin withered, how can they recognize him??. "Your Majesty!!!!" All the royal guards rushed towards him to protect him. "I'm alright, this guard here saved me with his life." He gazed at the dead body which was now in a poolful of blood..." And I am greatful for that."


"What's going on there... ," staring into the clouds, Cal muttered.

After his conversation with Maria ended, he immediately made his way to the summit where the meeting hall was. The meeting hall is situated on top of the summit peak, with no one dwelling at the place. All the discussions regarding the kingdom are taken by all the generals and major governors of the respected cities. With Skyfall city been the capital, it was situated here.

"It seems something is wrong. But why would there be space distortion as well..," He questioned closing his eyes to feel the type of energy,"it seems it is chaotic, hah."

He took leveraged, then sped his flight trying to reach the place as soon as possible.

Soon getting to the summit and seeing debris and sensing the clash if two different energies, he rushed through the mist. Advancing and finding no one there, he unsheathed his sword infusing it with energy, ready and on alert.

Soon he could see bodies laying in the distance, moving faster he got there, but checking it was not that of a human body but that of a humanoid.

"What happened here....," He muttered, while examining the bodies.

"Sir Cal, is that you?," a guard tasked to stand by, seeing the silhouette called out.

Turning to gaze at the source of the voice, he could see a familiar person, "What happened here.....?"

"Heh, there was an assassination attempt at the hall, those bloody creatures... hmm," He took to himself and explained what happened to him.

Learning of the situation, he couldn't help but to worry.

"Where is the Marquess?"

"Sir, the Marquess and the generals went inside and with some guards," He answered.

Wanting to confirm their preparations for the war, he had to talk with the Marquess. He rushed off not lingering at the place anymore.

~~~Authors Note~~~~

Am really tight on Schedule, Sorry for the late updating of Chapters.

I'm trying my best to write....

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