
UA High

A week after UA's entrance exam, the examination results were out, the rankings were

1st place Bakugo Katsuki 77 villain, 0 rescue points

2nd place Kirishima Eijoro 39 villain, 35 rescue points

3rd place Tang Hao 60 villain, 0 rescue points

4th place Uraraka Ochako 28 villain, 45 rescue points

5th place Shiozaki Ibara 36 villain, 32 rescue points

6th place (didn't say in manga)

7th place Iida Tenya 52 villain, 9 rescue points

8th place Midoriya Izuku 0 villain points, 60 rescue points

And so on...

On the first day of school, Tang Hao was accepted into class 1A which meant that class 1A had 19 students whilst 1B had 18 students (Didn't really wanna put mineta or the invisible girl into class 1B)

As Tang Hao arrived in front of class 1A's door, he spots Midoriya standing in front and saying "Found it... What a giant door... Has to be accessible to everyone"

"It'll be just the elites from that group of examinees" He said

Tang Hao walks up to Midoriya and says "Oh the one who injured his arm to save that girl during the exam, looks like we both got accepted into class 1A"

Midoriya turned around and replied "Oh your the one who bumped into me and then helped me up before Recovery girl came, thanks for the help"

"Ah it's fine, just think of it as me saving a potential classmate, also I'm Tang Hao, nice to meet you" Tang Hao said

"Yea, I'm Midoriya Izuku, nice to meet you too Tang san (not tang san from duoluo dalu lol)" Midoriya replied

As they both enter the classroom, everyone can be seen in a seat except for Iida lecturing Bakugo about having his foot on the table

Iida then turns around to see Tang Hao and Midoriya, and shuffles up to Midoriya whilst saying "I'm from Somei Private Academy..."

Midoriya replied "I heard you before.. Ah.. im Midoriya Izuku. Pleased to meet you, Iida"

Tang Hao then lost interest as Iida continued talking about how he misjudged Midoriya during the presentation and whatever so he found a seat before Bakugo turned around and glared at him

Slide* the sound of the door opening, Uraraka entered the classroom and said "Ah! That curly hair!!"

"It's the plain looking boy!! she continued...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In between Uraraka and Midoriya's chat, from behind at the door, a person lying down inside a sleeping bag said "If you're here to socialize, then get out". Which caused the class to turn around and look at the person who happened to be sucking on a bag of jelly (its those things that u suck and food or some liquid comes out of it)

As he steps out the sleeping bag, he says "I'm your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa, Pleased to meet you" in a lazy tone

Rumble* Rumble* Aizawa sensei then took out a gym uniform from his sleeping bag and said to the class "Quickly now, change into your gym clothes and head out to the grounds"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

After changing into UA's gym uniform, the class gathered on the field and found out it was a test of their quirks

Aizawa sensei then said things about how UA has a free style educated system and went on about middle school activites, Tang Hao who loved the original series knew what would happen

"Hmm should I hold myself back?" he thought

"Even if I did I already placed behind Bakugo during the entrance exam which may have caused some people to be curious" Tang Hao said internally

Aizawa sensei then called up the first student to have a shot at throwing a baseball as far as they could, "Bakugo, How far could you throw in middle school?"

"67 meters" Bakugo replied

"Good now try it with your quirk" Aizawa sensei said

As Bakugo threw the ball he shouted "DIE!!", adding the power of his quirk the ball flew like a rocket causing wind to blow everyone's hair backwards

As he ball lands, Aizawa showed everyone Bakugo's score which was 705.2 meters and caused some of the class to get excited

Aizawa sensei then said to the class "The one with the lowest score across all 8 events will be judged.. hopeless and will be expelled". This caused the class to get anxious, except for Bakugo, Tang Hao and a few others

The class then proceeded to do all 8, during the last event it was Midoriya's turn to throw the baseball. Bop! 46 meters.. Midoriya's quirk didn't activate which made Aizawa sensei reveal his quirk 'Erasure' which is the power to erase nullify quirks just by looking at them and his hero name Eraser Head

Aizawa sensei then lectured Midoriya about being reckless with his quirk and that he could never become a hero, then let him have another go at throwing

Woosh!! Boom! Throwing the ball and concentrating his quirk into just his fingure tip, he threw the ball as hard as he could

The measuring tool showed 705.3 meters which is 0.1 more than Bakugo's score

After Midoriya broke Bakugo's score, Bakugo charged at Midoriya with his quirk shouting "What the hell? Explain yourself Deku!!" before being tied down by Aizawa sensei's cloth

During this time, Tang Hao stood on the field getting ready to throw the baseball and said to Aizawa sensei "Uh sensei, can I have my turn already?"

"Sure, do your best" Aizawa sensei replied, he then took out the measuring tool

Bzz! Bzz! purple sparks could be seen as Tang Hao unleased his quirk and threw the baseball

Woosh!! the throw was so powerful, everyone was moved half a step backwards unknowingly

Bop! Bop! As the ball landed a number appeared on the measuring tool, 905.4 meters it displayed

"Wow! He broke Midoriya's record by an entire 200 meters!" a classmate yelled

Seeing yet another person who broke his record, Bakugo glared at Tang Hao who looked back at him with an uninterested expression

After every completing every test, the results were finally out, everyone gathered in front of Aizawa sensei to hear the results

"Moving along. Time for the results" he said while keeping a poker face

"Also I was lying about expelling someone" Aizawa sensei said, as he displayed the final rankings of the class

Almost everyone, but Tang Hao and a couple students, showed shocked expressions, Aizawa sensei continued "That was a rational deception... meant to bring out the best in all of you" he said whilst smiling

Yaoyorozu who was at the back stepped out and said to the soulless Midoriya "Well of course it was a lie.. didn't take much to figure that out"

After displaying the classes overall rankings, Aizawa sensei took out a note and gave it to Midoriya telling him to go see Recovery Girl, Tang Hao was satisfied as he stood exactly at 4th place which he intended to from the beginning

After a while it was the end of the first day, Tang Hao walked outside to see Iida holding onto Midoriya's shoulder then asked "How's your finger"

"Gah! Iida...! It's fine, thanks to Recovery girl" he replied

Tang Hao then walked up to them and said "Hey guys, good job during Aizawa sensei's test, it's a good thing that no one was expelled"

"Ah yes, hello Tang san, you did a great job and placed 4th whilst I placed dead last" said Midoriya

Iida replied "Hello, Tang san, you did a fantastic job placing within the top 4 of our class! Your throw at the end was exceptional!"

"Thanks guys, Midoriya kun, it's ok if you came last since you only used your quirk for one event afterall, well I see my mother now, I need to go see you again tomorrow" Tang Hao said before waving then getting into a car

Finally our hero has achieved the first step into being a top hero

Dao_Taocreators' thoughts