
Seals Inside the Abyss

Along with the yin qi inside the crack gathering together inside the abyss just behind them, Xuan Hao slowly felt the restrictions on his divine sense lessen with each passing second.

If the yin qi in the air continued decreasing, he would soon be able to fully utilize his divine sense and strength inside the crack without any restrictions.


Observing as the yin qi inside the abyss liquified at the bottom of the abyss, Xuan Hao could not stop  a shiver from running down his spine as he witnessed bottom of the abyss crack apart under the pressure of the liquified yin qi slowly increasing on top of it.

For it to start breaking the ground beneath it that had supported the massive hundred-meter-long centipede and several dozens of massive centipedes, it was easy to imagine just how heavy the liquified yin qi was!