
Hidden Reward From...

Walking through the main gate of the palace, Xuan Hao soon found himself in an overgrown garden with the nearby trees and foliage having overgrown the path forward completely.

In the past it would most likely have been a beautiful path filled with lush trees and plants on the side, but by this point they had all overgrown the entrance of the palace. Making it stand out from the rest of the ancient palace complex as Xuan Hao felt like he had returned to the ancient forest above once again.

The sheer contrast caught Xuan Hao a little of guard as he quickly began to take in his surroundings before following along the original path into the main palace of the ancient palace complex. Finding the beautiful architecture of the place eye opening and amazing at the same time. After all, it showed no sign of the passage of time outside of the overgrown plants and trees over the years.