
Cave Wolves

"Agh!" Just as Xuan Hao was about to catch up to the leader of the treasure hunters, a scream suddenly pierced through the formerly quiet cave as the roar of a demon beast could be heard up ahead.

Xuan Hao did not slow down in the slightest upon hearing what was most likely the leader of the treasure hunter screaming out in pain as his divine rapidly began spreading out as it headed towards the location in front of him where the sound of the scream echoed out from.

The thing that met him was the sight of a giant wolf gobbling up the last few remains of what he perceived to be the leader of the treasure hunters.

Inspecting a little further into the cave with his divine sense, while trying his best not to be spotted by the giant wolf, Xuan Hao managed to sense at least another dozen wolfs hiding away in the darkness of the caves.