
cultivating body

archean, a reincarnator from earth, carves out his unique path in a world of cultivation

jankian · ファンタジー
25 Chs

chapter 16

Arc headed down the mountain toward the book store, as he walked he began practicing the eagle claw technique once more, 

Now knowing how important his ki control is, he attempted to maintaining eagle claw with both ki and qi, simultaneously 

Since he hasn't practiced in so long he had assumed that his ki control would've been much worse but he found it easy to control

While it was somewhat tricky to get used to, after he got accustomed maintaining both powers, was as simple as breathing. 

After a short walk he finally arrived at the bookstore and found that the attendant seemed to be extremely stressed and as a regular he asked curiously of what happened 

"Didn't you hear about the new nascent soul cultivator?, this isn't a good time for this" 

The attended muttered before stopping himself 

"How may i help you today" 

Arc was worried as the bookstore had methods to communicate between locations, so the attendant may know something he doesn't 

Even with this worry Arc didn't forget his purpose for coming here, and asked the attended for combate manual's that detail spear martial arts 

"Yes we have a wide selection of such martial arts, do you want ki manual's or adapted qi manual's" 

 "Neither i want a one detailed in the actual use of spear's in combate and how to apply strength and speed when using a spear"

" oh, I see, you want the basic manuals"

The attended nodded before searching the system for books that fit the category he was searching for

"Yes we have several books of this category, a total of 34,400. I have to say it always surprising to see how many books we have"

The attendant spoke emotionally 

Arc nodded before speaking 

"I'll just buy 10 of the books" 

' Since these are just basics, for me to get a accustomed to combat, I don't need to go crazy like last time'

Arc thought to himself before the attendant went into the back

A few minutes later the attendant returned with the 10 books in hand, and Arc payed and went on his way 

'since I'm down here I guess I can go in order the formation flag, to add to the spear'  

Arc has spent a long period thinking about what effects he wanted the formation flag to hold 

He has decided on 3 effects,

 the first being a way to change the size of the flag itself, so that it could take the shape of either a streamer or a large flag

The second being an isolation formation, to stop the enemies movements in  combat 

And the third effect of being a defensive formation place upon it itself, so that the flag can be used as a shield in certain situations 

Arc found himself heading towards a formation Store that he found out about during his time outside the sect the Golden Duck 

This store was highly rated and had many locations, leading him to hear of it, and after finding out that one of the locations was near the sect he decided to have the formation made there 

"Welcome how may i help you today" 

The store's attendant spoke cheerfully 

"I would like to commission a formation flag"

As Arc spoke be brought out the spear, and explained how he wanted the flag to fit and which effects he wanted on the flag 

The attendant noted this down on a notebook, with a title on the front that said commission's 

The attendant then entered this information into the system, to determine the price of such a flag 

"Yes it's been determined, the cost would be 14,000 spirit stones" 

Arc was slightly shocked by how expensive it was but it was still within his acceptable price range, but he would have to live frugally for a little while 

'Spending money is as easy as drinking water'

Arc thought to himself as he paid a deposit, as he would not be expected to pay the whole thing without even getting to see it

After settling all those matters Arc headed back up the mountain to begin studying the combate manuels 

He immediately began to read them as soon as he arrived to the peak, and he found that they contained a lot of helpful information 

The way to move his body, where to position the weapon, it wasn't a one size fit all scenario, but it helps as a reference as these were written by combate tested experts 

Arc read each book cover to cover, and compared them to what he was doing in the fight against Aurora, and against the demon bear 

Both fights played out in his mind, and he noted where he could have applied the technique from the books to have gained more ground, or land an attack 

Naturally, gaining more ground would've been against Aurora, as he isn't arrogant enough to believe he could land a blow on a Golden Core cultivator who specializes in close combat 

Arc sat there for awhile contemplating and researching, until he heard the sound of someone knocking on the door, 

'Who could that be?' 

Arc thought to himself as he headed towards the door

He opened the door to find the 'MC' potential kid, who is currently the direct disciple of the sect leader 

"You're the lavier kid?, oh wait i heard you changed your name"

Arc spoke somewhat surprised why this kid showed up 

"Hello my name is wuji now, i came because you once helped me in the forge and i was curious whether i could commission something from you"

He spoke quickly, and confidently 

Arc thought to himself before speaking 

'Well considering he is the disciple of the sect leader it wouldn't hurt to help him' 

"What is it that you need help on?" 

Wuji looked around before asking to enter he didn't seem to want anyone to listen 

After making sure that no one was around he reached into his spirit ring and pulled out a bone that radiated energy 

Arc could instinctively tell that it was from some powerful, but he couldn't tell what 

Wuji looked at him and spoke

'Could you use this to forge a set of flying swords' 

Arc looked at him then the bone, then spoke

"That pretty small, i could make one sword, but a whole set would be difficult"

"unless you're okay with the bone only being on the blade, and the rest of the sword being other materials" 

Wuji was about to disagree but then he remembered how easily Arc fixed the 'ring' with just mortal metals, He then thought to himself 

'If I can get some high quality metals he should be able to make the set of swords without loss in quality, what do you think gramps?' 

'It can work, but it would be even more expensive, and don't forget to have him make a Dao vow, so as to prevent this information from spreading ' 

He spoke exacerbated, at wuji, he directly just showed off an extremely valuable material, without any form of defenses

Wuji felt his back covered in a cold sweat, he was so excited he forgot to maintain defenses against Arc 

Arc didn't seem to notice anything, even though he can see the soul, the power difference between him and the old man in the ring was too great, so he couldn't see the old man 

And as for hearing the conversation Arc can only understand the soul's of others if they want to be understood, 

So from the perspective of Arc, it just looked like wuji was thinking to himself the viability of using other materials, and then realized a problem with that 

Arc then spoke 

"the bone has a powerful yin energy, if you want to maximize its potential you would either need other material of yin energy

"or get a material of the same quality of yang energy, to form a yin, yang sword set" 

Arc then gave several examples of types of materials wuji could bring him so that he could better refine the swords

This calmed both the old man and wuji, as they found that Arc didn't care about the bone, and was much more interested in forging the weapon itself 

'This kid is really gifted in forging'

The old man sighed as he thought to himself 

'I kinda wish this kid found the ring, wuji is a good kid, but he still has a long way' 

Wuji on the other hand didn't notice the old man's thought as he was writing down the information that Arc was sharing with him

He once entered the forge to work, so he could immediately tell that this was high quality information 

Arc continued speaking and then even forgot how the conversation started and it turned into a forging lesson 

Wuji himself didn't get how this turned into a lecture but he didn't mind, he noted everything down, and asked questions when he had doubts 

This continued until they heard a slight laugh coming from behind them, they turned to find that at one point the sect leader and Aurora let themselves in and were watching the lecture 

Aurora couldn't help be laugh lightly and the sect master had a little smile on his face 

It brought him joy to see that the his disciple became a good friend of Arc so quickly

One of the sect master's biggest worries was that the nature of cultivator's made it difficult to want to have teammates or friends

And as the leader of the sect,he's had  to face a lot of arrogant people who think of only themselves

Layered upon layered corruption, was slowly stripped away, 

he has been finding a balance and creating a place where people can work in unison,to better themselves has been very difficult, and it has been his lifelong journey

So seeing both Arc and Wuji, demonstrating what he has been working towards made him very proud 

Arc and wuji greeted both the sect master and Aurora,

 the sect master then said he was looking for Wuji and couldn't find him, 

Aurora claimed to have seen him near her portion of the mountain, so she helped him to find Wuji  

After sorting that out the sect master left with wuji, 

Aurora after making sure the sect leader had left, bent down and gave Arc a kiss, before heading back to finish her work

Arc had big smile and a bright red face, it took awhile before he could calm back down, once he did he began thinking what his next move should be