
Cultivate and Upgrade:Urban Journey

This book revolves around a system possession where all the villains on Earth become monsters in Li Nian Long's eyes. Defeating them rewards him with money drops, equipment, special items, and upgrade experience. He also gains powerful skills and has countless bizarre life professions awaiting activation. Being able to level up by battling monsters in the city, capturing the attention of exquisite beauties—could anything be more exhilarating?

sijiu_yao · ファンタジー
217 Chs

Chapter 87: A Headache

Fifteen minutes later, Liu Bucun arrived at the scene of the incident.

"Liu Bureau," greeted the officer.

Liu Bucun nodded. "What's the situation?"

"It's very complicated," the officer said with a wry smile.

"Hmm?" Liu Bucun looked at him, surprised by the four words "very complicated." It indicated that the case wasn't straightforward. "Go on."

"Yes!" The officer took out a report and said, "Based on the methods of attack observed at the scene, we can confirm with 100% certainty that it was the work of Kung Fu Panda." Pausing for a moment, he looked puzzled. "If it weren't for the surveillance footage."

"Surveillance footage?" Liu Bucun looked at him. "What's wrong with the surveillance footage?"

"There's a big problem," the officer sighed. "Because the perpetrator on the surveillance footage is not Kung Fu Panda."

"What!?" Liu Bucun furrowed his brows. Was this some kind of joke? The method resembled Kung Fu Panda's, but the person wasn't him. Was it an April Fools' prank?

"Take me to the surveillance room!"


The Qing Shan Gang's hidden chamber was located in the basement of a nightclub controlled by the Qing Shan Gang. The surveillance room was also on this level, and Liu Bucun quickly entered. The room was already under police control, and the surveillance staff had been taken care of by Li Nianlong.

"Liu Bureau!" Seeing Liu Bucun's arrival, the police officer guarding the surveillance room saluted.

Liu Bucun nodded. "Play back the surveillance footage of the case."


The surveillance footage played, and Liu Bucun pulled up a chair and sat down, watching the footage intently. When he saw scenes of gambling, drug use, and debauchery, anger flashed in Liu Bucun's eyes. "Excellent, they've got everything—gambling, drugs, and vice. Qing Shan Gang, you're finished!"

In the earlier footage, everything seemed normal. But as the hidden door was kicked open and an ordinary middle-aged man appeared, Liu Bucun's eyes widened in disbelief. This... this was Kung Fu Panda? Impossible!

Seeing the man unleash a flurry of punches that matched Kung Fu Panda's killing technique perfectly, Liu Bucun had no choice but to believe that this was indeed Kung Fu Panda. However, in previous incidents where Kung Fu Panda had struck, the figure captured on surveillance footage had been a tall man. Now, it was an ordinary middle-aged man. What was the connection between the two? Were they brothers?

As Liu Bucun was still reeling from shock, he saw the middle-aged man in the footage walk up to the surveillance camera after committing the murders, revealing a cold smile and speaking with a tone full of disdain and provocation. "I am the Kung Fu Panda you're looking for. If you have the guts, come and arrest me! If you can't catch me, I will continue to eliminate all the evildoers in the world until there are no more left."

Upon hearing this, Liu Bucun slammed his palm on the table, his rage boiling over. "Outrageous! Utterly outrageous!"

The police officers present remained silent, not daring to provoke his anger.

"Inform the leaders of each department to convene an emergency meeting at the station in one hour!" With these words, Liu Bucun left the scene, infuriated and determined to bring Kung Fu Panda to justice.

One hour later, in the conference room of the police station, leaders from various departments of the Tianfu Police Department were all present. Liu Bucun slammed his hand on the table as soon as he entered. "Kung Fu Panda is utterly lawless! He has openly challenged the credibility of our Tianfu Police Department today! This is a disgrace! An utter disgrace!"

No one dared to challenge Liu Bucun's wrath. As subordinates, they had learned to be submissive in front of their superiors. Those who dared to confront their leaders either had extraordinary backgrounds or were playing with their own futures. The people present in the conference room were all leaders of various departments of the police station. They had learned to be submissive, knowing that it was safer to keep their heads down and wait it out. At most, they muttered in their hearts: Here we go again.

After Liu Bucun vented his negative emotions, he ordered the officers to play back the surveillance footage of the case in the conference room. After watching the video, everyone present showed expressions of astonishment, whispering and discussing among themselves.

"Quiet!" Liu Bucun furrowed his brows. "This case is too bizarre. Everyone, analyze it. Is this person really Kung Fu Panda?"

"Liu Bureau..." the head of the Criminal Investigation Division said, "Based on the perpetrator's modus operandi, he is indeed the same person as Kung Fu Panda. However, the perpetrator's physique is completely different from the Kung Fu Panda seen in previous incidents. I suspect that Kung Fu Panda has the ability to change his size, deliberately shrinking his stature to confuse our judgment."

Liu Bucun glanced at him. "Does this ability to change size really exist?"

"I'm not entirely sure about the specifics, but the change is definitely possible."

"Can you confirm that the physique of Kung Fu Panda in previous incidents wasn't the result of this size-changing ability?"

"I should be able to confirm, because the ability only allows for a reduction in size, not an increase..."

One day later, still in the conference room of the police station.


After watching the newly recorded surveillance footage from the early hours of the morning, Liu Bucun slammed his hand on the table, pointing at the figure of Kung Fu Panda, over two meters tall, on the screen. "Who said that the size-changing ability can only shrink but not enlarge? Where did this over two-meter-tall giant come from?"

The head of the Criminal Investigation Division blushed with embarrassment and anger. Nevertheless, he still stood by his judgment. "Liu Bureau, the ability to change size indeed only allows for shrinking, but perhaps Kung Fu Panda initially appeared with a reduced stature, so I believe we should focus our search on individuals taller than two meters."

"Are you sure your judgment is not wrong?" Liu Bucun had lost confidence in him.

Being doubted by the head of the police department, the head of the Criminal Investigation Division felt a mix of shame and anger. But he still had faith in his judgment. "If I'm wrong, I'll step down voluntarily!"

The others present were shocked. How audacious! He actually made a military order about his own future. It was unclear whether the head of the Criminal Investigation Division had confidence in his own judgment or whether he was just plain crazy. But judging from his current flushed and angry state, it seemed to be the latter.

Liu Bucun furrowed his brows. The head of the Criminal Investigation Division was someone from his faction. With the statement he just made, if his judgment turned out to be correct, it would be fine. But if it was wrong, it would undoubtedly weaken Liu Bucun's control over the police department.

Liu Bucun didn't dare to take risks and rebuked, "Stop talking nonsense! Does anyone else have any opinions?"

Seeing Liu Bucun brush aside the matter with just a few words, the others didn't dare to argue and began to voice their own opinions. However, with Kung Fu Panda appearing in different sizes and forms in recent days, their judgments had been greatly influenced, and opinions were completely divided.

Some said that the Kung Fu Panda who appeared initially was the real one, and the ones who appeared in the past few days were fake. Others suggested that these three individuals were brothers, using the same killing techniques to deliberately confuse the situation. There were also those who agreed with the head of the Criminal Investigation Division, believing that these three individuals were the same person, only changing their physique using the size-changing ability.

These three possibilities divided the people present into three factions, and opinions were deadlocked. Liu Bucun was at a loss.

Just then, someone knocked on the door of the conference room. Liu Bucun frowned. "Come in!"

A female police officer pushed the door open and entered. Seeing the tense atmosphere in the conference room, she seemed a bit nervous as she said, "Bureau Chief Liu, representatives from the International Criminal Police Organization are here."

"I see." Liu Bucun furrowed his brows, waved his hand to dismiss the female officer, and then addressed the people present. "Since opinions are divided, whoever supports whichever opinion should conduct the investigation accordingly. I don't care about the process, only the results. Whoever manages to apprehend Kung Fu Panda, I will recommend them for an individual second-class merit and a collective first-class merit! Meeting adjourned."

The last sentence ignited a fire in everyone's eyes. While a collective first-class merit was acceptable, an individual second-class merit held tangible benefits for their own futures. It was a guarantee of promotion and wealth!

The enthusiasm of the people was immediately aroused, and they all returned to their respective departments to convene meetings, determined to capture Kung Fu Panda.