
Cultivate and Upgrade:Urban Journey

This book revolves around a system possession where all the villains on Earth become monsters in Li Nian Long's eyes. Defeating them rewards him with money drops, equipment, special items, and upgrade experience. He also gains powerful skills and has countless bizarre life professions awaiting activation. Being able to level up by battling monsters in the city, capturing the attention of exquisite beauties—could anything be more exhilarating?

sijiu_yao · ファンタジー
217 Chs

Chapter 4: The Illusory System

The Crude Fist, almost ubiquitous, appeared wherever fights ensued. Common places to witness such displays included internet cafes, schools, markets, bars, streets, alleys, and gaming parlors. Wherever fisticuffs erupted, the Crude Fist inevitably followed.

Seven principles summarize the Crude Fist:

Punching Motion: "Swing," paired with advancing steps, involves alternating arms sweeping down from above to create a "pummeling" impact, toppling adversaries.

Features: Bold and expansive, it's easy to learn and projects a fierce aura. Once an opponent falls into its rhythm, even experts become extremely passive.

Drawbacks: It's riddled with weaknesses—if not mastered, users risk swift defeat, especially against skilled foes.

Attack Mode: Swing punches, aiming precisely at the opponent's cheeks and neck sides, forcing frantic blocks that grant control of the combat tempo.

Intimidation Effect: A mental barrage—fury, glaring, roaring! Such ferocity intimidates the opponent's psyche.

Strategic Requirement: Fearlessness, embracing the mindset to absorb blows while seeking an opportunity to strike back, maintaining an indomitable offensive spirit to overwhelm veterans.

Tactical Requirement: Speed, strength, precision, and seamless movements.

Li Nianlong's previous storm of Crude Fists had momentarily blinded the passengers in the train car with awe, prompting Lan Ruyue to distance herself, thinking, "I truly don't know him."

Yuexi was perplexed, wondering, "Do I actually know him?"

"What's the matter here?"

At the crucial moment, the railway police finally arrived, their expressions changing upon surveying the scene. A chatty passenger quickly filled them in on the recent harrowing event, leaving the officers in a cold sweat.

Thankfully, all four robbers had been subdued, sparing the officers any potential culpability.

Learning that the tall, handsome youth before them was the hero who had subdued the train robbers, the police looked at Li Nianlong with approval. The chief officer approached and patted his shoulder, praising, "Well done, young man."

Li Nianlong smiled faintly, replying, "It's nothing, just doing the right thing."

"Haha, doing the right thing isn't that straightforward," the chief officer chuckled, his face filled with admiration. "I need to handle the situation here. Thank you, young man."

"My pleasure, you're busy."

The fate of the robbers was now irrelevant to Li Nianlong. At the next stop, the police handed them over to local authorities, commended Li Nianlong further, and tranquility gradually returned to the carriage.

"Big Brother..." Yuexi was about to speak to Li Nianlong, who waved, "I'm a bit tired, we can talk when I wake up."

With that, Li Nianlong climbed to the upper berth and, before dozing off, reminded Lan Ruyue, "There's bread and ham in the bag, eat if you're hungry."

Lan Ruyue nodded, signing, "Okay, goodnight."

Unnoticed, night had fallen.

Yuexi pouted, telling Lan Ruyue, "Sister Ruyue, I have lots of snacks in my bag, we can share later."

Lan Ruyue smiled and nodded gently.

Turning inward, Li Nianlong's eyes were closed, but the three-dimensional image in his mind persisted. With newfound leisure, he examined it meticulously.

Indeed, it was a futuristic, three-dimensional interface where objects appeared strikingly real. If not for the inability to touch them, Li Nianlong would have thought this was tangible reality, a technology surpassing current 3D systems by leaps and bounds.

Aside from showing his status, there were three hidden interfaces: Items, Skills, and Missions, all accessible by mental commands.

In the Items interface, the pitiful brick floated in a vast, seemingly infinite space, indicative of unlimited storage capacity.

Opening the Skills interface revealed a flat diagram listing all his skills, including a chaotic punch akin to the Crude Fist.

Different from before, the proficiency of the chaotic punch had risen by 1%, now at primary1%, likely improved during the fight with the robbers.

The Missions interface was blank, suggesting no current missions.

Unable to find other hidden interfaces, Li Nianlong focused again on his attribute panel. Defeating the final two robbers hadn't altered his stats, only adding 30 experience points, totaling 35/200.

From this, it seemed each train robber awarded 15 experience points, with 10 points from defeating the first robber automatically deducted for the initial level-up from Level 0 to Level 1.

Remaining silent for a moment, Li Nianlong mentally queried, "Is anyone there?"

Instantly, a soft, non-dazzling cyan glow flickered and coalesced into a diminutive figure.

About the size of a palm, it had watery green hair, exquisitely fine features, a slender frame, wore a dress woven from green leaves, and possessed transparent, dragonfly-like wings, resembling a mythical elf.

"Greetings, Host. How may I assist you?" The elf's gender was ambiguous, with a feminine appearance but a flat chest and a neutral voice that made it hard to determine.

As events grew increasingly gamelike, Li Nianlong wondered if he was dreaming.

"What's happening here?" Overwhelmed with questions, he asked the elf, "And who are you?"

The elf, devoid of expression, answered in a mechanical tone, "I am your Guide Elf. For more information, please name me, Host."

Li Nianlong gazed into the elf's emotionless, jade-green eyes, which felt as cold as lifeless objects.

After a pause, he softly said, "Dragonfly, your name is Dragonfly."

"Naming successful."

With the naming, the elf's cold eyes gradually sparkled with vitality. It spun around, now regarding Li Nianlong with a lively, intelligent gaze, its expressions also becoming varied, adorned with a sweet smile. "Hello, Host, I am Guide Elf Dragonfly. How can I assist you today?"

"Truly wondrous," Li Nianlong marveled, astounded by the transformation from an emotionless entity to a lively being.

"Thank you for your praise," Dragonfly seemed delighted.

"Oh?" After a brief scrutiny, Li Nianlong inquired, "What are you? Why are you inside me?"

"I understand," Dragonfly nodded, proceeding to explain, "Firstly, I am your Guide Elf, providing solutions to all system-related queries.

"The system within you is called the Illusory System. Triggered by contact with your blood and a perfect 100% DNA compatibility match, it initiated automatically and resides within you to aid your development.

"As for other secrets, due to your low level and insufficient permissions, I'm unable to divulge them currently."