
Cultivate and Upgrade:Urban Journey

This book revolves around a system possession where all the villains on Earth become monsters in Li Nian Long's eyes. Defeating them rewards him with money drops, equipment, special items, and upgrade experience. He also gains powerful skills and has countless bizarre life professions awaiting activation. Being able to level up by battling monsters in the city, capturing the attention of exquisite beauties—could anything be more exhilarating?

sijiu_yao · ファンタジー
217 Chs

Chapter 205: The Earthquake Arrives as Predicted

The Yuexi sisters and the old lady left suddenly. When the old master received the news, the three were already on a plane to Longcheng, making it impossible to catch up with them. The old master let out a long sigh, clearly reluctant to see the old lady go.

However, this period left him no time for sentimentality, as the predicted earthquake date approached, demanding his full attention.

Both the old master and Shao Meiyun were anxious every day. Zhang Zhenghao had moved his family to Tianfu City before the New Year, settling them in a new three-bedroom home. After spending a simple holiday with his family, he was recruited by the old master to predict the earthquake timing daily. Each prediction matched the previous ones in terms of time and terrain, boosting the old master's confidence.

This time, the old master not only mobilized the Liu family's resources but also rallied other families in Tianfu to prepare for the earthquake. He warned unscrupulous merchants not to profit from the disaster, or else the Liu family would show them the consequences of such actions.

With the Liu family's deterrence, no merchant dared to raise prices. Most merchants didn't believe an earthquake would occur in Tianfu and made no preparations. However, on the fifteenth day of the prediction, a noticeable earthquake struck western Tianfu, causing everyone's expressions to change.

The tremor lasted only a few seconds, and afterward, there was no further seismic activity for a long time, making everyone breathe a sigh of relief. Families waiting to see the Liu family fail immediately mobilized their media to blacken the Liu family's name, accusing them of making a big deal out of a minor tremor, wasting resources, and being unfit to lead Tianfu.

The harshest critics claimed the Liu family was incompetent and that the old master should commit suicide to apologize to the public. Seeing these remarks, the old master was furious, tearing the newspaper to shreds. However, these papers were from other provinces, mostly from the north, where the Liu family's reach was limited, so they had to endure the humiliation for now.

Seeing the old master's rage, Shao Meiyun smiled. "Don't worry, Grandpa. When the real strong earthquake hits tomorrow, let's see how they will eat their words."

The old master exhaled, sneering, "They want to see the Liu family fail

? They want to tarnish our name? Let's see how they handle the fallout tomorrow!"

Shao Meiyun smiled, "At least now we know who our enemies are. We can settle scores with them later."

"Although Tianfu experienced a tremor, it was a minor earthquake with no property damage, which is fortunate. We shouldn't criticize the Liu family; they accurately predicted the earthquake. It's just that the magnitude was low. I believe that with advancements in earthquake prediction technology, such misunderstandings will not happen again. For now, we should focus on getting the people of western Tianfu back home to resume their lives," said Long Qingyun in an interview on China Television.

On the surface, Long Qingyun's remarks seemed to defend the Liu family, but in reality, he was belittling them for making a fuss over a minor quake while enhancing his own image, earning nationwide goodwill—a double win.

Watching Long Qingyun on TV, the old master's face turned grim. "Long Zongheng... hmpf! Don't get too comfortable. When the earthquake hits tomorrow, you'll realize how foolish your words are!"

Despite knowing that the next day was critical, the relentless negative press, along with Long Zongheng's call for western residents to return home and resume production, stirred dissatisfaction. Some residents, ignoring the warnings, drove back to the west overnight but were stopped by the military, who warned them, "Take one more step, and we will shoot."

This incident spread quickly, and soon newspapers, TV, and online media were abuzz, even catching the attention of foreign media. Outraged citizens condemned the Liu family's tyranny and demanded an explanation, threatening the family's reputation in Tianfu.

Suddenly, the Liu family became public enemy number one, even among some Tianfu residents who were influenced to speak ill of them. Some small families that had allied with the Liu family were also unsettled, with a few even sending letters to disassociate themselves and declare independence.

Seeing these documents, the old master was enraged, his beard bristling with fury. "These fair-weather friends! Just wait until tomorrow—I'll make them regret this!"

A cold gleam flashed in Shao Meiyun's eyes. "Grandpa, don't waste your energy on these opportunists. The priority now is to stabilize public sentiment in Tianfu before the earthquake to prevent any unrest."

The old master, radiating a murderous aura, sneered, "Didn't the Black Rat Gang recently pledge their allegiance? Let them handle this!"

Shao Meiyun's eyes narrowed as she smiled, "Alright."

The headquarters of the Black Rat Gang was close to the Liu residence. As night fell, Black Rat Gang leader Zhao Yi looked anxiously at his son.

"Tomorrow, will there really be an earthquake over eight magnitude?" Zhao Yi's stature was shorter than his son Zhao Tianming, standing just over 1.6 meters, with a particularly unimposing appearance—a trait Zhao Tianming inherited. Fortunately, Zhao Tianming resembled his mother more, which was why he managed to marry someone as beautiful as Zhao Xin.

Zhao Tianming smiled slightly. "Dad, regardless of whether an earthquake happens tomorrow, those who betray the Liu family will have no good end."

"Of course I know that." Zhao Yi snorted. "I'm just asking if there will actually be an earthquake tomorrow, not about traitors."

Zhao Tianming breathed a sigh of relief. "As long as we're not the traitors, it's fine. Otherwise, our Black Rat Gang would be finished."

"Why?" Zhao Yi, being a sharp leader, caught on quickly. His eyes gleamed. "Are you saying there will indeed be an earthquake tomorrow?"

"Unless some deity intervenes and stops it with magic."

"You brat." Zhao Yi scolded playfully. "I told you to stop reading those online novels. Look at the nonsense you're spouting."

"Online novels are great! They're thrilling to read." Zhao Tianming sighed. "It's just a shame that recent crackdowns have gotten many good books banned."

Zhao Yi's face darkened. "Do you believe I won't teach you a lesson?"

Zhao Tianming laughed awkwardly. "Dad, why get so worked up? The earthquake will happen tomorrow for sure. Anyone who betrays the Liu family now will face severe retribution later."

Just then, Zhao Yi's phone rang. After answering, his expression changed to one of respect as he hung up. His eyes sparkled. "The Liu family wants the Black Rat Gang to investigate those fueling the unrest."

Zhao Tianming was unsurprised and nodded. "That's expected. Our Black Rat Gang is the best intelligence organization around. It's our specialty to investigate these people."

"You have quite the nerve to joke around at a time like this." Zhao Yi glared at him. "You're sworn brothers with the Liu family head. Helping out is our duty. This task is yours now. If you fail, it's on you."

Zhao Tianming smiled wryly. "Dad, don't you think I'm too young for this? As the saying goes, 'A young man without a mustache can't handle affairs.' This is more suited to your expertise."

"Stop with the excuses. From today, I'll start transferring power to you. I've been the gang leader for half my life and never encountered such a mess. You caused this trouble; you handle it. Once the transition is complete, your mother and I are moving abroad."

"Dad, life abroad isn't that easy. Think it over." Zhao Tianming advised.

"No need. I can't handle this constant anxiety anymore. You're grown now and have your own family. The Black Rat Gang is yours. Just remember to send us a million a month for living expenses, or I'll skin you alive!"

Zhao Tianming scratched his head. "Alright, but let's deal with this mess first. It'll take a couple of months at least."

"You little rascal. You'll be the death of me!"

"Dad, calling me a rascal is like calling yourself an old rascal."

"You little... I'll deal with you right now!"

"Don't call yourself an old rascal, then!"

"You've got guts! Take this—"


As morning arrived, the people of Tianfu went about their routines, but a simmering discontent lay beneath the surface.

"Who doesn't know by now that the Liu family botched the earthquake prediction? They won't even let the western folks return. They're becoming dictators." Lao Huang, a retired worker, muttered while reading the morning news and browsing online portals. Tianfu's media defended the Liu family, while media outside Tianfu criticized them. Even foreign media joined the fray, accusing the Liu family of undemocratic actions.

Angered by what he read, Lao Huang considered protesting when suddenly, the ground shook, and dust fell from the ceiling, landing on his bald head.

An earthquake!