
Cultivate and Upgrade:Urban Journey

This book revolves around a system possession where all the villains on Earth become monsters in Li Nian Long's eyes. Defeating them rewards him with money drops, equipment, special items, and upgrade experience. He also gains powerful skills and has countless bizarre life professions awaiting activation. Being able to level up by battling monsters in the city, capturing the attention of exquisite beauties—could anything be more exhilarating?

sijiu_yao · ファンタジー
217 Chs

Chapter 19: The Empress Falls ill

At seven in the evening, Li Nianlong arrived home punctually. On the doorstep, the maiden in a white dress stood on the steps, her exquisite face adorned with a warm smile. She was like a picturesque scene, enhancing the beauty in people's hearts.

As Li Nianlong approached, Yuexi's jade-like fingers formed various graceful gestures: Welcome home, you've worked hard today.

Li Nianlong's heartstrings were tugged fiercely. The feeling at this moment was incredibly wonderful and unparalleled, as if he was transported back to the days when his mother and Uncle Guan were still around. For a moment, Li Nianlong felt an urge to cry but took a deep breath instead. "I'm home."


After a shower, he changed into a white vest and shorts, paired with black and white flip-flops, clacking downstairs.

The snug fit of the vest and shorts made Nalan Ruyue's flawless face flush, nearly dropping her utensils.

Frantically regaining control, she placed the bowls and chopsticks on the table, took a deep breath, and lifted her eyes, their moisture reflecting a tender message: Brother, you look so handsome.

"Is that so!" Li Nianlong smiled slightly. "You're beautiful too."

Thump, thump—

Nalan Ruyue covered her chest: My heart is beating so fast… my face is hot… Have I gone mad?

"Sit down! Let's eat together." Seeing Nalan Ruyue standing, Li Nianlong gestured for her to relax. "This is your home; there's no need to be restrained here."

Her pink lips parted slightly, closed, and she moistened them. Sitting beside Li Nianlong, the pot on the induction cooker bubbled with spicy oil. Nalan Ruyue opened two bottles of chilled beer, poured a cup for Li Nianlong, and signed: Eating hotpot with cold beer makes it more comfortable.

"You're right." Li Nianlong nodded with a smile, downed a large cup of beer. In the sweltering heat, a cold beer was truly refreshing from head to toe.

He exhaled a breath tinged with alcohol. "Delicious." Then he fished out a few pieces of chicken from the pot, not minding the heat, and swallowed them in a few bites. The chicken was cooked to tenderness, and Li Nianlong chewed even the bones before spitting them out. With a cup of beer and some meat in his stomach, he felt much better.

Noticing Li Nianlong's hunger, Nalan Ruyue poured him another cup of beer, placed chicken in his bowl, put down her chopsticks, grabbed some vegetables, cooked them in the pot, and transferred them to Li Nianlong's bowl. She signed: Eat some vegetables, balance meat with greens for better nutrition.

"Thank you." Li Nianlong smiled, placing a piece of meat in Nalan Ruyue's bowl. "Don't just take care of me, eat too."

Looking at the chicken in her bowl, Nalan Ruyue's heart warmed. Her eyes softened as she gazed at Li Nianlong devouring his food, a sweet smile playing on her lips, full of joy.

The spicy hot pot made both sweat profusely and their mouths tingle, but it was precisely this sensation that brought pleasure, something every citizen of Tianfu cherished.

Watching Nalan Ruyue wipe her sweat with a tissue, Li Nianlong smiled faintly: You can adapt… That's great.

After the meal, Nalan Ruyue brewed a pot of tea for Li Nianlong before clearing the dishes.

From yesterday, she had learned some of Li Nianlong's habits. Unlike many young people, he liked to sit on the sofa after a meal, brewing hot tea and watching the news, despite having a computer in the room. His lifestyle leaned towards the older generation.

"The King of Huaxia has chosen neighboring Russia as his first diplomatic visit after ascending the throne. The Empress, due to illness, did not accompany him…"

Watching the news, Li Nianlong remained calm, except for a flicker of confusion when he heard about the Empress's illness. "The Empress was fine yesterday. How did she fall sick today?"

Washing the dishes, Nalan Ruyue paused, pursed her lips, and continued her task.

In Longcheng, the Imperial Palace, the Heart Consoling Hall.

Long Zongheng stood by Empress Zhao Bingbing's bedside, staring at her haggard appearance with anxiety. "Mother, the doctor said your depression caused the illness. Why are you depressed? Can't you tell your son? Sharing might ease your pain!"

Empress Zhao Bingbing lay in bed, her face pale and her eyes slightly swollen, a stark contrast to the majestic queen she portrayed during the coronation ceremony. If anyone saw her like this, they would hardly believe that the alluring empress could become so dispirited.

Her lips were chapped, and she shook her head gently. "Zongheng, Mother is fine. I just feel sad because my canary died a few days ago. You must have much to handle; go ahead. Mother will recover in a few days."

After hearing Zhao Bingbing's explanation, Long Zongheng sighed in relief and smiled bitterly. "Mother, everyone knows how kind-hearted you are, but you are overly kind. A single canary has upset you so much. If I were to go missing one day, wouldn't you be devastated?"

"Don't say that!" Zhao Bingbing suddenly showed anger, grabbing Long Zongheng's wrist with force. Her tone was urgent. "How could you go missing? How could you? Why would you? No! Absolutely not!"

Long Zongheng was stunned. This was the first time he had seen Zhao Bingbing so furious. "Mother, you…"

Seeing Long Zongheng's shock, Zhao Bingbing realized her reaction, released his wrist, and let her hand fall weakly. Her complexion paled further, her voice hoarse. "Zongheng, please go out first."

"Yes…" Seeing Zhao Bingbing turn away, Long Zongheng retreated slowly. Seeing no response, he sighed and left the Heart Consoling Hall.

Mother, what are you hiding? What could make you like this?

Outside, the two maidservants attending Zhao Bingbing bowed to the prince. "Your Highness."

"Hmm." Long Zongheng nodded, frowned in thought, and asked, "Has anything happened to Mother recently?"

The maids exchanged glances, hesitating.

Long Zongheng narrowed his eyes and said sternly, "Speak freely."

"Yes." The maidservants, intimidated by Long Zongheng's aura, hastily replied, "Your Highness, we don't know what happened either. But two days before the King's ascension, the Empress went out of the palace. Since her return, she has been melancholic. We speculate that something may have happened that day."

"Is that so?" Long Zongheng's brows furrowed.

Two days before the ascension meant three days ago. Three days ago… Could it be… No, it shouldn't involve that bastard. Only I and Gangzi knew about him, and Gangzi dealt with him four days ago. Given Gangzi's caution, there shouldn't be any traces left. Even if Mother learned about it, she wouldn't be this distraught over a bastard.

The maidservants didn't dare disturb Long Zongheng as he pondered. Just as they were about to withdraw, Long Zongheng looked up at them, his voice dark. "Don't spread this around. If I hear you gossiping, you know the consequences!"

The maidservants trembled under Long Zongheng's ominous tone and stammered, "Yes… Yes… We… We won't say anything."

"Hmm." Satisfied with intimidating them, Long Zongheng regained his usual composure. "Take good care of Mother. Your efforts won't go unrewarded."

The maidservants brightened. "Yes, Your Highness."