

a girl from a completely different universe with special and unique abilities is sent to earth with her best friend for reasons she does not know. Little does she know, that a great evil from within the shadows arises to capture her and take the powers she has yet to understand or even master. Now she is stuck on planet earth with no understanding of her powers or who she thrives to be.

DJKCMurph · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Crystal Dragonheart

Do you Ever have those moments in your life where you are running for your life from a big winged creature that you have annoyed on purpose in the woods? Well that's what I did. I did it because I am reckless, a bit of a trouble maker, and just cause I was bored and had nothing better to do with my day. My name is Crystal Dragonheart. and I am being chased by a giant pterodactyl because I pissed it off real bad. I live for the thrill of adventure and excitement. Something I don't really get if I stay inside a giant castle with servants, 'proper manners' and overall act like a preppy helpless princess. I am a princess but, I would rather be some sort of rebel or a warrior. But no. I got stuck with the princess job. if only life would have put me somewhere where I could be myself. I am not really fit to be a princess. If I really am destined to rule someday, I will rule it my way. It sounds a bit selfish but, I am a different type of person. I like to fight, get into all sorts of trouble, and enjoy the beauty of life like any other person. As I run from this pterodactyl, I ended up tripping on a loose tree root sticking out of the ground. This is going to hurt. I thought in my head. I feel the world start spinning as I roll down the hill of this hell of a mountain like some sort of bolder, I spot a familiar person shooting arrows left and right at targets. She had her hair in a wavy ponytail as she usually does. Her chocolate brown eyes concentrated. With a bow in one hand, and arrow in the other pulling back the string. She dressed as if she was a medieval time archer. she wore a long light blue dress with a belt around her waist and a type of design on her dress that would mistake her as a royal place guard without the armor. You've got to be kidding me. What on Isla was she thinking of standing right there where someone could so easily ram into her? Out of that whole area, why stand right there? The person doing archery practice on the side of this hell of a big mountain is my best friend Ashley Gold. She likes to practice her archery skills up by the mountains so she doesn't accidentally hurt someone. She is standing in a spot where I am going to ram into her since I cant stop from rolling down this big ass mountain. So I do what any sane person would do, I called out to her to get her to move her ass out of the way so I don't ram right into her.

"Ashley!! Out of the way!" I called to her. She looked up from where I was hurtling towards her.

"Crystal?" Ashley says a bit confused and dumbfounded as she looks at me. She then realizes why I was calling out to her. Before she could even take one step, I ram right into her. rolling and tumbling down this mountain screaming as we get closer to the village near my home. We both stop rolling only to be dropped in a hay stack. It took me a little bit longer to stop my head from spinning seeing that I just rolled down a mountain for what seemed like an eternity. As my head stops spinning I hear a bit of shaking coming from inside the hay stack that I found myself in. The hay bursts up from where it was to reveal and angry Ashley bursting out of the stack. looks like I made a mess again. Nice.

"What the hell Crystal!! You know better out of anyone not to suddenly pop out of nowhere while I'm trying to practice my archery skills!!" Ashley yells in my poor ear.

"Ow. Lay off a bit Ash. It was just an accident." I can already tell that I pissed her off by that comment as I brush off the strands of hay from that giant hay stack I so happened to ram into along with dragging Ashley down with me. She looks at me as if I was insane. Which I kind of was.

"Just an accident?! You could have gotten badly hurt! What were you even doing that caused you to suddenly pop out of nowhere like that?!" She says with pure annoyance and anger in the tone of her voice. I look up at her with a look of 'I'm trying to piss you off' as I had gotten out of the hay stack.

"I was being chased by a pterodactyl." there was silence between the two of us for a couple of seconds before Ashley face palms her forehead.

"Why were you being chased by a pterodactyl?" She says already knowing my answer.

"Because I was bored." She looked at me with her eye twitching and that look of pure frustration. Just sitting around the castle all day was way too boring. Being chased by something however, now that's something I can handle.

"Agh! Why are you so damn frustrating?!"

"How can I possibly be that frustrating when you hold all of it?"

"Well at least I'm not the person who nearly got us both killed just a minute ago!"

"Hey! That was Heralds fault!" She looked at me with confusion in her eyes.

"Who the hell is Herald?"

"Him." I say pointing to the pterodactyl that screeched at us before flying away. Ashley was struck dumb from what she had just heard and saw.

"You named it??"

"Ya! That's Herald. He's dumb and stupid like that dumb babysitter my dad hired to watch me today."

"Your 14. Why does he think you need someone to watch over you? Oh wait! I remember! its because your too damn reckless to even stand still for a minute before causing trouble with me bailing you out!!" Ashley yells right in my face as she continues to pry herself out of the seemingly deep hay stack. I cross my arms while staring at her with a blank stare.

"Crystal? why are you giving me that look?"

"Oh nothing. it's just that I just remembered the time you broke one of my families precious rare artifacts while getting frustrated with your archery skills." she turns away with that look of 'I just got roasted'. She stands there in awe of what I just pulled on her. I think she's still shocked that I still remember that moment.

"Looks like I'm not the only one that's crazy. You caught my crazy Ash." I say to a struck dumb Ashley who was still stuck in the pile of hay. As I walk away I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up as I look back to see a highly triggered Ashely, ready to freaking murder me. Now I'm regretting roasting her sorry ass. As I start sprinting I hear the shrilling voice of Ashley that makes me sweat with a bit of fear. Well, I guess I'll have to take the blame for this one.


After about an hour or so later Ashley stopped chasing me I walk over to her leaning over her as she lays on the ground exhausted from chasing me all over the tiny village we ended up in after my little event earlier. I giggle as she admits defeat to me.

"Ok Crystal. You win. Again.." She's says to me still trying to catch her breath from running all over.

"That's what happens to people when they have gone crazy and their best friend knows it." I say to Ashley leaning over her as she still lays on the hard dusty ground of the dirt road we were on. She laughs and punches me in the shoulder. We both laughed at each other for a split second. I reach out my hand toward her. She takes ahold of my hand as I lift her up off the ground.

"You know Ash, despite my odd persona, I'm happy that we are friends." I say to Ashley as she dusts off the dirt from her light blue archer dress attire. She looks at me with a bit of surprise from my sudden seriousness. She waited for a sign of me joking with her by staring intensely at my face.

"What? Do I still have dirt on my face again? Why are you staring at me like that Ash?" I say confused by her intense staring. She snaps out of her staring trance to find that I was serious about what I had said. She smiled at me as she brings me into a head lock, messing up my long black hair.

"Hey! Ashley! Stop that! You have no idea how irritating my hair is when its in knots?!"

"Oh come on Crystal! Its not like you give a damn about your looks anyway."

"Oh, I know. I just hate it when it gets knots in it. it takes a freaking hour to get it all out." I push away from Ashley as she giggles like there's no tomorrow. As I fix my messed up hair into what I want it to be, I turn to Ashley with an annoyed expression on my face.

"Even if I'm a rebel and kind of tomboyish in some ways, I'm still a lady." Ashley crosses her arms giving me a odd expression.

"Oh really? If you are a lady then why don't you act like one half of the time?"

"Oh shut up!" I say highly triggered by her words. She laughs at my irritation with what she had said to me. But I brushed it off as Ash and I start walking back to the palace. Lucky for us, that village we were in was close by to where the castle was. On the way back, I spotted the person that covers all of the mail throughout Isla to remember that I was supposed to check if Anna had sent anything to Ashley and I. Without warning her, I rush over the the mail guy to see if anything had come from Anna. He looked at me as I approached his stand.

"Well if it isn't Crystal Dragonheart. I have been expecting you to show up. Where is Ashley at? She is normally with you all the time." I pointed back behind me to show Ashley running toward me confused on why I started to run to the mail guy.

"Do you have anything from Anna Starship yet mail guy??" I asked. He looked at me with a blank stare. I was confused by his expression to my question. I turn to see that Ashely had facepalmed herself at my question as well.


"Miss Dragonheart, I have a name you know." I then realized my mistake.

"Oh! I'm sorry. What's your name again?"


"Right! Warren. Anyway, Did you ever get anything from her?" instead of answering me, he walks over to the back where Ash and I see him tossing envelops, boxes, and even breakable objects that almost ended up hitting Ash and I in the process. He Eventually came back out from the depths of his huge stash of mail his has to deliver, to give me a golden letter that had said mine and Ashley's name in silver sparkles. I tore open the letter and began reading what she had said in the letter outload so that Ashley could hear what she had sent us as well.

Crystal and Ashely,

Hey besties! I thought Id write to you two since I haven't seen the two of you in months. The tour is a complete success so far and I still have a long way to go till I finally get a break. I'm so tired and so ready to hang out with my BFF's again. I miss you guys and I have gotten the letters that you two have sent me. It makes me happy to hear from you guys. Anyways, I have a big surprise for you two. My next concert is going to be in Isla! I'll get to see you two again after 5 years!! In this letter are special VIP tickets to my next show in about a month or so. I will be sure to send you two the details when I get them. You guys will also be able to bring a couple of other friends as well! I'm so excited to see you two and I can't wait to catch up when my concert comes. Take care you two.

with magic and tons of love,

Anna Starship

I reached into the torn in envelop to see a whole stack of VIP tickets to her show. Ashley and I were struck dumb for about a couple of seconds before we both started to squeal. I was practically jumping up and down like an idiot with excitement as we both started to fangirl over this amazing letter. after we had stopped squealing and jumping, we started doing awkward and weird dances as we are celebrating over this letter. This is probably the happiest I have been all week. and I kicked a tree trunk 20 ft. into the air to stop herald from getting away from me. I turn back over to the mail stand to find Warren the mail guy standing there practically waiting for Ash and I to be done fangirling. We walk back to the stand still extremely excited to thank him when he says,

"Are you two done?"

"Yes. We are done." I say to him as I try to contain my excitement for a minute.

"Thank you for giving us this." I say with a smile.

"Well, this is my job after all. I'd keep that somewhere safe if I were you."

"Thank you for the advice Warren." After that, Ashley and I start walking away towards the castle. I needed to put this somewhere safe and my room is the best place for me to keep this. Ashely and I get closer to the castle having random flip flop conversations and having a good time when I hear someone in the distance just a couple of miles away from the castle.

"MISS DRAGONHEART!!" Ashely and I stop to see one of my servants that my father assigned to me running at what seemed to be as fast as he could possibly run towards Ashely and I. As soon as the servant finally caught up to us, he almost eminently fell to the ground from exhaustion. To me it almost seemed like a he had to run a half marathon to get to us. He was sweating all over, his shirt stuck to his body as sweat drips down from his face as he is gasping from running. His legs looked wobbly from all of that running. Ashley and I helped up over to a nearby stump where he could rest his legs.

"Are you alright? Where you running all over the place to find me?" I ask him with concern as he catches his breath.

"T..he(huff, huff) k-king..(huff, huff) wishes to...(huff) speak with you...miss dragonheart. (huff, huff) He has something important to discuss with you at once." And there it is. My once joyful excitement turned into despair. I have a feeling that I know what that jackass of a father wants from me. I stand up and turn towards Ashley. She looks at me with that worried look on her face. I hate that look. It means that she is worried for me when she shouldn't be. I hand Ashley the slightly crumpled torn in golden envelop with the unscaved golden VIP tickets from Anna's letter. She looks at me with a confused look.

"Ash. Take this servant back to the castle and make sure he gets plenty of water and rest. I need you to hold onto those for a little bit until I come back. Something tells me that my father is going to be an ass today." She nodded with understanding as I begin to step closer to the castle and the looming pain that is held within it. I have a feeling that I know what he wants from me and I am not going to let this cruel asshole of a father take advantage of me. Not anymore. Not since the day where everything changed. When I found out what he really thought about me. His daughter. I was only 5 years old.