
Chapter 6: Haruko Matsumoto (The Crystal Guardian) NEO New World ORDERS. Part 2

Part 2

A shockwave broke out in the area.

The lightning pillar rose up from the ground and traveled straight into the sky.

Aoi sat there on the floor, trying to process the events before her, despite the fact that she could not take her eyes off the person a few feet away in front of her.

She knew him to be Haruko Matsumoto.

The Lightning Crystal Guardian

Suddenly there was a loud thunderclap in the sky, followed by several lightning strikes that spread out across the sky above the city.

Aoi never took her eyes off Haruko.

How could she?

The person she was looking at was now a Crystal Guardian.

An individual with the power to control one of the six elements of the universe at the highest level without any known restrictions


Haruko Matsumoto.

(Those who become Crystal Guardians have their souls transformed) Nereus words echoed in her mind as she watched on.

Haruko turned around and slowly began walking towards her.

(Is he the same person…?)

With every step, sparks broke out from his feet.


Leaves started blowing in the area as Haruko got closer to Aoi, and as the leaves touched his body, they disintegrated away in the wind.

She could hear his distorted breathing.

(Could he really be different?)

Aoi placed her hands on the ground to push herself up, but-

(I don't understand what is going on with you, but I have a feeling—one I cannot explain—that you need help) Aoi froze as she heard Haruko's words.

His words washed over her.

(I'm not leaving you)

Aoi's body relaxed.

(And if this girl or anybody else was in hell or the deep end of the abyss where the idea or hope that she can't be saved exists, that is pointless to try….. Then tell the devil to make some room, because I'll join you in the abyss at the end of it, and I'll pull you out of it)

As she remembered those words briefly, 'Haruko' closed the distance between the two and was now standing over her, less than a foot away.

He stood there, unaffected by the sparks that were coursing around his body.

She raised her head to look at the person before her. Her blue eyes met his blue eyes.

Sparks emitted from his body into the surrounding area around them.

It was chaos around the girl as spark continued to fly.

"Are…you..okay?" Through the chaos, a distorted voice spoke out, coming from the individual whose body was covered in tattered clothes, blood, and sparks.

Aoi's eyes widen as she hears the voice.

Since it was still his body, the sound of the voice did not surprise her, but rather what was said.

What was said did not come from the power-hungry individuals she was used to after acquiring powers for themselves.

Those who would cast aside the weak and only help themselves

Despite the chaos around the individual, it still sounded like:

Aoi swallowed.

"Haruko" Aoi said in a soft voice.


It was him.

Despite everything that has happened before and now,

It was still him.

The person who said he would save her.

The person who did save her.

The person who traveled to the deep end of the abyss and pulled her out of it.

Haruko Matsumoto.

Aoi felt at ease.

"Are you alright?"

A smile slowly appeared on her face.


Haruko looked at her and smiled too.

"Th…at good"

There was a thud as Haruko fell to his knees.

Then he fell forward on his stomach past the girl sitting on the floor, and suddenly the right side of his head crashed on the ground with his left hand beside his face.

Haruko's eyes closed as Aoi shouted out to him.

And with that, everything went black.