
Chapter 3: Help Me_Help You_To Save You. A Heaven Without A GOD. Part 2

Part 2


A light breeze began to pick up, scattering leaves and small garbage alike.

In an open park where a battle to decide the fate of a girl was ended, a magician began to wake up.

Eduard Andrejs groaned as he began to pick himself up from the dirt ground.

His head hurt and everything was a blur.

He began to look around.


It was quiet all around him.

The man looked around the open park. The girl he was chasing and the teen he was fighting was nowhere to be found.

He wasn't sure how much time has passed.

"So, you finally woke up, Eduard?"

A female voice broke through the silence surprising the man.

The man turned around to see a woman with brown skin and brown hair sitting on a bench tapping her foot on the floor. She was a dark black open jacket with a grey shirt underneath that showed off her cleavage a shiny black leather pants.

Her emerald eyes staring at him.

"Elora what are you doing here?" He began questioning her.

The woman stood up, her black heels clicking on the floor.

"His majesty has sent me to what was taking you so long on your mission"

The mission to retrieve the girl.

Elora began walking towards Eduard.

"So imagine my shock when I come to find you laid out out the ground with no girl in sight" she said in a mocking tone.

She placed her index is his left shoulder.

"Broken and defeated, you have a lot to answer for "

Eduard turned to the woman.

"Some kid started interfer-" Eduard blurted out but was silenced when Elora placed her index finger on his lips"

"I'm not the one you need to explain your failure too."

She lowered her her arm and began walking past him.

"Come now, his majesty is waiting for us"

"Of course" Eduard said has he began following her.