
Crystal Pack

CamrynRovner · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Chapter 6: The Warrior Returns

(SorrelPaw yelled, "Run!" As she raced ahead of him.)

(FreezePaw tried to keep up with her but something was holding him back. The faster he ran meant the longer the forest became and the closer the fire got to him, until it was too late.......)

"Wake up FreezePaw!" He leaped up after hearing SnowFlake's order and padded over to stand beside her. "It's almost sunhigh, we will leave soon." SnowFlake walked over to the center of camp and said, "Winter take SnowyPaw on a patrol with Midnight, WhiteStorm and JayPaw! Snow take MysticDrop and LionPaw hunting! SorrelPaw come with me and FreezePaw for training!" She turned around and howled. "Icey what are you doing here? I thouht you were going to live with a fox."

"Actually I was just going to meet her friends, besides, I belong here." Icey stated.

SnowFlak said, "That reminds me, I have to ask SilverCrystal a question, wait here!" She raced over to the leaders den and dissapeared.

Icey said, "So, who are you?"

FreezePaw said, "I am FreezePaw, and this is SorrelPaw."

Icey said, "I'm guessing your strays? I don't recognize you."

FreezePaw said, "No actually, we were pets you could say. Those stupid no-furs captured me and my family, the place they had kept us locked up at was a zoo and it had burned down. Sadly only me and my sister were able to escape. My two other sisters are in the nursery with frost. Terribly, our mom was still trapped in the cage so now she's... gone.." He lowered his head in sadness.

Icey said, "I'm so sorry. Are you sure she didn't escape after you left?"

FreezePaw said, "I doubt it, but if so, I hope she is safe!"

Icey said, "So do I. But sometimes all you can do is wish for the best."

SnowFlake said, "So Icey, would you like to train with us?"

Icey said, "Sure, I could use some practice."

SnowFlake leads them out of camp and over to a spot in the forest where ther ewas no trees. The hollow was the perfect place for training. It was an open area with enough space for a whole pack to live in. Although it would make a better place for training. Or at least thats what FreezePaw thought.

Icey asked, "So how will we do this?"

"Well Inwas thinking you and me could show him and then he could try to attack me." SnowFlake replied.

Icey said, "Okay." And she waited for her deputy to make the first move.

He watched as SnowFlake lunged herself at Icey, when Icey fell back SnowFlake closed her jaws around the back of her neck. For a minute FreezePaw thought she was going to kill Icey, and it didnt help that thought when Icey went limp and let out a howl of alarm. He realized it was all a fake fight when SnowFlake let her go. "Ha! Your going to give up that easy?" SnowFlake asked. Icey just layed there as if waiting for SnowFlake to grab her neck in her jaws again, and she did, but this time when SnowFlake bit her she surged upwards and fell back onto SnowFlake's body. Then she stood up and swiped her paw at SnowFlake's snout. SnowFlake returned the pain by using her back legs to claw Icey's body and then fling her back.

SnowFlake leaped up and tried to snap her jaws closed on Icey's neck again but Icey mover to the side just in time and swiped at SnowFlake's ear causing SnowFlake to fall in shock. Icey leaped behind SnowFlake and clamped her jaws shut on her back leg. SnowFlake howled in pain and ran into the forest, Icey running after her. They ran back and sat in the canter of the hollow. "Now you try!" SnowFlake ordered him. "Pretend I am a Blood Pack warrior! But remember to not bite hard unless it is actually in a battle! Use your claws though!" FreezePaw didnexaxtly what he saw Icey do until the end.

SilverCrystal padded over to them and said, "How is he doing?"

SnowFlake replied, "Great!"

SilverCrystal said, "You have clawmarks on you but he doesn't, and neither does Icey, did he do this to you?"

SnowFlake said, "Yes, you will be proud to know that he did."

FreezePaw was surprised when he heard SilverCrystal say, "Wonderful! We have a strong aporentice. And what about SorrelPaw?"

SnowFlake said, "Actually I was just about to let her and Icey practice together, me and FreezePaw will head back to camp now."

SilverCryatal said, "Good, so I will get back to my hunting patrol now. Have fun Icey!"

"I will!" Icey replied.