
chapter three the true feelings

Karen was avoiding Zach all through the day she doesn't even want to come across him because of fear of exposing her true feelings , she has love Zach for a long time but she keeps down grading herself and it hurt her so much when she sees that she can't be with the person she loves .


Zach was alone in his study doing nothing only thinking about how to convince Karen to aspect his proposal after thinking for many hours he come up with nothing .


The next day was a sunny day everywhere was hot and and calm Zach was in his mother's garden admiring the sun flowers and other beautiful flowers he loves the scent and look of it , afraid walking around it for quit sometimes he decided to sit under a shade to avoid sun when he spot Karen coming to his direction.

she was going to tell him her true feelings and her fears but looking at him she if like going back when a hand grip her wrist .

you can talk to me don't run away from me what is it?

she was thinking if she should tell him or not when she finally conclude.

can you let go of my wrist if someone she us they will report me to the queen and you are getting to close to me can you move back a bit and feeling uncomfortable. she said in a go.

I don't mind anyone seeing us Karen .

but it not good to have people gossiping about us the relationship is til early . she said in a whispering tone.

relationship? are we in a relationship now Karen you love me too?

my prince this have to be a secret if not I will be in great trouble .

my love don't worry nobody will know about this ok but promise me you will not get close to any man.

my prince i promise , she said smiling , I need to go now . as she was about to move she step on her long garment as she was about to fall down a strong hand grip and hold her around her waist preventing her from falling , the gap between the two face was just an inch they could hear each other heartbeat Zach was carry away by her beautiful face , spotless and kissable pink lips he was tempted to kiss her he moved his face closer to her soon as their lips touch it send electric into Karen but this was her first kiss in feel so good the feeling is good that she never what to stop it keeps getting deeper and passionately Zach move his hands to torch the two peach that are standing mightly in front of his Karan morn to all his torch she wants move of it, Zach suddenly stop .

Am sorry Karen I have to stop so I won't loose control and rip your clothes off cause this pet down here want to do something more.

pet? you have a pet? Karen ask not knowing what he was talking about.

yes I do and the pet is really hungry of you but we have to stop.

Karen was red with embarrassment when she finally understand that the so call pet was his manhood .

I will start going now I have to cook dinner

ok darling .

Zach could not stop smiling looking at the retreating figure of Karen, Karen has a killing shape she is so beautiful with spotless body she is white as snow and have the most beautiful smile.