
Crusnik 00(old)

Crusnik 00 Blood, guns, and teeth Home World: Draconic Deus(DxD) patreon.com/GoldDragonMachina

GoldDragonMachina · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

Holy Roman Empire

When the sun rose the coming morning, I was already hopping on a merchant caravan heading to the Holy Roman Empire. Which is between France and the Papal States where Rome resides.

The merchant was a pious man. He prayed, did not do usury, and gave to the downtrodden. His name was Louise Barbier, a Frenchman. He was happy to help me travel.

We traveled nights with no trouble. Until we were passing by a forest in the middle of the night. As the day before in a town, a resident weather diviner foresaw a terrible storm that would impeded travel. The diviner was not wrong and a storm narrowly missed. Only hitting us with some wind and rain.

We were tired and traveling at night, with rain and wind on us. No one could see or hear far and lamplight barely travelled. Except for my senses, which were unimpeded by the weather.

Which is how I picked up the smell of wet dog, except much stronger than usual. My eyes scanned the surrounding trees in the dark. Large wolves were watching us. However, they looked too odd to be normal wolves. After a bit more scrutiny, I realize they are werewolves. I saw a depiction of them in a book. It is pretty close.

I'm sharing the cart with the merchant. I scoot over to him and say, "Mr. Barbier, warn the people and the guards. There are werewolves stalking us in the trees. We should expect an attack."

Barbier panics a bit, "Oh my, we are beset by monsters. Ah, Father Argent, you're an exorcist. Are you able to deal with them? I am ashamed to ask."

I smirk, "Don't be ashamed, it is right to ask an exorcist to deal with filthy monsters. I will deal with them. Keep the caravan going, I will only be a moment and then be right back."

I then come out of the covered cart and walk towards the woods as Barbier alerts the people.

"Crusnik 00, 18%."

A bit much to deal with these beasts, but I don't want to touch them. I pick up a hefty rock in my right hand as I walk. The mutts take notice and begin to circle me. Thinking that I am not aware of them. I chuckle, "Dumb creatures."

I then throw my rock at the head of a werewolf, the head blows up and then I take control of the blood. I form tens of blood stakes. The werewolves are hesitant about me now, but now running.

Weak instincts.

I let loose the blood stakes at their brains, and the pack of werewolves are all killed. As I wanted, I didn't have to touch the disgusting creatures.

I returned to the caravan, clean. As I step inside, I flex my power for a blink to dry myself and then deactivate.

Barbier asks with hope and awe, "It has barely been two minutes. Are they slain?"

I nod with a smile, "All are slain, they will bother no one else forevermore."

This was the only and last hiccup on our trip to the Holy Roman Empire. We arrived to the first city of the nation with no more issues.


Thanks for reading