
Crushing on my bestie, but being sought by Demons and vampires.

 Thousand years ago, the realm of pure magic was ruled by two people who were called Zeeva and Drakon, two powerful supernaturals who were gifted with countless abilities, Zeeva was an Archer Angel while Drakon was a demon, a good one which shocked many people",   As she continued reading, the book started displaying everything. They gasped and watched like a movie. Layla continues.     "Then one day, their kingdom was attacked. There was bloodshed as the kingdom was thrown into uproar. Swords flew in different directions as soldiers dropped to the ground like flies.     Drakon and Zeeva fought with all their might but it seemed like the vampires has the upper hand.     They had convinced with the demons to take over the throne of pure magic. The demon had used all their wicked methods to lure Drakon to take side with them but he refused and stood by Zeeva.    Both tried their best and fought with everything they believed in but soon, darkness took over. Drakon and Zeeva were stabbed with a sword dipped in witches poison and both fell into the ocean.     In there , they held hands together and vowed not to separate, even in death.   In their embrace, both joined their souls together and made it into a ball.    "We promised to be together, Drakon.     Our souls will find solace in a supernatural beings.  A thousand years to come, a baby would be born and inside that back would our souls abide.  He would become the ruler of the realm of pure magic powers".     Zeeva said as blood gushed out of the sword in her chest.    "In this ocean we died  but will find our solace here too.     The child and the ocean shall become one and because of the demon blood he would have, there would be two pure souls to stand by his side.    They will come from the water as well and two of them shall become one while the other will protect them".   Drakon said their souls flew up and disappeared. With hands wrapped around each other, they breath their last breath. Many things happened before those promise children were born. After they were able to locked up all the bad realms, they were given a new life. But that life seems not to sustain them and they were bounced back to their original civilization where all the dark realms were freed up.

Becky_Ampong · 若者
134 Chs

Hating Layla more

Layla got up earlier the next day and went straight to meet Lisa so that she can help her in her boutique shop as she had been doing for quite sometimes.

Their school results was just a month left to be unveiled.

  "Why are you here too early today?". Lisa asked while unpacking some items which was delivered that morning.

  "Like I said, I'm here to help early". Layla said and placed down her bag, then went ahead and helped Lisa to unpack the things..

  "Okay girl...then we have a lot to do". Lisa said and stood up then started arranging  the things one by one on the hang.

  "So, how many costumers do you get a day actually.. cause I seem not to get it up till now?". Layla asked.

  "When there is good market..I get about 100 people who will buy many things and bad days like today I will get maybe only 30 people". Lisa said.

  "Don't say bad day when you haven't even start the day to sell yet". Layla warned.

  "Whatever I have always know how a bad day looks like ". Lisa said and tease.

  "Anyway where do you go for your lunch break..?". Layla asked.

  "You just stopped coming for some months and you have already forgotten things.. Just across the road..". Lisa answered.

"Do I look like a flash who get everything fast... anyway I will go there and get us something when is lunch time ". Layla said.

  "You haven't even taken your breakfast and you are here thinking of lunch ". Lisa said.

  "We need to think ahead not behind ". Layla replied. Just then someone entered.

  "Good morning Miss". She greeted.

"Good morning.. please how may we help you". Layla asked in a humble way which made lisa laughed.

  "Stop with the act Layla...she is my Aunty...she came for her things". Lisa said and took something from a drawer and handed it over to the middle age woman.

  "Thanks Lisa..I will get going". She said and waved at Layla who also wave back with a surprise look.

  "You thought you know all my relatives...then ...no..no you don't". Lisa said.

  "Woa..she look young but actually she is a grown up woman...how beautiful". Layla said.

  "Yeah.. because we are the family of beauties". Lisa.

  "Oh... please let me be".  Layla said.


"Jonie please print this paper for me". Dela handed a paper over to Jonie. He was in the process of learning for his education in the university. He didn't want anything to district him .

   A minute when Jonie had left to the printer room, Lily appeared him Dela.

  "Hey!..". She said in a way to scared Dela but he wasn't moved.

  "What are you doing here?". He asked.

"Oh I came with some food for you". Lily said.

  "Really...that is nice...but I'm too busy and I don't think I can eat it now...so leave it there and go". He pointed at the next desk and focused back on his work.

  "Dela...you have been learning for almost 3 month now...what again are you looking for... won't you even take a break?...Dela...". Lily said and stood in front of him as she pull Dela and his chair back from the laptop.

  "What are you doing...". Dela said in a calm voice which made Lily's head a huge mountain.

  "Aww...I'm doing what you are refusing to do... don't over work yourself...let go out and have some fun ..please..please..". Lily pleaded with her puppy eyes.

  "And where are you going to have the fun?". Dela asked.

  "I saw this nice restaurant just around this area, we can go have some lunch and then we roam around a little.. what do you say?". Lily suggests.

  " Wow.. what a brilliant idea Lily... that is why you are my good friend... just take him away for a while cause I want to spend time with my bunny ...please". Hosea spoke from behind.

  " Hey ..you...what are you doing here?". Dela asked.

  " Do you think you were running away from me?...no..no you are right into my pity... Lily please take him away".  Hosea said.

  " Don't worry babe...I will send him away right now". Lily said and held Dela's hand and started walking away with him.

  " Hey...you forget the car keys". Hosea said.

" Don't worry I got mine right here with me". Lily said.

  "That is my good friend".

"Oh yeah!". Lily said.

"Ha... I wish this life will never end... seeing Hosea misbehaving like an idiot sounds soo good and Layla separated from Dela is just perfect...he is mine and mine only ". Lily said and smirked wickedly.

  A few minutes later, Jonie entered. He was busy going through what was in his hands so he didn't notice Hosea who was hiding behind the door.

   "Dela ..I'm done with it but I also need one.. so I will have to go back and print another...one". Just then his eyes caught Hosea smiling at him.

  "What the hell!...what are you doing here?". Jonie asked.

  "No need to ask ". Hosea said and locked the door.

  "Is me and you here ". Hosea said.

  "Hey...stand right there... where is Dela?". Jonie asked.

  "Well for your information, he is going on a date with his love ".  Hosea said.

  "Now is me and you babe". Hosea said and walked up to Jonie, she pushed him to the table and stood in front of him.

"What are you doing..Hosea...you better stop it

..". Jonie said and took both of her hands pushed it behind her back.

  "I have always see you as my little sister...I feel nothing for you..so stop it". Jonie said and and carried her.

  "Put me down...put me down...I know you are just saying all this because of my brother... because of how close you are with him...but that won't stop me from loving you... whatever you do, I love you only...I fell for...you ever since we were young...but you never look at me...why..why!!". Hosea shouted till Jonie put her down at the door.

  "You are my sister Hosea...is not because of Dela...I have taken you like that". Jonie tried to explain.

"Are you my blood... were you born by my parents..No!..to all this... then why can't you love me back like I do!". Hosea shouted.

  "Because I have taken you as my sister ". Jonie said and shut the door.

  "Jonie open this fuck door... whatever you do I won't give up on you...never!". She said and went away.


  " Is she gone?". Jonie asked and looked through the little hole on the door and signed when he saw that she was gone.

" Oh goodness...this girl is soo much troublesome..huh...how was Dela able to take care of her when she was 5 years old..ha".  Jonie said and turned back to his work.


" So when are we going to get there?". Dela asked for Lily had been driving for quite an hour and they had still not got there.

  " Almost there ". Lily said.

Lily was driving to where Lisa's shop was, she had lately seen Layla there so she knows that if she goes there with Dela, it will hate her more.

  "Yeah...we are finally here ". She said and got down.

  " Hey... are you leaving me here?". Dela asked and looked at Lily.

  " No..we are going together ". Lily said.

"Hmmm... don't you know who I am now?". Dela asked.

  "Oh my goodness...I forgot you are an idol.. okay.. anyway.. I got you all the time ". Lily said and took a black cap with a black nose mask for Dela on the nest seat.

  " Here you go". She said and handed it over to him.

  " Thank you". Dela said and took it the worn it and got down as well.

  " Let first have some lunch then we go for some shopping... there is a beautiful boutique shop near by". Lily said.

  " Oh.. girls and shopping ". Dela said undertone.

" Did you say something?". Lily asked.

"No..I didn't ". Dela lied.

  " That is good ". She said while they entered the restaurant.

  " There...let sit over there ". Lily pointed at a two seat which was close to the window.

  "Okay ". Lily dragged him to the corner.

Just then Layla entered with her phone in her hands.

  She went to the order bar .

" Please can I get some spicy fried chicken with fried chips ". Layla ordered.

  "Okay ". The counter said.

Immediately Lily noticed Layla present in the restaurant, she intentionally took the mask off Dela's face and he got noticed by a girl who was sitting right behind Lily.

  "On my God is Dela...wow he is soo handsome!!". She shouted and drew almost all their attention.

  "What are you doing?". He asked Lily..

"I'm sorry I just saw something on the mask and I thought of changing it ". She lied.

  "Is nothing give it to me now". Before he could worn the mask back, all of the people had no his existence in the place.

  "Wow..he is soo handsome.".

"He is soo cute".

  The murmuring became so intensive that it got Layla's noticed.