
Crushing on my bestie, but being sought by Demons and vampires.

 Thousand years ago, the realm of pure magic was ruled by two people who were called Zeeva and Drakon, two powerful supernaturals who were gifted with countless abilities, Zeeva was an Archer Angel while Drakon was a demon, a good one which shocked many people",   As she continued reading, the book started displaying everything. They gasped and watched like a movie. Layla continues.     "Then one day, their kingdom was attacked. There was bloodshed as the kingdom was thrown into uproar. Swords flew in different directions as soldiers dropped to the ground like flies.     Drakon and Zeeva fought with all their might but it seemed like the vampires has the upper hand.     They had convinced with the demons to take over the throne of pure magic. The demon had used all their wicked methods to lure Drakon to take side with them but he refused and stood by Zeeva.    Both tried their best and fought with everything they believed in but soon, darkness took over. Drakon and Zeeva were stabbed with a sword dipped in witches poison and both fell into the ocean.     In there , they held hands together and vowed not to separate, even in death.   In their embrace, both joined their souls together and made it into a ball.    "We promised to be together, Drakon.     Our souls will find solace in a supernatural beings.  A thousand years to come, a baby would be born and inside that back would our souls abide.  He would become the ruler of the realm of pure magic powers".     Zeeva said as blood gushed out of the sword in her chest.    "In this ocean we died  but will find our solace here too.     The child and the ocean shall become one and because of the demon blood he would have, there would be two pure souls to stand by his side.    They will come from the water as well and two of them shall become one while the other will protect them".   Drakon said their souls flew up and disappeared. With hands wrapped around each other, they breath their last breath. Many things happened before those promise children were born. After they were able to locked up all the bad realms, they were given a new life. But that life seems not to sustain them and they were bounced back to their original civilization where all the dark realms were freed up.

Becky_Ampong · 若者
134 Chs

"You fool.. how dare you stole our princess!".

It was cold in the evening, the evening birds had just began their songs singing cheerfully to the moon. Collins sat down

     at his usual place as the cold wind blew his hair behind his ears. He looked up at the bright moon and smiled.

He seemed moulded

   from a different cast as he had an genderless look extraordinary to most people. Lacquered and enamelled by the sun, he radiated energy and brio.

     His peak cheekbones appeared engraved into shape by a master craftsman. They were of such sharp contours,

    it looked as if they were sculpted and pared to perfection. Wayfarer-blue eyes, Sloe shaped, they could shine as bright as the evening stars when they were a-light with joy.

    At other times, they could resemble two liquid-blue pools of flashing fire. 

  "I still got to have hope..I know the supreme Alpha will never leave my side". Collins said as he kept on staring at space.

  "Hey..". Lisa interrupted him by tapping on his shoulds.

  "Good evening". He said.

" Evening..why are you sitting here alone again?". Lisa asked as she sat down beside Collins.

  " Oh.. don't overthink..I'm just taking some fresh air outside". He said.

" Oh .. good then..but please rest early". Lisa said and stood up to go.

  " And oh..I want to visit a nice place tomorrow..will you like to join?". Lisa asked.

  " Hmm..".

" Is that a Yes?". Lisa didn't even wait for Collins to say what he wanted to say when she made her own decision and ran off. When she got close to her hut, a thought rushed through her mind.

  "Why was I staring at him like that?.. Don't be a fool Lisa.. that guy may be having a crush already..why are you trying to crush on him also.. just stay focus". She shook her head and walked away into her room.

  Although the building in the village were all in a shape of a hut, the inside was a furnishing one. It looked like the model beautiful hotels style..the only thing missing in there was the model technology which I thought it hadn't gone there yet.

   Lisa entered and threw herself on the bed laying flat on her belly.

"Mmm..why I'm I still thinking about someone who will have been busy thinking about his crush or something... I don't need to think about him". She said to herself as she turned her side and layed on her back rather.

  "Lisa control your emotions..Do you want to get a heart break again?..if know then just shut down your mind and sleep". She said then closed her eyes tightly pretending to herself as if she was asleep. She was looking quiet a silly girl doing that.


Collins kept on staring into the darkness of the spread stars, which light, couldn't reach down to earth but only shine up there to light up the universe.

  Just then he felt a sharp and cold hands around his back. Thinking that it must be Lisa who had come back to have a chat with him, he talked without turning to see who it was.

  "So you really didn't go and you came back..I don't feel like talking right now..so you may go back". He said without even staring back at who it must be.

  "You fool..how dare you stole our princess...how dare you take away our princess without anyones concern". A deep and a scary voice echoed through his head abd he jumped up before the person could grabbed him.

" Stand right there or else you won't see the next daylight". Another voice spoke from behind.

  " I'm not a thief...". Collins defended himself when he stood on his feet well. His height was equally to that of those people, just that he was tiny than them.

"If you are not a theif then why did you stole our princess".

  "I haven't stolen anyone".

"Then we are going in there...if we don't find our princess you are safe..but if we find her in there...hmm..you are soo dead!". He shout reached down to Lisa's ears. She was forcing herself to sleep but couldn't.

  "Wait... whose voice was that..?". She asked no one in particular then she quickly looked through the small window behind her wardrobe and was shocked to her grave when she saw who there were.

  "Jackson...what is he doing here with the guys?".

"Wait...what stupid question I'm I asking myself...what is he doing here of course he is for me...no..no..no I can't allow them to take me away just like that. I got plans for tomorrow too...no Oo..Hosea yes Hosea can help ". She quickly made a water ball to summon Hosea.


" Well guys.. I think I agree with all that you have suggested guys". Hosea said.

"Even if you don't agree we will still do it". Jonie said and vanished out of the room to avoid unnecessarily comment from Layla.

  "Okay guys...I think that is that..so let meet tomorrow and talk about it". Hosea said.

  "Okay bye". Layla went out leaving Dela and Hosea alone.

  "So tell me, why did you sealed the connection between me and you?". Hosea asked.

  " Because I also want to protect you from now henceforth". Dela said.

  " I was your chosen guardian not you being mine guardian".

  " What is done is done". Dela said stubbornly.

" Hmm..then I'm going to sealed my connection to everything". Suddenly after Hosea said that, a storm of clouds washed through her from head to toe.

  " You..what have you done". Dela sprung off Dr the sofa as he kept on watching Hosea I a surprised manner.

  " Hmm.. nice one..but I hope you won't unsealed it..if you .. hmm ". Just then he walked out of the room with a smile.

  " Bad boy". Hosea said as she sat down on her bed.


"Hosea... Hosea...wait.. what she blocked her connection!!..what has happened to her also. Has those people done something to her?...why has she blocked me from reaching her". Lisa said while panicking all over.

  " Stop panicking and think.. think..Yeah .you can do teleporting right... Good girl ". After saying that, she vanished away before they could get inside.

  "Jack...no one is here". One person said.

"Yeah.. there is no one here". Another one also announced.

  "I can sense her here...why can't you guys see her". Jack said.

  "Over there...she is standing with him outside...let go". Jack said and they all run out of the hut.

  "Collins let go .let just go right now!!". Lisa had being trying to tell Collins to let them go but he was refusing.

"I need to make things clear to this people". Collins said.

" You can't make anything possible clear to them...". Lisa said.

  " No ..let just wait and see what will happen". Collins said and dragged Lisa to hide behind him when those people returned back from the hut.