Sexy stories of Giantesses crushing Tiny people.
Susan woke up in a daze, her mind was blanketed with a thick fog and she couldn't remember where she was. One moment she was having a delicious midday brunch with her best friend from high school Julia and the next moment she's waking up on the floor surrounded by what appears to be giant furniture.
As she came to she noticed that everything in the room seemed to tower over her. From the tv set to the book shelf. She soon noticed that she was still in Julia's house.
"Julia? Where am I? What happened?" Susan questioned as she called out for her best friend.
To her sudden shock she heard the clanking of what seemed to be high heel shoes walking on the hardwood floor. As she waited she noticed that the footsteps seemed to be louder than the usual sound of high heel shoes.
"Those sound like some heavy shoes." Susan thought to herself.
Just then the source of the giant footsteps was made clear when her best friend Julia walked into the room. Rocking a pair of pleaser flamingo 808s. The pink shoes went perfectly with the nice pink dress Julia wore.
"Julia? What's going on? Why are you wearing my clothes?" Susan asked as her confusion only deepened.
Julia had black eyes and plump lips with lipstick. She had long straight long hair and thick luscious hips and a nice blossoming bosom. However despite her looks Susan always had a better look with the guys throughout high school due to Julia's abrasive attitude. Susan had unknowingly taken some of Julia's love interests back in the day and in Julia's mind it was time for her to pay.
"Nice my chance to play with you a little bit." Julia said.
"Wait what?" Susan said.
"Oh Susan you always were a ditz. The boys always thought your lack of intelligence was cuter than my sarcastic wit."
"Julia what's going on?"
"There it is again. Every question ends with a question mark with you."
Julia walked up to her shrunken friend and kneeled down to her.
"This is about Max. You stole him from me in high school and now I'm taking him back and I'm taking my revenge." Julia said.
"What? You can't have my husband. Julia, where is this all coming from?" Susan said.
Julia nearly jumped up in anger. She posed her foot over Susan. Susan fell to the ground.
"Of course you don't know, you were always clueless. He was my crush before he was your boyfriend. You stole him from me, you backstabbing whore."
Julia calmed down a bit after that and removed her foot from hanging over her former friend.
"Your perfect husband has been having an affair with me for some time now and I've finally convinced him to leave you for me. I have forged your writing on the divorce papers and now it's time to get rid of you." Julia stated.
"I don't believe you!" Susan said as panic started to set in.
Just then Max walked into the room.
"Max what the Hell is going on?" Susan demanded.
"What's going on is the perfect revenge plot. You stole my crush, so now I'm going to crush you in your favorite shoes, while I fuck him. How delightfully fitting." Julia said.
"No!" Susan said.
Susan tried to run but she was stopped dead in her tracks when the towering high heel on Julia's feet crashed down in front of her. Julia softly kicked her which sent Susan flying back. Julia crashed down onto the floor breaking almost every bone in her body. With her one not broken limb she tried to limp away. Julia walked right over her and began making out with Max. Julia turned to Susan who was still suffering.
"Watch this you skank." Julia said.
After a quick make out session Max picked Julia up and put her against the wall. He then placed her on the couch and they began going at it.
Susan tried to look away but the sounds of Jubilee from her former friend being plowed by her husband was too much to bear.
"I'll have my revenge." She said as tears ran down her face.
The two then stopped having sex on the couch and Julia crawled up to Susan and spat on her. A giant glob of white slimy spit fell on top of Susan which ensnared her in a hell she couldn't dig herself out of.
"Why?" Susan cried out.
Max then began to rail up the anal cavity as she towered over Susan.
"IIt...isn't...enough for me to just...crush you. I want you to beg to die..." Julia said as she was getting rammed up her ass.
Julia then began to blow on Susan with all of her might and eventually Susan had to let up. She could take it no longer.
"Please Julia, end this. Please just kill me." Susan pleaded.
"With pleasure." Julia said.
She got up and then quipped.
"Or should I say with Pleaser." She said in reference to her shoes.
She slammed her foot down on Susan, the bones crack under her feet. She then swiped her foot back smearing her former friend into a stain on the floor.
Max picked Julia up and set her back on the couch and they began going at it again.
"This worked out perfectly!" Julia thought to herself.