
Crush to Lover to Virgin Breaker (C.T.L.T.VB)

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT ! A young girl entering the world of high school where she meets new people and friends. Learn different things in life and encounter dangers of the world of high school. This place is filled with all the desires that one would love to have. She is faced with temptations. She finds herself falling in love with the enemy an intruder to her on kind. Now he owns her heart.

DaoistKtuRIO · 若者
13 Chs

First day of school

The sky was blue as the ocean that swept all of her fears down the drain. One could wonder how sge had everything figured out there is no answer to that. She woke up to a lovely and sunny day with enthusiasm in her eyes. You could feel her happiness from afar as she was smiling with love. Outside the room the atmosphere was light and bright.

The cage birds were free flying from above the space singing and rejoicing their freedom from all the bad things. It was so cruel how they were caged for so many years even their feathers were clipped and the steel was round across the arms of flying birds, they communicated enjoying the blue skies.

"Hello Luke are you fine?"

"I am fine thanks and yourself Jerry, look at the heavens today ?"

" I see them Luke, can you hear them?"

" What do they say as I cannot speak the heavens language"

They carried on speaking and laughing as they could not understand until one bird Hitler came and overheard their conversation.

" Oeh heavens Jerry and Luke, can you see how happy the kids are to go to school especially Lashwentie first day of High School. Don't take the spotlight guys".

They looked upon her as if she was their highness, look at her beautiful eyes and how her hair fires as she walks side-to-side.

"How I remember my first day at high school it was magnificent. I had this..."

"Come one Hitler don't take the spotlight.

She was beautiful on her first day, as she came closer to the school. Her eyes popped out with shock to how big the school was, it ws huge and so diverse. It felt like something new to a rural farm person coming to the urban area. She screamed with excitement as she saw her friends from Primary. She was so happy to see people of her own. They screamed and shouted while waiting for the school bell to ring.

All the children were so happy, they were neat in their school uniform, it was so beautiful. They carried their bags rushing for their lockers to place their books. Look at how cheerful they are to finally be in high school.

"Lashwentie I missed you so much, you look so pretty today"

"Thank you, you also look beautiful"

Their smile was visible to also the outer space, they looked into the sky the sun shine so bright upon them burning their cheeks leaving lava right below their skins. The was no wind that day only sunlight. The bell ran for them to enter, as it rang she saw a figure waving from the corner next to her locker, It was lurking for a while ,she looked closer but could not see it clearly...

"Did you see that, Moe what is that is it a person?"

...No response