
cruscher gods of shadow

DaoistQgI2Cb · 都市
10 Chs

Chapter 9: Into the Depths of the Temple

Delving deeper into the dark recesses of the ancient temple, I stumbled upon a room that resembled a scene straight from a nightmare. On the old, decrepit bed lay voodoo dolls, pierced with needles injecting fear and terror. In the chest in the corner of the room, I discovered scrolls and books containing the secrets of voodoo art.

The sudden notification startled me as a message appeared out of nowhere: "You have acquired a new skill: Puppet Master." After a moment of astonishment, I began to understand how to combine this skill with my ability to manipulate shadows.

The Puppet Master skill gave me the ability to control not only shadows but also people and creatures, like puppets on strings. I could manipulate their movements and actions, using them as pawns in the game I played in this dark world.

After exploring several other rooms in the temple, where I uncovered further voodoo secrets, I decided to return to the inn. There, in the peaceful atmosphere, I drew out my short sword, giving it the name Crusher. I polished it carefully, reminiscing about all the previous battles in which it had served me faithfully. Now, with new skills in my hands and a strong weapon by my side, I felt ready for the challenges that lay ahead