

A man reincarnated in another world to fulfill the mission he receives from the Goddess. However, if he didn't comply and fail the mission he will die once again... To prevent that, the man (who will become Ajearaa in his second life) will do anything in his power to finished the mission and live his life in another world in his own terms. #Basicsummary #Dumbauthor

InZo · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Chapter 5 Conversation in the Garden

"You looked irritated... Do you want to cancel our engagement?"

Sanya smiled teasingly at Ajearaa.


Ajearaa firmly responded not wavering his eyes.

"I have a lot of important things to do and these things are just getting in my way. How about you?"

"I also want to cut off our engagement..."


"Is I would like to say at first. However, I changed my mind when I met you and talk to you."


Ajearaa begun to sweat, his expression seems come to an unbelievable conclusion.

"You... don't tell me you've fallen in love with me? You may be cute but I'm not a lolicon... Try again, maybe... ten years from now."

"Lolicon? What's that?"

Sanya asked in confusion tilting her head to one side.

"Anyway, you're misunderstanding something. I am not in love with you, remember it. The reason I don't want to cancel the engagement is because you're interesting. Oh! and thank you for saying I'm cute."

"Interesting? Me? Why do you say that?"

"Well... because I had a strange ability that can see through people just looking at their eyes. The moment I saw your eyes, I felt nothing other than an endless ambition."

"...And you're interested what kind of ambition I had?"

"You've got it right."

Ajearaa felt uncomfortable because of their conversation seems to be going. If it's true that she can see through people... that means...

(Hey [System], if she's actually had that kind of ability, does it mean she already knows I'm from different world?)

[I don't think so. I didn't notice her using mana since earlier neither a trace of her using mana for the past three days.]

(So she's lying?)

[Not quite. It's true I didn't felt anything about her but maybe she can actually see through people because of some circumstances.]

(Then my cover is blown up? Well, it's okay if she did know... Not my problem.)

[I don't think she can go that far. However, I'm also interested in her. That ability of hers that can see through people is something else.]

"To summarize it, you just don't feel breaking the engagement because of your interest in my ambition. Is that correct?"

Ajearaa asked knowing that he's just repeating what he said earlier but he do it anyway for confirmation.

"Yes, but, why do you keep repeating it?"

(What do you think? For me, I really wish that she cancel our engagement. This kind of things is awfully troublesome for it's own good.)

[I thinks it's fine. Think about it, you're the prince of this kingdom... let's say you two successfully cancelled the engagement. What do you think might happen next]

(If that actually happened then I'd had more free time to attend my personal matters, right?)

[No... the realistic answer is, another noble will try to appeal to King Justine to made their daughter your next fiancee. If that happens, not only you're just going back to zero, it's also going to become troublesome for you, as you put it...]

(This medieval base world is really a pain in the neck to deal with. The way society, politics, and even common sense works here were really different from earth that I don't understand any of it.)

[On the other hand, if you two pretend that you're fine with the engagement that will keep other nobles in check from disturbing you who wants their daughter to become your fiancee.]

(That's sound enticing all right... what else? I feel like there's more to it.)

[This girl is dying to know what kind of ambition you had. So, how about just let her follow you to satisfy her curiosity and at the same time you can use her or to be exact, her ability to see through people.]

(You're saying it's best to keep the engagement and use each other for our own interests?)


Ajearaa went silent, but it didn't take long for him to decide since he trust [System] and it's judgement.


Sanya called seeing Ajearaa went silent mode in the middle of the conversation. Well... at least, that what is look like if you're not Ajearaa.


Ajearaa stand up and offer her hand to Sanya inviting her to stand up too.

"It's fine to satisfy your curiosity about me. But, what do I get something in return?"

Sanya accepted Ajearaa's hand and stand up shaking her dress to remove the dirt that hot into it while she's sitting on the ground. Then, she smiled knowing what Ajearaa actually wants in return.

"Haaahhh... as expected to a prince, you're shrewd. You looked like someone who's going to become a leader of something in the future but I don't think your aiming for the throne. So, you want to use my ability to see through people?"


"Well... It's fine, as long as I can watch you fulfill your endless ambition in the front seat."

That settles it. The two will continue their engagement but not as a lover... but a partner in crime.

The two moved to a bench near the garden's entrance and continue their conversation... Ajearaa at one point decided to tell Sanya about the Crusader.

Though, he still kept other than that a secret.

"These so-called Crusaders what are they?"

Sanya enthusiastically asked with her eyes sparkling in excitement.

Ajearaa can't tell her what Crusaders actually are because that will lead to more questions. The only thing he can do is to lie. So, he asked [System] to save his ass.

"My father has a lof of ancient books in his chamber and I read about the Crusaders there. It says that a Crusader is even more powerful than the dragons though that's only a legend and no matter how hard I try to find that book I can't see it. Father must've noticed that I read it so he hide it more carefully."

Ajearaa flawlessly explained giving his best not to expose that he's lying.

"That's a rather long explanation. So you want to find these Crusaders and lead them?"


"It's a mere legend though. I don't believe it."

Sanya respond with a suspicious look on her eyes staring at Ajearaa's.

"But I guess having to lead those powerful people would be awesome."


Ajearaa nodded casually wiped a single drop of sweat.

"It's fine if you don't tell me what this 'Crusaders' actually are. I will know them in the future anyway."

Sanya clapped her hand and stand up... walked away and looked back at Ajearaa,

"Also, I know you have more secrets. It's only our first meeting but we've made good progress nonetheless. So, I expected that in the future you will trust me more and tell me about those secrets of yours."

However, Ajearaa's expression didn't change. He already expected that Sanya is not just smart but also sharp.

"Where are you going?"

"It's almost time for dinner so I need to go back to my room to prepare another dress."

Both of their dress had a little amount of dirt on it. Obviously, because they sat on the ground earlier, Ajearaa even slept on the ground without a care in his surroundings.

Ajearaa also go back to his room to change. He can't show up to this 'special dinner' looking like that in front of the king after all.

The two goes to opposite directions as they go back to their respective rooms.

When Ajearaa arrived at his room he quickly took a bath and change his clothes to a clean one.

He's a person who's not taking too long to take a bath, he's also not a picky person. So, whatever clean clothes he can touched is the one he will wear.

After changing his clothes he took a deep breath and dive to his bed.

"Talking to her is kinda exhausting."

He protests, remembering his conversation with Sanya earlier.

([System]... and {Stash} what's your thoughts about her?)

[I already told my impression of her earlier and it won't change for the being.]

{I think she's fine. She's a smart kid and that intelligence of her can help the boss.}

(Yeah. She's smart and that will definitely help me in some way in the future... But that's the problem, she's too smart for her age! I thought she's also a reincarnated in this world because of how smart and mature she acts. If [System] didn't inform me earlier that she's just too smart for her own good, I will definitely believe that she's the same as me!!!)

{Her being a smart kid... is that a problem?}

(It's not a problem in any way... It's just my personal feelings... Do you two already know how I live my past life?)


[All we know is that you live in Earth in your past life but other than that... I'm afraid that we don't know much about Master.]

(If that were the case then it's understandable that you didn't know.)

{So why are you sounding problematic Boss?}

(She's smart and had a headstart compare to other kids and obviously it's good for her. However, from a person who comes from earth... It's also fine if she'd enjoy her childhood sometimes... It's what I want to say. Being too smart would bring more envy on her peers, and possibly enemies in the future.)

{Is that so?}

[I understand what the master is trying to convey. However, didn't you see her face when he's looking at you?]

(Yeah... That curious and excited face of her is a proof that she can act like a child sometimes. That's also one of my reason why I let this engagement to continue... To satisfy her curiosity and to make her act like a kid her age.)

{To put it simply... That young lad is a smart and mature but the boss wants her to act like a normal girl once in a while. Is that right?}

(...Yes, that's right.)

The time continued to tick until it's time for dinner.

King Justine and Duke Conley are planning to eat dinner together. Of course, that includes Ajearaa and Sanya...

Ajearaa went to the dining hall just in time. He saw King Justine, Duke Conley and Sanya are already in there.

"You're finally here my son!"

King Justine exclaimed.

"I greet the prince."

Duke Conley greet Ajearaa formally, which, Ajearaa returned with a formal greeting of his own.

"Also, let me introduce to you my daughter."

"Don't bother. We already know each other."

Ajearaa shaked his head.

"Oh? Is that true?"

"The prince isn't lying. We met and had a simple conversation earlier in the garden."

"That's good then, since you two are now officially betrothed to one another!!"

King Justine told them as if it's not obvious.

"I, Sanya Winjin, greet the prince again and hoping for a good relationship in the future."

Sanya formally greeted Ajearaa.

It's a kind and genuine greeting... but unlike the greetings before, this specific regard will mark their engagement officially.

Ajearaa might be ignorant about this world common sense, but it's clear to see what kind of formal greeting Sanya had done so he followed suit... accepting Sanya's greeting and do the same.

Only King Justine and Ajearaa have attended this simple but elegant at the same time dinner. The queen is already done resting after giving birth but she's taking care of Havoc (the newborn baby) so she can't attend this formality dinner.

Robert and Selena are studying and both staying in the academy's dormitory. They'll come home once a month and there's still a week left before they go back to the castle.

Hence, the only royalty here beside King Justine is his son, Ajearaa... They're having dinner while talking about trivial topics nobles or rich people would talk about.