

"Susan!" I shouted her name in excitement.

I was overexcited to see her again.

We hugged each other merrily.

"I will miss you so much dear” She bubbled sadly.

“I will miss you too dearest" I murmured sadly too.

“Your dad called my mum sometime back, the good thing is that today I did not go to school. I will go tomorrow. Sorry okay, I did not get time to say hi to you because I went to visit my grandma over the holiday" She continued.

"It’s okay dear after all at least you are here to bid me goodbye" I beamed somehow happily.

We talked a little more then she went away after saying hi to my parents and Molnar.

After a thirty minutes drive, we reached our destination.

There was a blue gate that welcomed us with some writings which I couldn't read well as I was only in standard three. My mum suddenly took hold of my hand before we entered in.

We walked for a while before we could see the buildings. But I could sense that something was amiss with my mum because she was shivering as if she was scared of something. I tried to ease her by smiling at her and tightening my grip on her then we continued walking following my dad and Monar.

We reached a beautiful building painted blue and white.

Suddenly, I saw two kids one dragging another as they walked. I  looked at them for a while then a realization heat me!

What! I couldn't believe it. The other kid who was being dragged was blind,  he couldn't see completely.

I turned my attention back to my mum only to see her crying silently “Mum! What is wrong? So you will be living with me here? But I can see mum, what came over you?" I asked as my eyes were full of tears already.

“Sorry ba...?"

"No don't worry me. How will I live with people who cannot see and I I can see well?" My mum pointed at her mouth to warn me against continuing blubbering.

I became very weak as we follow Mrs Monar into the office. I was on the verge of breaking down.

Even if we were as poor as church mice, that was not the reason they should take me to a blind school.

It wasn't that I did not like the kids, it was just that I felt like I was taking the advantage of the situation.

Afterwards, Mrs Monar knocked on a door which was opposite a garden and after some minutes it was opened from the inside. She entered while gesturing for us to follow behind.

What I saw inside even made me shudder.

I saw a middle-aged man who was blind together with a lady. But the lady could see.

On sighting us, the lady's eyes narrowed. She gave us a hard glare and pointed out, “Is this some kind of joke Monar? how can you bring a kid who does not have any kind of disability into our school?"

"But madam she..."

"Stop there, do you think our school is a fattening camp that you can bring some freeloaders from any dustbin that you found anywhere?"

Not again! Was this the school that Mrs Monar was bringing me to? I was shocked by my bones.

I froze on the spot. I couldn't fathom what I felt at that moment. Even though we were poor and dirty that was not a reason for that stupid arrogant woman to refer us that way.

I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. The humiliation was too much for one day. Why would the world torture as always?

"Calm down madam, maybe Monar has her reasons for bringing her here and by the way, we can't judge the sight of people by just looking at them. Remember we should consult the optician" The middle-aged man tried to ease the already unbearable situation.

"All of you get out!" The woman yelled at us. Madam Monar made a gesture of apology and pointed for us to go out.

We got out with my parents. I bit my lower lip to suppress the tears that wanted to come out of my eyes. I felt bad for my parents. They had been humiliated in front of me all because of me.

We got out and sat at the nearest bench.

"Richard, I think we should go home. Even if we are poor that woman is too heartless, she is rude and evil."

"Calm down my dear remember we are doing this for our dear Blee" I felt even worse so they suffered because of me.

How I wished, we could be rich. All of this would not be happening to us.

"You know that the attitude she showed us is of another level. What will happen to Bless when we are not around? She might even torture her and besides our Blessing is not blind, how sure are we that she will accept her?"

Yeah, that was true. I didn't want to be left in the hands of that heartless woman. I wanted to voice out that she shouldn't talk to my parents like that a while ago but I kept quiet because of the respect I had for Mrs Monar.

Thinking about her, I felt sorry for her. Oh my goodness! that woman might kill her.

"I allowed you to search for needy and disabled pupils, not some trash" We suddenly heard those harsh words from inside the office.

We waited for a little longer then Monar came out.

From the way she looked at us, I knew she was sad but she tried to suppress it in front of us.

"Blessing, come here baby girl"

"What is wrong Monar?" Mommy asked looking confused.

"The headteacher wants to talk to her alone"

"But she is only a child. Why don't we come with her? After all, we are here as her parents"

"Don't worry she will be fine"

I looked at my mum to reassure her that I would be fine and followed Monar behind. 

"What is your name, young girl?"

"M-y na...me.." The words could not come out of my mouth by the way I was shaking.

"Speak up or go out," The woman said rudely that sent shivers down my spine.

"Calm down madam, she is just a kid," The middle-aged man said as if he could sense my fear.

I immediately liked him. He looked kind-hearted and understanding. 

Without saying anything she gestured rudely for me to talk.

"I am Blessing Richard madam and I am ten years old," I said hurriedly without being asked.

Madam Monar looked at me to reassure me that all would be fine. 

"I will accept this kid today because of you Mr Jack but when our optician comes tomorrow you must bring the results of the check-up immediately. And as for you, Monar doesn't bring anyone again. Your work is over" She was heartless. Just like that Monar's work was over because of me.

I knew that one day, all these regrets and pain were going to kill me but I had to be strong.

I felt bad. I also had my problems awaiting me. After all, Monar was not that poor and her husband had a good job so she would be fine. I concluded in my thoughts.

Without wasting time Monar got out of the office without even begging to be given another chance. She was somehow fed up. It seemed that this woman was used to insulting people.

"And you, where are your parents?"

"Outside" I replied shortly.

"Bring them" I sighed heavily and got out of the office.

After talking to my parents for a long time, a middle-aged and dark complexed woman appeared and was ordered by heartless woman to take me with her.

I cried and hugged my parents before they took off quickly because I did not allow them to.

I felt lonely as I followed the woman behind.


Author's note,

I apologize for my previous errors and I am working hard to edit the chapters. Please bear with me guys.

Don't forget to review the book.