

Alex stared at me for a while as if to articulate what to tell me right now.

I was sure he didn't believe my words that I could wish to visit a person who had caused suffering to my life. But sincerely, I didn't know why but something made me feel pain and guilt in my little heart. I just couldn't let Jamilah's leg be amputated.

After all, that was my area of specialization and I was sure I could at least help her. If not because of the reason that we were related by blood but for humanity. My heart couldn't allow that to befallen her.

Riiiing! Riiing! Riiiing!

My phone started ringing as I was waiting for Alex's response while on our way home.

"Excuse me!" I snapped from my imagination and took the phone from my handbag and checked the caller's id in confusion.

"What's wrong?" Alex asked concerned by my facial expressions.

"I don't know who is calling!" I retorted back.

"Can I receive it for you?" He offered and I couldn't hesitate and immediately gave him the phone as the chauffeur on the other side was busy driving us.

"Hello!" He answered immediately after he received the phone.

"Hello! Where is my sister Blessing? She is my sister!" That voice drove me closer to Alex and I immediately took the phone from him with a smile.

"Hello? Is that Lisa?" I asked happily. My best friend Lisa.

It had been a long since the last time we talked but I just couldn't forget her voice. My heart was always happy when I talked to her. She was like a little sister to me and a sister in law to be if she would get married to Dean, brother to Alex!!

Wow! I was happy about that fact. I could not wait to live closer to her. I was sure we would vibe well because she was a good girl like her mother, Diana.

"Yes! It's Lisa and you are my sister, Blessing!" She emphasised making me laugh wholeheartedly.

"No! You don't understand! You are my sister!" She blurted out frustrated causing me to gaze at Alex in confusion.

"Yes! You are my sister dear and I love you very much!" I answered still confused.

"She meant blood sister!" Alex brought me to the world.

"Blood sister? How? What are you saying, Alex?" I could feel dizzy by that revelation.

"Yes! You are my half-sister!" Lisa chimed in causing me to bring the phone closer to my eyes as I gazed at it attentively. This was another shock. Since the day I was informed about my real identity, life had changed tremendously! Every passing day, seemed to be another day of knowing a secret which was being disclosed.

Lisa being my sister was a  great shock to me. 

Did that mean we shared Samir as our father?

"No!" I couldn't hide my thoughts anymore and instead, I voiced them out.

Diana of all the women? That couldn't be! Diana couldn't have an affair with somebody's husband! She was a woman full of virtue whom I respected a lot. She couldn't have taken someone's husband. That, I was a hundred per cent sure.

"No? You don't want to be my sister?" I heard a tingle of pain in her voice and immediately corrected myself, "No! I didn't mean that Lisa. Is just that this is unbelievable! You to be my sister? I haven't imagined that!" I whispered still in shock.

"I am sorry not to tell you about this earlier!" I heard Alex saying while gazing at his hands.

"Dear, what Lisa is saying is the truth! You are my children's half-sister. I was also shocked to learn that you are Samir's daughter. But from yesterday, I couldn't stop laughing at myself despite all of this realization, because you look exactly like your father with your mother's hair. I am sorry to say this because right now, I know you are confused and you don't know what to do about all the things Samir and his family did to you. But as a parent, I would urge you to forgive him no matter how hard it may sound but that is my advice as a mother!"

"No! That will never happen!" I blurted out strongly immediately after Diana, who had taken the phone from Lisa stated.

"I know how you feel but God had his reasons for them to do what they did to their own daughter. Maybe he wanted them to change later like the way they are changing right now!" Diana advised making me tear up already.

How could I forgive them? My killers? That would be the hardest thing to do.

"Y-you don't know how it feels to be treated like an animal by your own family. I respect you aunty but forgiving those people, will be very hard. After all, I have nothing to lose, I have my family already and Alex!" I stattered as tears filled my bottom eyelid making Alex tap on my shoulder lightly.

"I know! I know everything because I experienced the same thing. Samir lied to me. He promised me the world while in a real sense, he was already a married man. By that time, I was young just like you and your sisters, Lisa and Lydia. He made my life miserable after I discovered I was pregnant with him. That was when he, revealed to me that he was already married and he couldn't marry me. Guess how was I be able to manage? I was chased away from home and I didn't know where to go...cry...I had to come to town in search of a place to call home with my pregnancy. I had to sleep outside people's shops with all the cold weather I had to endure...but now, here I am. At least I am happy!" Diana finished her statements between sobs making me gulp on my heavy saliva. I couldn't stop myself from pitying her.

So I was misjudging her? Indeed, I was right, Samir was an animal. How could he betray such a nice soul like Diana? Indeed, the world was cruel to nice people.

"And despite all of that you still allowed him to call Lisa and Lydia his children?" I blurted out while clenching my fists in anger. Why would God give me such a father? I couldn't stop myself but asked inwardly as tears rolled down my cheeks.

Alex was quiet and all he could do was sigh deep as he listened to our conversation while consoling me at the same time.

"I never wanted that but I couldn't be Selfish. My children were against it too but deep in their eyes, I could feel their longing for a father. Besides, he is already paying for his sins in prison. So I told Lisa and Lydia to forgive him because, despite all of this, he is still their dad!"

"Indeed, you people are kind!" I complimented with a sigh.

But what about me? Would I be able to forgive him even though he was already paying for his crimes?

"Forgive my dearest daughter! Forgiveness soften your heart, mind and soul while at the same time, making you happy and away from hate. Please forgive and free yourself from the chains of hatred. That is the beginning of happiness. Only if, you are ready to forgive, will you have peace!"

'Please forgive and free yourself from hatred!' Those words were like a sharp knife which had pierced through my heart.

I should forgive? I should forgive those people who were supposed to be my family.

"What  should I do?" I asked in a loud voice. I was in a dilemma. I didn't want my heart to be filled with hate but those people treated me like an animal.

"Calm down," Alex embraced me and took the phone from me, "Let her relax aunty! Talk later!" And he hanged up.

"What should I do Alex?" I asked between sobs. 

"Nothing! You didn't deserve what they did to you and no one is allowed to force you in forgiving them. That is your decision and I will stand with You in anything you decide!" Alex encouraged me that I couldn't stop myself from hardening the hug.

Indeed, Alex was a blessing to my life. What would I have done without him beside me?

"Do you think I am not selfish? I mean if I don't forgive them  will I be selfish?" I asked in a whisper.

"No! That is not selfishness!"

"We are here boss!" We heard the chauffeur's voice from outside the car. I was sure we had reached our destination a while ago but because of the serious conversation that we had in the car, we were not able to realise it.

"Can we go now, dear? Don't worry, I will always be beside you. You know I love you so much, don't you?" He asked with a grin as he gazed at me lovely making me nod with a blush.

We then, got out of the car only for me to see flowers all over the place.

This place was unfamiliar and beautiful! Where was this?

"A-Alex! Where are we?"