

"And who said I am joking? That is the truth! They are your parents and Jamilah is you.."

"Never! Over my dead body! Hahaha! Alex!" I clapped my hands while laughing loudly. I was already on my heels.

He must be joking!

"Come here!" 

"No! I am going! I can't sit here and listen to this nonsense! You know what Alex, of all the people in my world, you are the only person I trust. Why should you also lie to me? What have I done to deserve this? For now, I don't trust a single soul at all! Everyone just turns against me!"

"Blessing! You are the last person I could lie to! I couldn't believe it too when I saw the results of the DNA test!"

"What do you mean by that?" I chimed in immediately. My heart started to throb again. But this time, I was sure it would bulged out of my chest.

Did it mean he wasn't lying to me? No! It couldn't be! When did he took the DNA and I wasn't aware?

"No! I better have dogs as my parents rather than..."

"My daughter! My Jessica! Don't hate your mother like that! My baby!" I turned my upper body at a bullet pace to face the direction of the voice! 

What I saw next made me weak to the knees.

"You called them?" I exclaimed while turning my faze to Alex in a sudden rage that my chest was moving up and down uncontrollably.

What was the meaning of this? 

"No! I don't even know how they were able to get in here!" Alex looked dumbfounded too as he gulped at his saliva.

With one look, I could already see that he was telling the truth because he looked as shocked as I was.

"Sir! They got in forcefully! Please forgive us, sir! We will drag them out now!" A man who just stomped in the room, who was Alex's head of bodyguards, apologized ready to drag the two people who were kneeling on the floor.

"No! Just let them be because they are already here, Edwin!"

"No! I want them out! I don't want anything to do with these cold-blooded killers! I hate you! I hate you so much! I despise you!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as I scratched my head in anger that the beautiful style that was on my head, couldn't be described again.

Seeing how confused I was, and the tears that were drenching my face, Alex held me to him.

"She is the one Camila! Our Jessica! Look at her, she looks exactly like Jam.."

"Don't you dare compare my woman with that witch!" Alex exclaimed in anger.

Yes, if I was their child, why did they do all those wbils to me? They were even ready to kill me!

"Alex! Please explain to me, what are these two people doing here? No! They can't be my parents. These are the last people I want to be associated with right now!" I raised my head and shouted to see a large drop of tear on the woman's cheek.

She couldn't be my mother no matter what! At least not her. 

A woman who tried to end my life. A woman who bullied me despite the fact she knew well, that my hand was broken by that time and all was because of this heartless man.

"You are now, kneeling in front of me? I can't believe this! Indeed God is great, indeed what goes around comes around! Indeed God wipes tears from his people! Do you remember at your mansion Samir? Oooh! I am to call you Master Samir! Do you remember making me kneel in front of you? Do you remember what your daughter did to me? She slapped me several times in front of you! But whag did you do? Nothing! Nothing at all!"

"No! I didn't do such a thing to you! I never knew you until you came into Alex's life!"

"Haha! How could you remember me and I was only your slave? Well, let me remind you then, do you remember punishing that huge man just because he brought me into your mansion before checking my health status?"

"What? S-so s-so y...you were that girl? Noooooooooooo! This can't be! Why does fate treat me like this? Camila! Camila my dear! Help me beg my dau.."

"I am not your daughter! I will never be your daughter! You disgust me! I hate you with my life! You are good at forcing people to do what you want, aren't you? Come kill me first before I accept you as my father!" I cried out louder than before.

I was pissed off that I couldn't think straight! It couldn't be! These were not my parents! I didn't know why I was still here speaking to these evil beings.

"Well! well! well, who do we have here? Wow! Samir kneeling?"

"Y-you! What are you doing here?" I came back to the living world by the new faces that had just entered the room.

These people, why were they here? How came everyone got access to this room?

Who was this middle-aged man? A-and M-Mark? Why was he with him? I turned my guess to Alex only to see him calm. But Camila was about to faint. The good thing was that, she was already on the floor or else, she would have fainted. She could die if ahe wanted for all I care!

"Who is this? And you Mark, where were you all these years? We have been looking for you!" Samir blurted out as always, pride even though he was still on the floor.

"Hahaha! What a beautiful reunion we have here? I didn't think it could turn to this! Well, I know you but you don't know me. Ooh! I forgot you are the richest man in the world! Why are you on the floor then?" The middle-aged man clapped as he walked leisurely around Samir who looked tense.

"Mother, what is going on here?" Mark came in as if confused.

"Mark! Your sister! Look at her, our Jessica!" Camila answered in a whisper that made Mark flinch in shock.

"No! She can't be my sister! She is supposed to be my wife!"
