

"I don't understand at all!" Diana sounded in frustration on the other end.

"Calm down! I am about to travel back. Just be strong and take care of her, okay? I hope you are doing better yourself because you were not strong yesterday" It was a statement rather than a question.

"Yes! I am better now. C-can I tell you something Alex? Because now I trust you!" Diana blurted out but in a whisper.

Alex listened then answered, "You know you can tell me anything, Diana?" He just used her name directly.

"I have thought about it for some hours now. I think the men who attacked me, were sent by Ruben too!" She stuttered but finally, she was able to split the bean.

"I already knew that it was him!" He retorted with confidence that Diana wondered how he was able to be this sure.

"Oooh" That was the only thing she was able to answer.

"Take care of Lydia, okay? I will be there. By the way, before I end the call, is Dean there?" He asked because he was sure that that naughty brother of his was around because of Lisa. 

That boy!

"Hahaha! Don't mention. He had been here since your men brought Lydia. We have been with him in this hospital. I appreciate it. You children are very kind to us. Thank you so much Alex together with your brother!" She stated while gazing into another direction that Alex was sure she was looking at his brother.

"Okay, but please be careful with him" Diana choked with her saliva.

"What did you mean?" She asked innocently. She didn't know what this young man was talking about.

"Huh! No! no! no! I was talking to my people here! Hahaha! Forget about it!" He then ended the call with a broad smile.

"Dean! That boy!" He sighed and walked towards his men, "I don't have much to say, guys. But I have to return to Africa, tomorrow morning. Please take care of my woman and do as I instructed" With that, he walked out of the building.

He had a lot on his plate that he didn't know what to do.

Suddenly, he remembered something and smiled mischievously as he drove away.


"My baby! My baby! No! She can't die on me!" Lady Camila screamed at the end of her lungs as she wandered outside the emergency room while crying like a mad woman.

She still couldn't believe that her daughter ended up in that condition.

What happened in her room while she was away? Why did she even leave her alone in that room? Who did that to her? Because she was sure Jamilah couldn't have harmed herself willingly? What happened?

"Calm down dear! It's not your fault!" Mr Samir sighed. 

He was very thin and weak. Many things happened to him that he wasn't an egocentric person anymore. He was dying internally with all of this.

Why was the world showing its claws to him! Why was it this cruel to him? What did he do to deserve this?

He was tired!

He had been away for months now. At least to secure the required doctor for his ailing daughter, only to hear that something very outrageous had happened to her while he was away that he had to come back.

Why was he suffering like this? Why was it alway him?Or was he being paid for all the cruel treatment he had done to other people?

"You can't expect me to relax Samir! Remember this is my only daughter after Jessica died! It's all your fault! You are to be blamed for this!" Camila started to blame the man leaving Samir dumbstruck.

"Are you out of your senses? What have I done this time around? You should be the one to be blamed for leaving Jamilah alone in her room and you do know very well  about her condition" Samir couldn't suppress his temper anymore.

He was tired, tired of living in lies, "You know what? I have two other kids back in Africa and I want to take them with me. I want to be responsible for ones in my life! Maybe I am going through all of this because I ran away from my responsibilities and left that woman alone with those two..."

Smack! Smack! "How dare you say such a thing in front of me? Are you this shameless Samir?  Whilw our daughter is inside fighting forher life, you are here talking nonesense. I thought you changed! How..."


Before Camila could yell at the man again, Samir slapped her hard on her cheeks that she collapsed on the floor while holding her head.

"You know what woman, I am tired of this toxic relationship! I only married you because of your family's wealth! Not because I loved you! You thought I love you? You are wrong! I never loved anyone until I met that African lady who is now the mother of my twins! I have been hiding this and threatening her until yesterday when I realized that I have been living a false life! She is the one I want but I couldn't have her because I married you! No! Don't you ever get me wrong Camila! I don't love you! Get that..."

"What?" Camila could not believe her eyes as tears rushed down her cheeks. Was this what it was? Why was everyone being this cruel to her? She lost her daughter, and her son and now she was about to lose her other daughter and her husband too to another woman.

Where did she go wrong? Whom would she cry on?

"Yes! That is the truth! Hahaha! You thought I love you? How can I love a woman who was already pregnant with another man?" 

"What? What do you mean brother?" A voice was heard from the other side causing the duo to face the direction. But Camila who was down on the floor was finding it hard. 

Her head was spinning and she wasn't able to see well at all. She was feeling dizzy suddenly that she couldn't see.

No! What was happening to her? She could see a pool of blood all over the place instead of people!

She wasn't able to see the people at all. All she could see was blood and chaos!

"My baby is about to come out!" She could see herself in a delivery room as she fought to stay conscious.

"Ca-camila..." Samir came from his dazed world only to see his wife slithering on the ground while holding her head.