

Camila gazed at the girl in front of her in shock and  a great loss for words.

This girl was very persistent. 

How could she forget her daughter's behaviours this easily? No matter what, no matter what would happen to the girl, no matter the situation she was in right now, Jamilah would always be Jamilah, heartless and stubborn!

Lady Camila sighed and sat on the bed opposite the girl. She was in a dilemma! She didn't know what to tell this stubborn girl of hers now.

How she wished her husband was around now! At least the man was too close to her daughter. She was sure the girl would listen to her father more than herself.

"Why are you quiet now mother? You just said that you love me and you will do whatever I ask of you. Then why can't you give me a mirror? Don't worry even though the healing process will take time, I will eventually heal, okay?" Jamilah comforted stubbornly. She had already made up her mind.

By this time, Camila was in a daze. She didn't know how to convince the girl anymore. The only way was to lie to her about the healing process but she had declared already that she was ready to take even if it was a million years to heal. So what story, could she come up with that would make this stubborn girl forget about the mirror?

"You know I can't give you a mirror, Jamilah! Your dad forbade all of us because of your own good. I can't just disrespect her by doing what you are asking of me!" She stated without blinking. 

Camila knew that this was not the time to laugh with the girl. She had to be tough for her good. And the only way out was to shout at her so that she would be angry with her and chase her out of the room.

That was her mission. If the girl eventually chased her out of the room, then she wouldn't have to give her what she had asked for.

"What do you mean? Are you already angry with me? I knew it, I knew that you were lying all this time! You never loved me at all" She said with disappointment in her voice.

Camila was about to go back from what she had just promised herself but she knew she had to.

'Let her hate me for now. When a doctor is found for her, she will be treated and then we will show her the pictures of how she is now and I am sure, she will forgive me that time because she would have known why I did what I am doing right now' Camila thought internally while nodding her head as if in agreement with herself.

"....mum!" Jamila shouted forming a reverberation in the sophisticated room that the woman who was in her deep thoughts jumped out of her skin.

"Hey, you scared me! Why are you shouting like that?" She rumbled while opening her eyes in a wide shock.

"I have been calling you for a while now but you are just nodding your head that I thought you are going crazy which irritated me" She reasoned out while wiping the tears that had been cascading endlessly down her right cheek.

"Ooh! I am sorry but I can't give you a mirror without your father's consent" She declared making Jamilah open her mouth in shock.

Why was her mother like a chameleon? One minute she was good the other minute she was mad that she wanted to jump on her.

"What are you doing in here then? You are lucky that I am unable to walk or else I would have kicked you out of my room by force!

Ooh! That was what Camila wanted even though deep down in her heart, she wanted to be near her baby and help her eat her food, but then she knew she had to go for her good.

After all, she wasn't ready to lose her daughter at all.

She gazed at the girl in the wheelchair with pain in her eyes which were red now because of crying. After that, she turned her body towards the door, "Okay," That was what she managed to say and rushed out of the room.

Jamilah turned her wheelchair and stared at the door where the woman had just rushed out from with a mischievous smile.

"Wow! That was easy! I didn't know by shouting at her to go out, she would just move out without rejecting as she always do! Hahaha! Jamilah's dearest mum! Sigh! I love you but I must find out how I look" She beamed blissfully with a tingle of sadness in her voice then moved towards her bedstand.

She smiled again then tapped an object then leaned on her wheelchair leisurely with a huge smile on her face.

As if she had remembered something important, Jamilah sat uprightly and took the mask that was on her lap at a bullet pace and wore it.

She then adjusted it to look like the way it was before her mum made her remove it and sat comfortably in her wheelchair.


"Where were you? Haven't you heard that bell all this time? Have you forgotten that I am your boss? I can fire you anytime I feel like!" Jamilah shouted at a woman who was standing in front of her while shaking.

She was very angry because the maid didn't appear immediately she pressed the button for alerts in her room.

"I-I am sorry pr.."

"Keep your sorries to yourself! Now go and bring a mirror!"

"What?" The maid exclaimed in a loud voice that Jamilah shook a little.

This dimwit! She clenched her fists in anger! 

She knew if her mother were to hear that voice, especially in her room where she forbade the entry of maids and servants except the members of the family, then she would not hesitate to come and dragged anyone out of it.