

That day?

Yes, Gabriel remembered that day vividly like it was today itself.

That was the worse day of his life. It was the day he decided to quit his old career which he loved with his soul and body.

But he also knew the only way to escape his death from these elite people, was by quitting and escaping from that place and hiding in a far and secluded area.

He was sure that where he was living, was safe and no one would find him. And he was right because those years, no one knew where he went, even the doctors who he was working under them, didn't find him.

He was able to escape. By that time, he was still young so it was easy to escape because he didn't have a family back then.

He made sure to change his details and his name.

Where he was living now, people didn't know his real names or where he came from. In fact, they didn't care a jot about his family.

He was very lucky all that while. He was able to get a new job and lived happily till now. Not even his wife knew about his past life.

But how come these people came to know about that nightmare of a day?

What happened after his escape? Because he was the only one who knew that hell of a secret! Not even the mother of the baby! What was going on?

'I am sorry ma'am, but the baby died in the womb and when you delivered her..'

'What? What are you trying to say? My Jessica! No! That is why I don't believe the doctors and nurses of this place! No! My baby was healthy and fine when I went for my final check-up! How did it happen? How? Talk to me!' The Indian lady cried while fighting the young nurse who was in front of her weakly.

After all, she had just delivered one hour ago and it happened that she wasn't strong so immediately she delivered, she fainted and didn't know all of this.

'I-I am sorry ma'am' The young nurse stammered. 

He thought that it would be easy to lie to the lady because he was the only person who knew what happened in this room, but he was wrong.

'Sorry? You people killed my Jessica and what you can only say is sorry? Wait, you don't know who I am! I will erase your existence in this world! Where is m-my...baby?' The lady asked with fear and tears on her face.

'There m-ma'am, I am sorry' He then helped the woman who was crying heavily to where the dead baby was on the little bed, 'I will leave the two of you alone, I will come after five minutes' The lady didn't say anything and that was how he escaped for his dear life. 

Then why did it reach to this?

He started sweating and swearing while trembling, no! It couldn't be that they knew something about it! Was the lady a relative of that baby?

'No! Stop overthinking!' Gabriel warned himself. He wasn't ready to think about it. 

After all, he couldn't see the lady's body because she always came here with stockings or wide clothes so it was hard for him to recognize who she was. 

"Are you going to talk or not?"