

"Who is that?" I asked snapping my head from the mirror and gazing at the dumfounded Nea with sparkling eyes as I tried to touch the strands of my hair that were hanging on my forehead. 

I couldn't believe this. And the way I hated my hair? Ooh my! It was very beautiful today. Very long! What did she add to it? Why was it curling itself all those years? Or was I that primitive that I wasn't aware of my hair?

 My eyes, wow! Nea applied something to them which made them shine like a single star at the night. My mouth ooh my! She applied maroon lipstick on it that it was glittering. Wow! She also applied something that I didn't know of on my flawless face which made it look paler and somehow reddish.

 Wow! I swear I wanted to kiss myself!

"Hahaha! Who else? Look at you! That is Blessing Richard, there!" She smiled proud of her work. But I could also feel that she was astounded by the way I looked.

I gazed at myself once again and beamed subconsciously, "Wow!" I echoed in the room while jumping. I was very excited.

Wow! What would I look like when I finally wore that beautiful dress that Nea brought for me? I was already on cloud nine with happiness.

"You are very happy Blessing! Hahaha! Relax now before you spoil it. I want you to go and wear the dress very careful so that you won't ruin the make-up on your cute little face" She declared with glittering eyes and a wide smile.

"Thank you! Thank you! And thank you so much Nea!" I hugged her carefully to make sure that I wouldn't destroy my new beautified looks.

Something popped up in my mind making me to jump even more but suddenly I went silent and sad at the same time.

"What is wrong now?" Nea asked with eyes full of concern that made me emotional but I couldn't cry now or else I would ruin my make-up. I frowned a little and gazed at the other side.

"I was thinking of taking a picture of my new looks and sending it to Alex, I know he would be happy.."

"You know you can't do that Blessing! He will want to know where you are planning to go and our girls' night will come to an end before it even starts" She popped in cutting me short.

Yes, it was true what Nea said. If I sent Alex pictures now, he would be angry with me and maybe he would deny me from going with Nea as I had already promised her.

"Okay! That's true. I won't send him anything" I decided finally with sadness on my face. I wanted Alex to see me like this. I never showed off but I didn't know why from the time I meant Alex, all I wanted was to show him my beautiful side.

"Don't feel bad now, okay? You will show him one day. After all, before you become a doctor you will have known a lot of things. Hahaha!" She said and smiled genuinely.

"Okay, thank you again, Nea!" I stated emotionally.

"No! Don't thank me. After all, we are friends. What are friends for?" She retorted back and then like she was thinking about something, she gazed at me again, "Blessing? Did Alex pay all your fees for all the years that you will be here?" She asked making me look at her in great confusion.

"Why are you suddenly asking about that? I thought we were talking about the fresher's party and how beautiful I have become, hahaha!" I asked but still wondering why she asked that"

"No! I am just curious" She retorted back.

"Yes! He did. Now I will just concentrate on my studies without any problem. Even though he didn't, I know he has money. He wouldn't have failed to pay" I beamed happily as I praised my Alex.

"Wow! I am happy for you girlfriend. Now go and wear your dress. I want to see your final looks before I wear mine!" She beamed already forgetting what we were talking about. 

I sighed and took the dress on the hanger and rushed into the nearby room to change.

In a jiffy, I was ready. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and without resisting, hot tears cascaded down my cheeks. I didn't care if I was going to ruin my face or not.

To be sincere I was very happy with my new looks. 

The dress matched my body well. It went as far as showing my womanly curves though it wasn't that tight. Because I was tall, the dress fitted me well up to my toes. I surveyed myself and then adjusted the stands of my hair as it was supposed to be. 

I took a view of my new hairstyle and wow! I was flabbergasted for the emptieth time.

Nea was sure a designer!

She cut a line just above my forehead and collected all the hair that was at the front then divided it into two strands. She then rolled the strand separately and dropped each of them at the sides of my forehead so that they were touching my eyes. Then she combined the remaining hair and tied it into a ponytail leaving it hanging down my waist.

I was so happy that I couldn't take it anymore and sobbed silently.

Finally, I gathered myself up and adjusted my make up and stomped out of the room.

When I reached where Nea was, the girl was already on her feet. She looked stunned by my new apperance that she was covering her mouth in shock while her eyes were wide open.

"Bestie! You are very beautiful awwwn! I can't believe it is you! You look like a model! I am sure you will be the most beautiful girl today!" She beamed as she hugged me emotionally.

"Don't joke now!" I blushed with her compliment.

"No! I am not joking! You are beautiful Blessing. I swear with my mother's name!" She said while breaking the hug and gathering my hands in hers, "How I wish Alex could be around to see how lucky he is" She said making me lose my grip and face the other side coyly.

"Thank you for the compliment. Now go and wear yours. I am impatient to see how beautiful you will be tonight" I beamed while pushing her toward the other room.

"Okay, I am coming. Please start wearing the shoes because time is not on our side. Immediately I am done, we are going to take off towards the school!" She shouted as she entered the room.

I gazed in her direction until she disappeared and took the black heels and wore them slowly as I was not used to them.

I staggered in front of the mirror and peeked at myself with a board smile on my face.

Something came up my head and I rushed onto the couch and picked up my phone and took as many selfies as possible then threw the phone to where it was before.

'I will show Alex those photos when he comes at the end of the month as he promised' I thought inwardly.

I wouldn't show Nea because she would refuse. I just wanted Alex to see me in this.

I smiled to myself in the mirror satisfied with my naughtiness.