

"Please don't leave us. We all love you" A woman cried hysterically as the girl in her hand was breathing her last breath.

"D-don't cry okay? We will meet again one day when all of this pain of the cruel world end" The girl mumbled in a low voice as alot of blood came out of her chest.

"Don't say such a thing. You are not going anywhere, cry, no one will separate us again,cry,"  The woman stated as her eyes were covered by endless sweat and tears of pain.

"Mummy,cough, I love you so much. Please don't you ever forget'' The girl whispered as the pain on her chest was becoming unbearable.

"I love you more baby" She said as her eyes wandered everywhere trying to look for something. "Somebody help us! Heeeeeelp!" She shouted like a mad woman.

"Mummy my time is over, please let me go. I need to go and rest" The girl whispered as the woman shook her head in dasagreement.

"No! Just hung in there for a little time. Help is coming okay? Heeeelp! Please come and rescue my kiiiiid!" She yelled her eyes out.

"Mom, don't worry, cough...I will be watching over you from there okay?" The girl whispered while pointing at the dark sky.

"No baby please don't do this to me. Don't go anywhere" She begged as the vision of the girl blurred and finally she went in to a deep slumber that she would not wake up again. 

The woman froze in shock, "Nooooo!"

I woke up as I felt heavy sweat in every part of my body. The room was cold but I was in sweat.

"Baby what is wrong? You made us scared" Mummy said as her eyes were filled with sweat and tears.

"Mummy are you alright?" "Yes, w-why are you asking?" Mummy asked as she faced me and baby Sheila at the same time.

"Sis, how are you feeling? Why were you shaking in the bed like you were...." "Baby let your sister rest okay?" My mum interrupted Sheila, our last born as she covered her hands on her mouth preventing her from talking.

What was going on? Why is everyone looking Shocked?

"Mummy, please tell me what is wrong?" I blurted out feeling irritated by the whole situation.

"Nothing dear is just that you were shaking and I tried to wake you up but you did not open your eyes instead you kept mumbling some words that I couldn't understand"

I was flabbergasted by what my mum told me. So it was a dream, a nightmare in that matter? But who was that woman? Why was I even there at the first place? 

That woman looked desperate when talking to that girl. To be sincere, I was there in the dream but did not hear the voices well nor see the faces. To make the matters worse, I could not remember anything more. The dream just vanished like that. 

 I tensed. What was happening to me? And that dream, what? Why could I remember it again?

"Blessing,  please stop making us scared. What is happening to you? Why are you shaking again?"

"Am fine mum. Don't worry" I faked a smile to ease the tention in the room.

"Let me call the doctor am coming" She rushed out living me and baby Sheila.

"Come here baby" "No! Mummy said that I should not disturb you or you will not get well soon and take me to buy sweets like the other day" She pouted her lips as she said that. I liked her so much. She was my favorite infact all of my three sisters and  brother loved me so much.

"Please doctor check her out" I heard mummy's voice as she rushed in the room behind the doctor.

"How  are you feeling Blessing? Especially your head"

ooh! I had even forgot about the pain before the doctor injected me yesterday.

I concentrated on my head but could not feel any pain.  "I don't feel any pain" They all opened their mouth wide in shock as they looked at each other. I was even stunned.

'What is wrong with these people?' I asked myself.

"Are you sure?" I heard the doctor's voice."ofcouse am sure why not? Why are you people behaving like that?"

"Baby please tell the doctor what you really feel okay? She is trying to help you so don't get scared" My mum stated living me confused even more.

"But I am better, should I lie then?" "Blessing what class are you? I mean do you remember anything about your studies like mathematics and chemistry?"

"Ofcourse, by the way when will I get out of this hospital? I should go and revise for my forthcoming exams" I asked as I saw my mum kneeling down while looking up with her hands on the air.

"Thank you Almighty God, indeed your name should be glorified" she said as she stood up living me downstruckted.

"Mum, what is the meaning of all of this and where is father? Did you people expect me to die by the snake.." "Please don't finish your sentence" My mum said looking very angry.

"What is happening here?" We suddenly heard a deep voice. I smiled by the sight of who it was.

"Father, where were you?" My dad looked at me confused just like the look the doctor and mum were giving me. 'Wait, what is wrong?'  I asked myself inwardly.

"Don't worry baby we will be back" My dad said while pushing the doctor and my mum out of the room.  Sheila also followed them living me alone in the room. 

I tried hard to remember about the nightmare but I couldn't. Infact the more I tried, the more my head hurt so I let it go and I rested my head on the pillow.

My hair had grown long and now it was very rough. I sighed heavily and went into  slumber.


"What is happening to my daughter doctor? You said that she would loose her memory and that she might not be able to use her brain nor be able to remember her studies because of the bite, but now did you see that?" Mrs.Richard walled gloomly as she faced the doctor in the small office. Her husband was also confused.

"You people are confused as well as me. Maybe it is a miracle or maybe the process is..." "Don't you dare repeat that. She is fine and nothing will happen to her in the future" Mr. Richard blurted out feeling irritated by the doctor's stupid suggestion.

"Okay let us wait and pray for the best" The doctor sighed heavily as she got off from her chair. "Now if you will excuse me I have to attend to another patient" She said as she got out of the office living the couple who looked confused even more.


Author's note.

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