

It was already late in the evening. The weather was cool and beautiful. But that was not the case for a boy who was seated in a corner of the boy's dormitory. He was very exasperated with the fact that he was at school and others had been chased away due to fee problems.

He detested his mum so much that if he were to be given the opportunity he would kill her.

Jeremy, a form three student was the type of a boy who was absurd and disliked school. What hurt him more was the fact that his mother was always on time on paying his school fees.

Suddenly, Jeremy had an idea and he laughed maliciously. He got off from the corner and rushed to his group which was called 'Bad boys'

They were four in that group. All of them always caused mishaps in the school and breaking school rules were their daily bread.

Jeremy told his friends of his malicious scheme and they all broke into a heartful laugh.

"You are a genius, Jeremy. I miss smoking and drinking. If our plan works out properly we will be able to go home and enjoy ourselves" Peter the youngest and the ruthless amongst the four, suggested happily.

"Year what are we waiting for, lets's go guys!" Hamon responded as he was already walking away. 

The four of them did not waste time but trailed behind.

"Here it is!" Michael shouted happily. They had been searching for the main metre b   for some time now but they did not succeed till now. 

"What?" Peter exclaimed happily walking towards Michael.

"Yeah let us do this one for all. I hate this school so much! I just want to go home" Jeremy said with a menacing eye and an evil grin.

"All of you, be careful, please! We need to execute this plan safely and please stay silent so that no one would suspect that there are people in here!" Hamon warned as he was ready to execute the plan.

"1, 2, 3, go...." Jeremy whispered to his pals as he was ready to alter the metre box. He was happy that very soon he would go home without thinking of the negativity of their plan.

Getting the signal from his friends, he opened the metre box and pushed the wires mercilessly that a huge explosion was heard all over the school.

The school had long buildings which were attached in terms of electricity hence the whole place was in a mess. 

There was a lot of yelling all over the place as students and teachers who were living in the school run for their dear life.

The explosion was huge that people from afar could see how the fire arose from the school.

"Help! Help! Help! Somebody, please help us! We don't want to die here!. Please help!" People were shouting as they saw the angel of souls coming with his bloody long claws. It was a huge explosion that the buildings cracked while collapsing. 

Journalists and reporters were not left behind as that was their job to inform the public of any cooking story. Theyy were somehow happy that they would get hot stories for their headline and headings for their newspapers. 

Even the county Mayer was not left out because he was near the school. He came followed by several fire brigades in a convoy. It was a terrible sight for the eye.

People outside the school had already started to put off the fire but in vain.

The fire brigades acted at a bullet pace when they arrived. While reporters were reporting live news pretending to be sad while in a real sense they were happy for the hot news that would attract a huge audience.

In a mansion that was far from the school, Blessing and her friend together with Mrs Leonard were astonished by the news.

They acted faster and ran out of the house in huge steps like antelopes, panic evident in their eyes.

When they arrived, they were even more terrified that Blessing and her friend knelt on the ground as they tried to digest what they saw in front of them. 

Most of the students died in the fire as the hungry reporters tried to dig deeper to find more news.

Some of the victims that survived were taken to the county hospital with Mayer's permission.

Only 186 People were left unscathed.

"Sir what can you say maybe have been the cause of this fire?" "Sir, what will you be able to report the matter at hand?" "Sir, do you think the fire was an accident?" "Sir, what is the future of this ruined school?" All the reporters fought for attention from the county Mayer who was very exhausted by the whole rescuing thing.

"All of you have seen with your naked eyes, please I  am not in a good state to answer you, am sorry" He whispered while his bodyguards tried to put off the crowd of reporters from disturbing their boss.

One of them opened the car door for him and then they all walked to another car and drove away after the fire had been put off by the firefighters.

Blessing and her friend could not find their voices at all. Was it true what they had just seen? But all was in front of them.

Mrs Leonard escorted the girls to the other side where their mates were, to inquire more about the situation at hand.

Would this situation be forgotten easily? Blessing was the one that her mind wandered everywhere like a headless chicken.

She might sound selfish but what she was thinking at that moment was where she would continue with her schooling while thinking of where fees would come from as this was the cheapest school and it was ruined by the fire.

But what made her sadder and she cried out loudly, were the people who had been like her family because she lived with them longer than her real family.

She thought as she mourned heavily.

Thanks to Mrs Leonard who suggested that they rest and tomorrow morning they would find a way out.

Maybe they would have been dead by now. She yelled even more at that thought.