

"No! Hahaha! It's nothing!" I managed to lie.

"Hahaha! Just feel free to be near me. I am Alex's best friend by the way so you are free to tell me anything" The man said but I could say he was lying to me by his expressions.

Who told him about me knowing Alex? Alex would not have told him about me already and besides, we just knew each other the other day and it was because of his brutal attack. He knew nothing else about me to tell this man in front of me. 

Was he taking me for a fool?

This made me nervous.

This man was here to investigate something about Alex and I wouldn't tell him anything because I knew total nothing about him so it was useless.

After all,  I knew these rich people so much. They were bad schemers and I would not allow them to play with my mind again after what his father did to me.

I remembered that day I broke my hand and hatred built itself inside of me towards this man's family.

I would never tell him about Alex even though I knew nothing.

"Ooh! Who is he anyway?" I asked to have him scratch his head. What was wrong with this uninvited visitor?

"Ooh! Then why are you here?" The man asked the stupiest question a man in his calibre and age could ask ever.

"Mr Samir junior, what do people usually do in a hospital?" Did I ask in irritation? I was already tired of his foolishness.

How I prayed a person could just budge in the room to make this stupid schemer move out?

"Oooh! I am sorry. I wanted to say that you are beautiful. You know. I like I mean love you!" The shameless man said while facing the door. 

These rich people are not only stupid but they were also dimwits.

I was a bit shocked but this was the stupidest thing I had ever heard since I was born.

How could an unknown person just see me in this hospital for the first time because I could guess he didn't remember me and talked about like and dislike? Was he insane?

"I am sorry but I am already taken and if you will excuse me I want to rest now!" I blurted out angrily. I couldn't buy his stupid lies at all.

What did he take me like? Ooh! Yeah, so he wanted to use me like the way he was using their maid Sonia? Ooh, poor girl! 

I could remember what Diana told me about him. Indeed, he was not a good guy at all.

"At least let us be friends" The man insisted.

"Okay, we are friends. Now, can I rest?" I blurted out because I was tired of all of this.

"Okay, thank you so much dear friend. See you soon!" With that, he rushed out of the room.

I felt out of place. What would happen to me if he could remember me? No! He couldn't. I had to encourage myself.

Then something popped up in my mind making me weak again.