

It had been two weeks now since I joined my new school. Thanks to Mr Jack, he was like a father to me. He stood by my side with teacher Josphine. She was my new class teacher.

(Teacher Josephine- caring and protective, peacemaker, talkative, short-tempered)

All went well and it was hard for me to believe.

Mr Jack suggested that I should stay with one condition.

The condition was that I should work hard and helped my disabled friends because I was the only sighted student in that school.

The situation was very hilarious.

Just Imagine a board meeting was summoned immediately because the teacher never agreed with the fact that I would be a student there.

She was damn serious that I should go away to a normal school. But to her disappointment many of the board members allowed me to be there even her deputy was the first one to agree, which made the woman even angrier.

After the meeting was over I was also summoned to the office to be told the good news.

I was as excited as a toothless man who had dreamed about having teeth that at least I would be living without stress about, 'you are not supposed to be in this school'

Even though I would be somehow guilty of lying to them at first, at least I would have a good environment for my studies.

I vowed inwardly that I would work hard no matter what.

Madam Josphine accepted me wholeheartedly.

She was ready to help me study the lessons that I was not able to cover when I was not around.

I ran to take a shower happily because now I had made a lot of friends.

Ooh! My best friend would remain Jemimah anyway.

I liked her sense of humour  and now we used to call each other 'Sweet Pearl' I gave her the name and she had grown fond of it, even she also calls me by that name

After freshening up, I wore my second uniform because I was given two pairs and by the way, I also had a tie. Hahaha!

Mama Rita had started liking me because I always made sure that I lend her a hand in washing the clothes for my little schoolmates that were completely blind.

They loved me so much.

After helping mama I used to play with them and helped them arrange their metal boxes while they would help me try to use my sixth sense.

I never knew that they could just smell a person and immediately know who it was.

All in all, I had a new beginning now. A new mother and a family who loved me except of course deputy headteacher and some teachers.

As always, we took off to class early in the morning with my friend Jemimah. I was happy that we were in the same class. We were all happy as we entered the class.

I helped her sit on her chair.

She always refused and said that I should not treat her like a baby but I insisted that she eventually let me be.

When I opened my locker,  I froze at the spot.

I could not believe my eyes!

All my books were torn apart and papers were scattered everywhere inside the locker. Then my gaze caught something.

I took it only to realize that it was a letter. I was shaking as I tried to open it so that I could know what was inside. 

I was even dumbstruck by the content of the letter.

If I remembered very well, so far I tried to be friendly with everyone here.

But what I saw there left me awestruck.

'What have I done? Who would have done this and who has written this letter? Where was that person? Why would he or she be this evil to me? Had I even wronged her so much to deserve what she or he did to me? How would I know him or her and then the letter ooh!' It left me crying silently as I tried hard to suppress the tears that had covered my lower eyeball.

"Blessing, what is it? Why do you sound like you crying?" Jemimah beamed as she came closer to me.

"I- I am fine sweetie"

"But you don't sound fine," She said as she hold my hand

"Why would anyone do this to..." I stammered because I could not take it anymore I cried out loudly that Jemimah got scared.

"You know you can tell me girl" she declared as she tapped my back.

I became emotional and cried wholeheartedly. Jemimah knowing that asking me at that time would be futile,  just gave me a shoulder to lean on and remove all my frustrations.

After some minutes I calmed down and narrated all that I saw under my locker. 

She was very intrigued and looked very angry than I, the targeted.

"What" She was very stunned by the letter. "Why would someone write this to you? For Christ's sake, you don't have a grudge against anyone that I know of since you joined. Don't worry we will talk to teacher Josphine about this okay?"

I cleaned my locker and sat eagerly waiting for the teacher.

I was sad that I could not talk to anyone. 

When the teacher came and saw me not writing her notes, she called for me in front of the class and inquired.

I explained to her with a lot of anger that she felt my sadness.

She asked me for the letter and I did not hesitate to hand it over to her.

"What?" She clenched her fists while reading the letter.

"What is this madness?"