"Ge Lu, you and Bei Yau just catch up after taking care of all the matters here, no matter what, the situation in the palace is still so chaotic, you guys take care of it as much as you can"
Bei Yau and Ge Lu nodded in unison.
"Yess, Your Majesty"
Luo Xiang stopped his steps in front of Su Lang who was already supporting the unconscious Chen Ming, he turned his body to look behind.
The Palace of Gao's buildings were mostly destroyed, the grounds were torn apart and in some places, there were holes quite large due to their battle. Although King Bu Ye would be very grateful that he and the others had saved their palace from Huo Li's clutches, still, that miserly King would start asking him to compensate for all the damage, before that person knew who had saved and destroyed their palace, he had better and Bai Ying just step aside, rebuilding this palace must cost a lot of money.
"Come on Ying Ying, let's go back to Xi Yang"