Robert Crow lands in the world of Harry Potter. How will his presence influence the story? Will he be able to return back?
Harry Potter and its world belong to J. K Rowling. I only own the original characters I made.
"So this is the famous Diagon Alley." Robert watched the busy scene before him. The street was home to many shops and peddlers selling their craft. Haggling, voices of displeasure and children's laughter gave this place its own unique feel.
"It is wonderful, isn't it." Flitwick said next to Robert. He was chosen from the staff to take the teen for shopping.
"Yeah, but Hogsmeade is miles better."
"A village is always better then one street, Robert." The professor chuckled. "Let's get you settled, shall we?"
"The bank?" Robert Crow reluctantly pulled away from the nearby window of a second hand bookstore.
"You'd have been a great Ravenclaw."
The teen didn't comment on that; instead he silently followed behind Flitwick.
After three days of getting familiar with the staff and castle the teen was finally granted his request to come here; be it with a chaperone. A wave of relief filled him when he learned the Charms Master was going to be his guide. Exploring with either Snape or McGonagall wouldn't have been as charming.
The pair arrived at the white stairs of Gringotts. A couple of guards stood there, menacingly watching the crowds of pedestrians walking by. Seeing Flitwick one of the guards expressionlessly opened the door for him. Puzzeled by the change of their demeanor Robert put that down in the back of his mind for a future chat with the professor.
Ignoring the lines, the small professor made his way towards a closed window. After sliding his long fingernail through a groove on the counter a Goblin appeared.
"What's your business, Starglider?" The teller asked in what seemed gibberish to the young man.
"We'd like to open an account for my colleague, Robert Crow." The wizard replied in English.
"That's all?" The goblin snarled, frankly not amused with his summons. "Come here." He said to Robert.
The teller took out a contract for the teen to read. Flitwick helped him get through it, while changing a few things for Robert's benefit.
"How much are you depositing?" Sharptooth the Goblin asked with a grimace holding the parchment.
"It'd like to deposit 500 Galleons for now." It was the minimum he had store to open his account.
Finished with the bank Robert felt relief after stepping out of the building.
"That was exhausting, sir."
"You had to learn how to engage with them eventually." Flitwick smiled. "The other teachers are also instructed how to not fall for my brethren's tactics."
"That's reassuring." Robert nodded. "And what comes next?"
"I'll be leaving for an appointment." The professor replied. "Will you be okay on your own?" He asked with a wink.
"I don't think anything bad will happen on the main street." Robert watched as a patrole of red robed Aurors was making their rounds.
"You can use the floo at Tom's to get to Hogsmeade." Flitwick instructed him briefly and left.
Finding himself finally alone excitement started to buzz inside Robert. He took out his list of necessities for the year and decided to get his clothes first.
Madam Malkin's Robes for all Occasions looked deceptively small on the outside. After opening the door he was greeted with herbal fragrances and the smell of fabric.
"A new face? Please come in." A bubbly witch beckoned Robert towards the stool. "How can I be of service, dear?
"Rober Crow, I'm looking for a couple of sets actually." He started. "The standard robes for Hogwarts and I'd like some custom work done as well."
"I'm listening." The witch brought out her measuring tapes which then started to fly around him.
"I'd like to have clothes made for training. Baggy black and blue striped trousers that narrow towards the ankles. If you could enchant them with some cleaning charms it would be perfect as well."
"Of course, dear." A quill wrote down the specifications."Self mending charms should be included as well?"
"I was afraid you wouldn't ask." He gave her a charming smile.
"Don't distract my workers, Mr. Crow." The staff giggled and winked at the teen.
"Your order should be ready in 3 hours." Madam Malkin informed after taking the measurements. "Would you like them sent by post?"
"Yes, I'd love that." He agreed.
Having finished with the least exciting part of shopping, Robert's legs took him to the real starting point of his journey. It only took him almost two months to get here, Ollivanders. Finally the true test that showed whether he had magic or not.
With anticipation and little bit of anxiety he opened the door, making the hanging above bell ring. The interior was messy and filled with the scent of wood. The floorboards creaked as Robert's footsteps lead him up to the front desk. Behind it were shelves packed to the brim with small, elongated boxes.
"How puzzling."
The teen quickly turned back, a man with silver gray hair was watching him with curiosity in his eyes.
"You must be Ollivander." Robert Crow smiled. He won't show how much the wizard scared the living lights out of him.
The wizard chuckled. "Not everyday I get to see someone like you, Mr. Crow."
Garrick Ollivander walked behind the counter. "First wand I presume?"
"Yes, I'm right handed." Robert stretched out his hand.
A tape measure flew out from the wand maker's hand. The teen standed still as it circled around him and took his measurements. With the underwhelming part of the process out of the way, three boxes were laid on the counter.
"Let's try this." Ollivander took out a red wood wand. " Mahogany and dragon's heartstrings core."
Filled with anticipation Robert grasped the handle only for the wand to explode in his face with a resounding bang. As the smoke cleared a soured blackened face of Robert looked towards the wand maker.
"I asked for a wand, not fireworks." Much to his dismay the wizard was already in his own world; muttering in visible excitement about a challenging customer.
"Try this one." A black wand was forced into the young man's hand.
Feeling no connection, Robert tried placing it on the counter only for the wand to sound off like a horn. Dazed by the horrendous speal of noise he had to sit down for a moment.
"I'm starting to believe you only have joke products, sir." A headache was brewing in the teen's head.
Not listening the wand maker made him check out a slew of different wands. Thankfully for everyone involved the unexpected effects stopped being so destructive.
After what seemed hours, Robert finally felt a warm feeling coming out of a wand. It had a white smooth body and a checkered grey handle.
"We finished on an unassuming note it seems. 11 inches, ash and unicorn core. A little bit flexible but not too much. Not what I expected, Mr Crow." Ollivander remarked.
"It that good? Or should I be worried?" Robert said while enjoying the feeling of his new partner.
"At my age it's all about perspective. And I can't wait for the winds of change that it's about to unleash." He said wistfully. "That'll be seven galleons."
"Can I also get a wand holster?" Robert asked.
"That'll be nine galleons and two sickles for your purchase. Thank you for your patronage. Until we meet again, Mr Crow."
Pleased with his purchase Robert made his way outside. With his head still in the clouds, he didn't notice he was on a crash course with a pedestrian. With an resounding oof he fell on his backside.
"Watch where you're going!" A pissed off female voice reached his ears.
After regaining his composure he apologized. "I'm so sorry, Miss?" His eyes widened at the sight of the stranger.
She had pink bubblegum short hair and moxie written on her face. Her clothes were a mishmash of muggle and wizard clothing. Although it was a hot summer day she wore a black biker jacket with The Weird Sisters logo. Robert recognized the witch before him as the young Nymphadora Tonks. Truely a small world we live in. From what he remembered she would be attending Hogwarts for her seventh year, starting this September.
"Are you done watching?" She said with a knowing smirk on her face. "Any more and I'll start charging you."
"I'd have to say it'd have been money well spent." The pair chuckled.
After getting up he helped the teen witch stand as well.
"I'm Robert. Can I know your name."
With a playful smile she watched as the young man before her struggled to keep his composure.
"You can call me Tonks, old man."
"Old man?" His right brow twitched. "Does it hurt seeing what'll you become in a year, Ms. Tonks."
"Oh, a challenger?" She glared at him with flames in her eyes.
"Please," he smiled with his eyes closed, "you're but a mere child."
A tick appeared on her forehead as her hair changed her color to fiery red.
"You want to start something, old man?"
"I believe it has started long ago, punk."
The pair stared at each other until finally their facades cracked and they began to laugh. Robert watched in awe as her hair changed through many colors and settled on the familiar pink.
"Neat party trick." He gave a mock bow. "You'll have to teach me someday."
"You'd have liked that wouldn't you?" She looked at him suspiciously.
"I'm new to magic after all." He wondered why she changed her tone. "I'm practically a first year."
Something clicked in Tonk's mind. "Oh, my mother mentioned about the new student. Quite late to the party, aren't you." She said with a smirk.
"Hmph," Robert patted his chest, "I'll also be a staff member, so you better watch out or I'll manage your detention personally."
"Please," she got closer to him and whispered, "I'm too much for you too handle."
A slight blush appeared on Robert Crow's face. "I'll curb your behavior, somehow."
"As much as I find this entertaining," she said with a victorious smirk, "I've got books to buy."
"As it turns out, so do I." Robert Crow replied. "Would you give me a tour, my lady?" He tipped his nonexistent hat.
"If that stops whatever you've just been doing, then I'll reluctantly agree." She replied with a sigh.
The pair slowly made their way through the busy street.
"So how does this work exactly?" She started. "You being a staff member and a student."
"The short answer is money." He scratched his head. "And I can't actually live in the dorms."
"Because you're 18?" He nodded towards her inquiry. "But we've had older students graduating before."
"Perhaps, but they didn't stay at the first year rooms." He chuckled as she blushed from embarrassment, realising it was a stupid question.
"So you'll have a bachelor pad for yourself?" She quickly regained her previous momentum. "Life's so unfair."
"But I'll never have the same experience you had with your dorm mates and that's more valuable." He remarked with some sadness in his tone.
"I guess." Tonks walked with a beat in her step. "How's the bathroom?"
"Wouldn't you like to know?" He winked playfully at her.
"Darn, should've gone for the prefect treatment."
"Were you even considered?" He asked. "You don't scream reliable from what I've seen." Robert dodged her swat.
"And you forgot I can hex your bits off." She quickened her steps in anger, almost fumbling over a loose stone.
"It seems that I have to reconsider who was at fault earlier." He sniggered at her red face.
The merry pair eventually reached Flourish and Botts, a rather popular bookstore located in the middle of Diagon Alley. After opening the door for Tonks, Robert's nose was hit with the scent of parchment and ink.
"Stop drooling, you're embarrassing me." The teenage witch mocked the young man as he was trying to devour the books with his eyes.
"There's not much reputation left to tarnish."
"That's sad."
"I was talking about you." With a dodge he entered the school book section. "Any recommendations?" He silently took out his phone and smiled. The scan feature effortlessly gobbled up The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1. For appearances sake he still put the textbook into his cauldron shaped shopping basket.
"And why should I help you?" She asked while disgruntly picking up a couple of tomes from the aisle for herself.
"How about I buy you some ice-cream after this?"
"Are you asking me on a date?" She wiggled her brows in a suggestive fashion.
"As tempting as that sounds I have to decline, young lady." Another book was copied during this exchange. "I'd rather not be caught for daring to date a minor."
"I've already reached majority." She puffed her chest proudly. "And I've got these to vouch for it."
"Since you're so eager than it's a date." He chuckled at her gobsmacked face.
"You pranked me?" Tonks was offened how he got her from surprise. "Hmph, I'll make you regret treating me to food." A mischievous glint flashed in her eyes.
"Before you ruin this poor chap financially, let the recommendations come thorough." He remarked after copying Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling.
"How about you first specify, what you're looking for?"
Robert Crow scratched his chin in thought. "Spells that aren't mentioned in Hogwart's textbooks, but are still useful for day to day basis."
"You can try this." She pulled out a book from the lower shelf. "Magic for all kind of needs."
"This is," Robert shuffled through the pages, "rather an enlightening read." He turned the book to the back. "Why isn't this mandatory for students?"
"And let first year olds learn the necessary silent charms and easy wards?" She laught. "This is banned at Hogwarts for many reasons. Mostly prank related ones."
He could see that. Just from a cursory glance he found different ways you could mesh spells or potions together. The twins must have found some of their inspirations in this book.
"Why is it in this section then?" He found the location of the tome puzzling.
"Just because Filch got it banned doesn't mean that the school is totally against it." She replied. "Flitwick especially encourages students to think outside of the box and mix different genres of magic. Much to the displeasure of one greasy bat."
"That's him alright." The small wizard had a wild imagination that's for sure. "Any recommendations for our spoilsport of a professor?"
"Just read the basic introduction to potions in the textbook." Tonks replied. "However if you want to learn why we do some things then..." She walked into another aisle. After searching for a few moments Tonks returned with a terrifying piece of literature. The tome must've weighted a couple kilos. "Mom made me read this since I was 7." She passed the book to Robert.
"Surely this is overkill?" He huffed from the unexpected toss. "The Enigmatic Road Towards Potion Mastery? That's a mouthful."
"Should've been there when she made me recite it at random times." A shudder went through her spine. "Just remember that you don't actually need to read everything."
The quest for books went quickly from there. Robert Crow apart from the obligatory textbooks, found a couple of interesting titles encompassing different topics. Having made his purchase he asked for the owl post service. The teen almost felt sorry for the bird that would make the delivery.
"Finished?" Tonk was waiting in front of the store.
"I'm shocked you waited for me."
"And miss an opportunity to bankrupt you? You're lucky I've had breakfast today."
"I'm only paying for nine scoops." He chuckled at her pout. "Be nice and maybe you'll get a bonus one."
"Hmph. You'll need to try harder to tame me." Tonks stuck her tongue out. "Let's hustle, the rush hour is about to begin."
The sun already has passed the point of no return and began it's cycle of descent. Lunch time pulled in new groups of customers to Diagon Alley. Many Ministry workers made their way towards the local shops and restaurants for takeout. Meandering through the crowd the pair reached their target, Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour. A line was already piling up in front of the shop.
"Quickly." Tonks grabbed the teen's hand and rushed towards the queue.
"Why the hurry?" He was surprised by her iron grip.
Taking their place in line the witch finally let go of the Robert. "I don't want to stand while taking my time with my hard earned ice-cream." She pointed towards the interior where half of the table were already booked.
With the ticket order number 17 they could finally relax comfortably in the armchairs.
"I can see why this shop is popular." Light beige walls and brown walnut decore was the room's theme. Green plants were placed around the room giving it a earthy feel.
"Decoration aside, ice-cream is the money maker here." Tonks took off her jacket, still feeling the heat from their little run.
"AC/DC fan?" He pointed towards the logo.
"Would I've worn it otherwise?" She asked with her brow raised.
"You'd have been surprised how many people wear their merch without knowing even one song." He chuckled.
"Well, I love rock music if it wasn't obvious already." She proudly showed off her jacket. "Been to their concert last week."
"Do you play any instrument?"
"Other than my mother's nerves, then no." She said with sigh. "And I so wanted to rock an electric."
"You could've just played an acoustic." He remarked. "At least you would've trained the necessary skills."
"Oh I did." She said with a wry smile. "I did say I had played with my mother's nerves."
"Was it the same time she stopped with her incessant potion questions?"
"How well you know me." She responded with a toothy grin as their order arrived.
True to her word she bought ten different scoops of ice-cream; all fitted nicely in a wide glass cup. Robert on the other hand settled for a nice chocolate sundae with banana slices; crushed hazelnuts and whipped cream.
"How sweet." The witch beamed with every bite taken. As the glass was enchanted to keep the low temperature there was no need to speed through the dessert.
"Mint chocolate is divine." Robert Crow sighed from delight. "A shame they're not at Hogsmeade."
"We reluctantly make due with Honeydukes." She said with a wide grin. "And Rosemerta's Butterbeer."
"How's the Enchanting Strawberry." Robert watched as the red globe diminished with each spoon she took.
Tonks pulled the cup closer to her. "I'm not sharing." She cast a daring to fight her look.
"Easy there, tiger." He said. "I'm just asking for future reference."
"If you must know, Strawberry is the only right choice of ice-cream."
"Forgive me for what I'm about to say, but you're wrong." Robert Crow stood his ground. "Mint chocolate is superior in every way."
"Maybe for uneducated schmucks like you it is." She remarked. "You'll know if the shop is worth it's salt by having their Strawberry flavor."
"That only means that most of the time it sucks. Meanwhile it's hard to mess up chocolate."
"You're so basic, but it's not surprising, old man."
"And your quest for shocking the normies made you a Strawberry believer. Quite childish I might add."
Sparks brewed between the duo as they continued eating their food. However, after a few bites they seemed to have forgotten about their squabble.
"That hit the spot." Tonks purred and licked her lips; the spoon resting in the cup.
"I'm impressed." He watched as the girl devour almost 800 grams of ice-cream.
"I've worked up an appetite." She said with a hint of sadness.
Not wanting to sour the mood he abstained from inquiring further. With the bill paid beforehand the pair left the shop.
"You're leaving?" Robert reluctantly asked. He found the witch fun to hangout with. And while it lasted he forget about the daily worries of an outsider.
"Missing little young me already, old man?" She teased.
"Just a little bit." She blushed from the frankness of his tone.
"Then you'll have to suffer for a month." A smirk appeared on her face. "Let that be the punishment for dissing my Strawberries."
"I've never said anything bad about them. If you must know I find them quite pleasing to the eye." He replied with a sly smile of his own.
Seeing where his eyes were looking she zipped her jacket in embarrassment. "I walked into that, didn't I?"
"And I thought you were shameless." He added with victory on his face.
"Oh." With a quick step she shortened their distance and kissed him on the cheek. Proud from the blush creeping on to the young man's cheeks she grinned. "Who's the loser now?" With a spin she left towards the Leaky Cauldron; her hair hot red.
Placing his hand on the still hot from the kiss skin, he muttered. "I wouldn't say I've lost."
If you'd ever thought about gifting me a coffee for my work, then now you can. Just use my username shinxresolve on ko-fi and you get can give me a dose of sweet caffeine. Of course I'm not expecting money from my readers so don't feel obligated to do so. The chapters will still be coming out as I treat this more like a pass time then actual work. However, I still made this option available if someone would like to give a small donation.
Anyways thank you all for reading and until we meet again in the comments or on the next chapter.