
Crossing into a magical medieval era with the War Game System in tow

Horten crossed into a magical medieval world equipped with the War Game System, which allowed him to acquire soldiers and other assistance through the system. Initially, he thought he was in for an epic war, but what he didn't expect was that his magical medieval journey had a somewhat unique twist. In addition to courtly intrigue and battlefield clashes, several queens from different kingdoms had their sights set on conquering Horten in their own way. As a result, Horten's reputation for conquering the world with his lower half began to spread, leading to an unconventional magical medieval adventure.

DaoistLgouhT · 歴史
4 Chs

Chapter 4: I Am a Rogue

"Exaggeration!" Countess Conossa pursed her lips, waving her hand dismissively.


Having encountered many flamboyant individuals who enjoyed exaggerating their importance in her presence, she believed that they had to be dramatic to gain her favor. Having witnessed many such individuals, her impression of Hothan plummeted.


Hothan, however, was straightforward. "I'm not trying to please you. My superior, Dean Scok, is the brother of the rebellious Lord Howard. He informed me that the troops Lord Howard took with him are about to invade Bovindon Village. Bovindon Village happens to be on the route to Gotingen Fortress. If Lord Howard advances unchecked and captures Gotingen Fortress, do you plan to become fugitives with me? Being Lord Howard's captives would be much worse for you than for me."


Countess Conossa's fair face first paled, then flushed. Clearly, she was afraid of the consequences and perhaps remembered some of the vulgar folk songs. She lightly flicked her gown's hem and turned around without leaving any trace of her unease. "You're quite the ladies' man."


Hothan shrugged, his Earthly spirit prompting him to openly admit, "God created both men and women. I think I shouldn't betray God by not appreciating the most beautiful of women."


His excellent conversation skills quickly improved Countess Conossa's impression of him.


Countess Conossa rolled her eyes at Hothan playfully but without affectation, and then took down the Gotingen County map hanging on the carriage wall.


The map indicated that Gotingen County was located along the river in the central-northern region, while Bovindon Village was upstream on the southern side of the river, a key transportation route. The besieged High Peak and the monastery were situated in the forest to the southwest on the map.


Although their military capabilities were lacking, Countess Conossa understood the critical nature of the situation. With her trusted aide's betrayal, Gotingen County was in imminent danger!


"At a time like this, who can I borrow troops from?" Countess Conossa exclaimed, a mix of frustration and anger in her voice. "Could it be... God, I'd rather not marry my cousin right now. If I had an angel's support for my army at this moment, I'd marry him willingly!"


Although Countess Conossa had cunningly defeated her brother to seize Gotingen County, the consequence was being ostracized by her family. At this moment, there were no relatives who would assist her. Her only option seemed to be marrying her foolish and naive cousin to gain the favor of the king.


Hothan's lips curled slightly. "What if I could?"


Countess Conossa turned to him like a startled jay, and a breeze carried the fragrance of her presence. She gazed at Hothan intently. "You can? Just you? A cleric with no prestige?"


Hothan nodded solemnly. "What if I couldn't find troops, gather over a hundred militiamen in a day, or rescue you? I'm serious about this."


His earnest expression impressed Countess Conossa, who began weighing her options.


"If, and I mean if, you can help me find enough troops, then I'll..." Countess Conossa's emerald eyes brimmed with tears, and her red lips were clenched between her teeth, making her look like an innocent nun, feigning vulnerability.


As a time traveler, Hothan couldn't help but smile. He easily recognized Countess Conossa's subtle manipulation; it was something a modern person could spot instantly. It was even a bit foolish.


Just then, the earth trembled.


Outside the door, "Flash" Jance exclaimed in shock, "Milady! The green-skinned creatures dug tunnels while fleeing. They've destabilized High Peak's foundation." Hothan and Countess Conossa had no time to react as High Peak suddenly tilted and collapsed, sending everything inside the carriage tumbling.


Hothan felt a sudden impact against his chest, as two remarkably elastic mounds collided with him. The lady, exuding a delightful fragrance, tumbled into his embrace. Countess Conossa's face, as fair as snow, was filled with unexpected panic, making her appear as adorable as a kitten. Her charming and confident figure, complete with ample bosom and voluptuous hips, pressed against Hothan's body, earning respect even from the young cleric who had never been in such close proximity to a woman before.


Hothan found himself in a somewhat awkward situation. While he managed to keep his soul in check, his body had completely surrendered.


Finally, the trembling subsided, and Countess Conossa, her face as red as an apple, carefully moved her curvaceous form off him. She looked at Hothan, who still seemed dazed, and pinched his waist firmly, saying, "Quickly release me!"


It was only then that Hothan, who had just snapped back to reality, bent down with a cautious smile and allowed Countess Conossa to stand up.


Outside, chaos reigned as Countess Conossa took a few steps away. Suddenly, she turned back like a young girl, and in a hushed tone, she said to Hothan, "I appoint you as the [Court Priest] of Gotingen County. Hurry and gather nearby troops for me. My promise won't change."


As she spoke, there seemed to be a glimmer of determination in Countess Conossa's eyes.


Hothan boldly sensed the countess's predicament, which was far more dire than he had initially imagined. In a daring move, he passionately kissed Countess Conossa. After all, she most likely intended to deceive him, so securing some benefits first seemed like a prudent choice.


Since Countess Conossa was likely trying to deceive Hothan, he decided to secure his benefits first. Their lips met in a passionate kiss, and despite her frustration, the Countess couldn't resist the allure of the moment. She was clearly furious, but it seemed she wasn't willing to let her knights hang Hothan, their only potential savior.


"Let's collect the interest first, but I promise to keep my word," Hothan assured her, releasing the Countess from his embrace with genuine sincerity.


"Interest first, but I'll keep my word," Hothan assured as he released the Countess. He made a sincere promise.


So far, Hothan's only goal was to leverage the Countess's power to rescue his hometown and parents. Then, he intended to use his official position to gain even greater advantages. He had heard rumors about Countess Conossa's cunning nature, but he believed he had found her Achilles' heel. There was no harm in making a deal with this clever tigress, especially when she was such a beauty.


At this moment, Glints Joanse finally rushed in.


Hothan had a righteous expression on his face, while the Countess, who had been bullied, instantly regained her proud demeanor. She directed Hothan like a peacock, "Lord Hothan, you may step aside."


Hothan touched his lips and left with a smile in his heart.


Meanwhile, Joanse couldn't quite fathom the situation. The Countess had no visible reaction, but deep down, she was seething with anger. Although the kiss had been quite pleasant, this Hothan Boden was truly incorrigible!


Congratulations, you've unlocked the official position of Court Priest (Count-level). You've also unlocked the basic troop type, Pilgrims.


Basic Troop Type: Pilgrims (Base count: 40 people, monthly salary: 0 gold. Poor and foolish fanatics with no armor but a tendency for self-harm and aggression. Can only be recruited by priests, maximum of three squads.)


You've unlocked the advanced troop type, Crusader Longbowmen.


Advanced Troop Type: Crusader Longbowmen (Base count: 40 people, monthly salary: 6 gold, recruitment cost: 30 gold. Elite and devout archers using armor-piercing longbows, capable of delivering devastating blows to enemies.)


What surprised Hothan was that he had unlocked even higher-level troop types.


The progression went from basic troop types to normal and then to elite troops.


The Pilgrims he had unlocked were free and had destructive potential, while the Crusader Longbowmen were incredibly powerful but came at an exorbitant cost.


In the midst of the battle, Hothan's system prompted him that his spoils of war had been credited to his account.


The spoils from defeating a large group of Greenskins amounted to more than thirty rough gold coins and a small amount of supplies. Though meager, it was already enough to recruit a squad of Crusader Longbowmen.


Time was of the essence, so Hothan immediately led his group, feigning that he needed to recruit some helpers nearby, and departed.