
Some time at home

After finishing up with the festival and tidying up we were given a little time to our selves. Nezu being the understanding principal that he is allows the students to take breaks should they need them. I need one, my family business has started going international as we've branches to Asia with a parlour being in every major city and now to France in Paris.

That woman I saved a few months back was an entrepreneur and as thanks wanted to invest in our business. She also may have received a massage from me which made her toes curl in the bedroom manner. So she wants into the musashi clan and we want into her connections. A major part of business is connections with people. A sob story about a hero who helped someone and then they help the hero in a less minor way which earns the heroes appreciation is good in the eyes of the government. They want people to want to be involved with heroes so naturally my parents would be receiving some assistance from them.

Muir- sensei also offered her connections back in Paris so the store is now booming. I'm getting international publicity for the languages I speak; Japanese, Spanish, french, Chinese, Korean, English, Hausa and Siamese. Crocodile brain really helped out, one piece had a lot of languages in the culture as shown from their names and the countries. This would explain how I'm picking it up so fast.

Now that I have a week off I've been busy with helping out with the business. Being present for store openings, smoothing our deals with investors, massaging high class clients, dodging proposals, establishing brand reputation and straightening out finances. The hard part is keeping my workout in the schedule but the worst part is the family members.

My mom was not liked by my dads side so they effectively cut them of. We still had aunty tsuna and her strong affections however my dad was still not happy about it. My dad has three sisters and all of them are money grubbers. I'm sure you've guessed it they've all came crawling back. My paternal grand father and mother passed away three years ago so my aunts lost financial support.

So each of them married the stereotype of a rich pig however they got karma when they either lost their position due to corruption discovery or a villain wrecked it. So they divorce and hook onto another guy but it's more of the same. Hence they want my dads money or a position in the business.

My dad pointed them to me and that led to one awkward dinner. Two of my aunts are late 30's Gals who don't put any work into their appearance. The last aunt is actually a business woman but she's stressed af with having to work after her first divorce. My cousins are a nightmare, imagine monoma but with Nobleman pride which was disconcerting. One of them behaved like Stelly from one piece and I had the urge to deck him.

When they spoke off how I should help them cause I'm family and a hero I shot them down with "you never acted like family once in my life and A hero saves lives not dishes out cash to people who don't need it". Then I almost vomited when my aunty who is a 39 year old gal with no concept of self care anymore was rubbing her foot up my leg. I wanted to break her foot but I sensed that one of my bratty cousins had her phone out recording this.

I simply took out my napkin and placed it over my food. I then looked at them and laced a little haki into my voice " I know exactly what your doing here tonight, you will not be getting any money from me or a position within my parents business. Your underhanded attempts of what I assume to gather blackmail which you intend to use to ruin my hero career and business will not fly. Never let me see you again otherwise I'm taking this to the authorities. They will be more than willing to assist a young and upcoming hero".

With that I left after paying the bill which is the only kindness they will ever receive from me. I saw one of my cousins begin to throw a tantrum along the lines of "the nerve of that dick, stinky virgin im going to ruin his life". This led to a heated debate between them in the restaurant about how they will get revenge and money. What they didn't realise was that I left my own audio recording device under my seat attached with some sand.

I waited on the roof for them to leave then collected the device which I then handed to my father. He popped in a pair of headphones then his face turned dark. I left him to his work while I went to visit Mina which lord knows I needed right now.

I came and met her mother and offered some flowers I bought on my way there. I then met my mother in the living room and smelled a particular smell from the two of them which I also picked up from dad earlier. It clicked in my head that it was a mixture of their body odour. Before I began to freak out which they must have seen on my face they told me that her, yui (mina's mother's name) and my father have entered a relationship with each other. Mina already knew but didn't tell me under their orders which I respected as I didn't tell them.

I thought for a few minutes to process the information. "Mom and Yui I'm not angry, I'm happy that you three have found happiness. What I'm concerned about is how the public will view your relationship. I know you don't care as much as I do about peoples opinions on a personal matter but some may get out of hand. I also should tell you about me and Mina with Ryuko". This made them raise their eyebrows.

After a few bottles of beer which they allowed me to drink I discovered that the ashido tolerance is as good as my families. So only dad is a light weight which my two moms like. When dad came he looked pissed so we had a family discussion over all the biz.

Dad is taking this to the authorities with the matter about his sisters. Mina told them about how she was bi sexual and how we are in a relationship with ryuko. They told us about their relationship starting during the many nights she stayed over at our place. We were all happy for each other, today I felt that family can be both a gift and a burden depending on how your outlook or situation is. Today I found myself and my parents sharing those outlooks and that has brought us closer together.

I do have complaints however; this was meant to be a week of de stress but I got bombarded with workplace management and emotional bombardment. Now I have expectations about my parents thinking they have double the chance for a grand child.

Sigh, me and Mina are in her bedroom sitting watching TV with today's highlights. Endeavor was attacked by the modified nomu but I'm too tired to care. He survived and one, did the all might pose and dabi got away. Mina looked at me and poked my cheeks "what's wrong hubby" she said teasingly. I looked her in the eye and said with dread "I'm not calling yui-kaachan mama like you do". She went a deeper shade of pink and punched my shoulder. We then began laughing, I really need a vacation. My phone buzzed and I got a text from pops.

^^ Brat, me and Naomi got you a mission to do, your school is sending the other brats to some Island but your going to Canada to hunt monsters. Get packed for winter stuff.

Sincerely signed Edward furinji ^^.

He texts like holt?