
Cripple Lab-rat Journey to Apex

in his past live he was named subject no.1452 , he was poor orphan beggar which got caught by shaddy science organization, his body has been modified with ehancement serum, he learned everything from math, science, social, economy, everyrthing. he was also proficient with all kind of martial arts and skill be it close combat or ranged ones. he thought he could finally be free as he planed to break out from the facility given his imense knowledge, yet he failed. not because he was caught but because his body finally succumb to its very limit after aborbing immense knowledge. now, he became another child beggar but heaven doesn't close its window as he brought all of his immense knowledge and body constitution to the new world, the world with sword and magic. how our protagonist break out from his predicament and what lies ahead of his journey?

Thousand_Stupa · ファンタジー
19 Chs

11. Past and Future


it's snowing.....

i always wonder....

will this wonderful purity....

will finally take me now...?

every years i always hope that you...

would take me away....

the cold...

the hunger....

i feel...

so tired....


"pitiful child, why don't you come with me? there'll be meal and bed..."


"yes, you looks like around 10 years old? don't worry child, you will be safe with me..."

there seems a tall woman? or it was a short woman?

asking me to come with her...

i don't know how i responded to that woman wearing long coat, or was it rain coat?

i seems lost my consciousness, but i could feel the warm hands holding me and bringing me there...

to that place...

with white walls...





everything is....


but at least this year i have roof, bed, and food...

even if with only one of them, i'm content...


the next person i met was the women with white clothes, she has a pair of brown ponytails. blue eyes and cute dimples.

she always brought me three meals everyday with a kind smile.

seeing her so happy, i also felt happy, and it seems like, i also smiled?

so? is this what smile is?


she said she liked my smile...

so i smile more, for her...

she was so kind to me...


time went by, i'm happy and content, my belly's full, i don't need to worry about cold, and...i can smile...

the women came...

this time she needs my help....

so i help her....

she prepare some tool, she said it was a syringe....

"child, dont worry this will hurt a little bit, but its good for your health..."


"of course, don't you believe me child?"

is this the way i could help you?

"with this, you could help me out of trouble."

it hurts, but i smile...

she said she liked my smile, so i smile....


"child i need more of your help..."

wha... what can i do for you?

"follow me.."

skipping a little, i felt happy following her out of the white room...

looking at her sweet smiling face, i felt safe, so i followed her inside another room....

we entered the room, there was a strange bed inside, there were many people i don't know here, there are also many behind the glass wall on the 2nd floor looking? at me...?

she pointed at the bed and asked me to lay there...

"you only need to lay there child, please don't worry i'm here with you..."

so i trusted her, i felt safe with her...

the other people starts to tied me down on the bed...

whats this?

i'm scared....

i'm cold....

could you help me?

"don't worry im here with you..."

so i trusted her, i felt safe with her....


"check, check. subject no.1452. preparation for serums injection were cleared, after the injection of initial alpha virus, there were no sign of rejection, i repeat there were no sign of rejection."

i felt scared and nervous.

there was another man voice suddenly coming from all direction...

so i look at her, and she look at me, she smiled so i smiled...

"then. what we will administering next is muscle enhancement serum type β, please observe. your honorable audience."

i got stung with another syringe, i held back not to scream as i want to be helpful for her...

"for this serum to activate we must expose his body to heat-ray, ladies and gents please wear you shades."







when i awoke she was on my bedside...

she seems quite sad...

i feel bad for her...

"i'm sorry, you must hurt a lot, but you need to endure it, it was problem for me because you passed out."

she looks sad, as it seems i was the one who made her like that.

im sorry, i shouldn't have passed out.

"no, its okay child, if you can't do it, i will be the one do it for you..."

no! let me do it, trust me....!

she smile i smile..

so i trusted her, i felt safe with her....


"subject no.1452. 2nd injection, osseous tissue serum, this affect his bone growth, honored audiences please witness."

i felt scared, i look at her and she smile giving me courage as usual,

but, i felt nervous....



she was sad...

i don't want to do it again....

she nodded, she left...

after a while, someone else was coming, bringing me a video...

he said...

that kind woman would undergoing such torture?

because of me? refused?

i don't want that, her kind smile, pair of ponytails, and her dimples...


does she have such dimples?

so i trus...ted? her?

i felt unsure with her....


"subject no.1452 brilliant body had received 3 types of serums, this is unprecedented!"

i felt scared....

i saw her sad face....

i don't want to be here....

but i don't want her to be the one's here more...

"subject no.1452, 4th injection. brain and neurons enhancement serum, this serum will work perfectly if there is some elecricity induced."





she smiled at me, but is she really?

i don't remember her eyes but i still could recognized her ponytails.

"please be patient, it will be over soon."

she smile, i subconsciously smile,

does she know me? i think i know her?

it was quite hard for me to make out your face outline?

but that ponytails were familiar...




i doubted her, i felt unsafe with her....


"subject no.1452 next injection..."

please stop, i'm sorry, i'm sorry....

i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry,

stop i beg you....

she smiled assuring me....

i don't trust her, i felt danger with her....



"subject no.1452 ...

stop, please stop!

no no no no no no more please no...

no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no.....please

she smiled giving me courage...

i don't trust her, i felt danger with her....



"subject no....."

stop! no....

no! just kill me!

just...kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me

kill meeeeee!



i beg you, just killl MEEEEEEE!!!


"child! child! are you okay? please wake up"

i feels surrounded by another people....

who are they?

what are they???

where are their eyes? noses? mouths?

any details! anything?

their faces were now...



cripple opened his eye! gasping heavily with perspiration filled his countenance.

'...its thats dream again....' thought cripple, while trying to sit. he glanced toward his left hand, he was stunned for a while as his left hand were now wrapped with thick gauze

he already expecting this outcome, he knew everything that had happened should have repercussions.

he shivered slightly while closing his eye, the distant memories from back than assaults him once more, he began to feel worried as he looked around, this was inside the doctor study that seemingly had been made into makeshift bedroom.

as his vision darts around, his eye were glued toward the bed across the room, there was someone else sleeping on the bed! recalling his memories in his dream, cripple had bad premonitions!

'...what if?....'

recalling her face, cripple grew anxious, even though he knew how that silly girl conditions probability for recovery were high, he couldn't help but worried, he worried that she would become another blurred-face people, he didn't want that at all!

he looked deeply toward another bed just right over the room, the person sleeping over there has relatively stable breath...


cripple went over slowly, as if he was afraid that his memories over her would betray him...

he closed his eyes trying to recall every single details of her blonde hair, thin face, cheerful smiles, slightly pointy nose, and dark brown eyes....

when he reached her bedside, he open his eyes slowly. he finally saw her face!

tears fell uncontrollably from his left eye, he knelt down all of sudden filled with extreme sense of relief.

the usual calm and collected face of his had now turned into weeping mess, he cried silently while his abysmal memories runs amok.

he slowly runs his finger across her thin face gently as his cheek were now wet with ever dropping tears.

her forehead, pointy nose, her cheek, lips,

'...thank goodnes, thank you for being the same as i last remembered you...'.

cripple knelt on her sidebed, putting his forehead on her thin hand.


the room door opened slowly, soon the doctor on his fifties came inside, he looks toward the kneeling cripple on pocket bedside.

"you're awake?....thank goodness, you shouldn't move around so much, don't worry about your friend, she's tougher than she looks" said the doctor with concerns while approaching cripple.

cripple glanced slightly, he didn't even tried to hide his tears at all, "thank you...." he squinted his eyes, "....doctor?"

the doctor frowned slightly, he sighed. "it must be hard for both of you, okay. now you should return to your bed..."

the doctor went to help cripple to stand. then after, he proceed to urge cripple back to rest.

"your left arm were badly lacerated, i tried my best to mend it, lucky for you, your blood vessels were fine..." said the doctor giving cripple a glass of water.

nodding, cripple drank the water quickly.

"your friend was still sleeping, but i recon she would awake in 2 days at the latest..." mentioned the doctor while giving cripple the 2nd glass of water.

"doctor, how did i ended up here?" cripple recalled that he had lost consciousness back then on the street.

"your magician friend brought you here..." answered the doctor, he looked toward cripple rather strangely, "...say, boy. if you have that powerful magician as you friend, why did you end up like this?"

cripple was startled slightly, "friend? he was not my friend? how'd you assume that doctor?"

"...he said so."

"what? he said he was my friend?"

"nod*, yeah, he even paid for your treatment here."

crippled smiled ruefuly, he began to wonder what was his motives? there wasn't free lunch in this world, he knew that concept the most.

"...well, anyway wait here, you must be hungry, i'll get some gruel for you and medicine for your friend..."


"...hey, you had just awake, it's best to eat something easy..."

cripple smiled in embarrassment, after all, he hadn't had any good memory with gruel...

the doctor went away, leaving cripple whom keeping his eye toward the door. after a while, seemingly resigned to his fate he let out a sigh.

"it was still blurred....." mumbled cripple.

other than his ability to see mana spheres, cripple or to be more accurate, subject no.1452. still has one more secret.

he was unable to make an outline of any people's face he sees. everytime he saw people face, he couldn't see anything other than blurred image, no eyebrows, eyes, nose, lips, mouth, only a wall-like face.

cripple was already used to it, until one day just right after his soul entered cripple no.1 body. he could finally make an outline details of one person, only one!

and that person was now sleeping on the bed just across the room, cripple smile warmly, yet soon his face turned serious.

sitting in lotus position he began to regulate his breaths, soon he began to absorbs mana surrounding him.

'...khaaaah! what's this? why's it hurt?...' cripple felt stinging pain in his stomach, exactly at his mana vessel usual location.

he thought for a while, as he recalled that at the final show down against master mordoc, he squeezed every last bit of mana he had. he also fully aware of what had happened, his mana vessel was shattered to pieces.

'...seems like, i overdid it...' he sighed. '...i can still absorbs the mana, it's just seems like it can't be stored? and it's also kinda painful to circulate them....'

'....sigh*, what kind of pain i haven't tasted back then? this much was still so-so...'

he knew that his mana vessel had problem and it was quite a major one too. cripple wasn't someone easy to gave up though, if he want to know his body better he should probe further.

and so he was, he absorbs the mana while gritting his teeth. he wants to know to what extent the damage of his vessel currently was.

for magician, mana was always like their body's extensions, like third hand or feet.

using spell and magic circles, magicians could control how the mana would act. the state which ones mana vessel had destroyed was commonly called 'mana dispersal'.

mana dispersal state was divided by 3 levels: mild, moderate, and complete. depending on the degree they could still recovered as a magician or give up completely.

magician should act with prudence and moderation, especially for any newly awakened magician. their mana vessel was like fragile glass bottle.

once they exceeded a certain limit by overexerting themself, they will get a certain repercussions from their action.

any magician whose got mana dispersal state, which the vessel's had shatered completely making them unable to store the mana, was the worst degree one could get. it was called 'complete mana dispersal'.

at this point, most magicians would gave up completely on any hope of recovery, what's the point if you can absorbs the mana yet unable to stores it at all?

but, does cripple knew about this? of course he wasn't, he was like an explorer traversing to an uncharted teritory, he didn't have any guidance or teacher, other than the mana technique scroll he got, he only relied on himself when it comes to the usage of mana.

first circulation, second circulation. cripple stopped while gasping, enduring the pain, he proceed to continue. 1st, 2nd, 3rd. he stopped, then continue.

cripple frowned, perspirations soaked his new clothes, he endured the pain in order to probe his vessel, it couldn't be helped as the only way to know the vessel's situation was to use mana.

cripple knew the old doctor had come, yet he didn't paid it to mind.

bringing a bowl of gruel with some medicine. the old doctor went inside the room, he was staggered feeling the air surrounding the cross-legged cripple had now feels like a whirling storm, there wasn't much phenomena to spoke off but the odd feelings were there.

looking at sitting cripple, the doctor put the bowl on the table, then he went toward the sleeping pocket. he mixed some medicine, next he holds pocket's body up so she would be sitting straight, using some kind of tube he put it inside her mouth, as gently as possible he pours the medicine toward the funnel at the end of the tube.

after he finished, the doctor glanced at cripple, he saw how cripple was now doing something that he shouldn't interrupt. so, once again he went out of the room, the sound of him stepping down the stairs soon follows.

a while later,

the gruel had now gone completely cold, cripple opened his eye abruptly, he covered his mouth.

cough* cough* cough*, wheeze*.

there was darkened blood on his hand! yet as if the curtain was now revealed, his left eye shone brightly. he finally got some epiphany!


on the middle of continent there was a huge mountain range called elan mountain range, bordering 3 nations in continent.

southern region of west norton empire in north, northern region of great salandoria in south and north-western region of great brushnia kingdom in south east.

on one of its mountain, covered with thick vegetation and merciless environments there stood a mansion, it wasn't big yet it looked pretty with attentive cares.

a hooded figure with enchanting body despite being covered from her head to toe steped inside one the mansion room, her steps weren't hurried yet she grew restless as she met another figure inside the dim room.

the figure lean back on his wooden chair inside the dim room, he was so quiet as he glanced lazily toward the newly arrived hooded figure.

"greeting mansion lord...." the figure spoke, her voice was so pleasant, ringing like beautiful bell in spring giving joy to whoever hearing it.

the sitting figure replied with a grunt, from his voice he was quite young. "what's it third overseer? anything you want to report?"

calming her breath she said, "it seems one of our devotee meet a mishaps, it was confirmed that he was dead 3 days ago, yet...."

".....yet?" the sitting figure began taping his armchair slowly.

"uhm, seems like his soul didn't return..."

the sitting figure eyes were flickered slightly, he seems to ponder of what had happened.

"didn't return? to his 'death tablet' ?"

"...it seems so, sire. his soul lantern was extinguished. but, as of now. his death tablet was yet to give any response..."

"who is it?"

"the devotee name was mordoc, sire. he was bound to us since 10 years ago, and he was also...." she paused as the figure sitting opposite of her had raised his hand telling her to stop.

"...where he deployed to?" the man squinted his eyes, staring straight under the hooded face of her.

"it was maron earldoms, maron city at vannahar kingdom, sire."

the man moved slightly, straighten his body, he keep his silents prolonged.

"....cease all activity on vannahar for now, tell everyone not to meddle with it and withdraw as soon as possible..." he said in commanding tone calmly.

the enchanting women under the hood was startled in disbelief, she exclaimed. "....sire?"

leaning back to his comfy chair, the man soon closed his eyes losing interest,

"just do it, i don't want any trouble with those in vannahar for now, just keep our eyes toward the merchant went and gone from there..."

"bu...but, sire! vannahar witchcraft tower isn't much threat to us, we shou...."

the woman stops, as there were now irresistible pressure coming from the sitting man, it was getting heavier and heavier. gulping hard, she finally relented, bowing slightly she turned and left the room.

outside the room, she sighed in relief, she gander for while before sashaying away from the door, she still couldn't believed the mansion lord's order just now.

soon she reached the mansion courtyard, bright moonlight were now illuminating the fish pond in it, she sat on one of the stools while keeping her thought to herself.

"isn't this our gorgeous miss third overseer? why the long face?" suddenly there was a familiar voice of man coming from behind her.

without turning her head back, she replied while staring at the pond, "sigh*. how have you been chief moore?"

the big man patted slightly at her slender shoulder, he soon sat on the opposite stool while folding his hand. with grin he questioned her, "okay. now im ready to hear our beautiful overseer."

3rd overseer sighed helplessly, she began to narrated her issue about the devotee named mordoc and also about the mansion lord's decision from before.

"....that was all, i don't know. but i mean why we should back off? just because of that puny tower which has only been established less than a century? if its enigma tower of east norton i could understand, but this?" she finished her rambling, swinging her slender finger on top of the stone table, there appear 2 cups of tea emitting steam from it.

"so what do you think chief moore?" she asked as her alluring lips pursed toward the cup on her hand blowing some steams away.

"...chief moore?"

seemingliy broke out of his trance, the big man answered awkwardly,

"well, i think. the lord's order was make sense..."

"what? how could you..."

interrupting her, chief moore continue with an explanation.

"....third overseer, you just got here half year ago am i right?"

she nodded while occasionally sipping her tea.

chief moore nodded, "no wonder, actually miss overseer, what the lord waries off wasnt the tower, it was something else.."

tilting her head in confusion, 3rd overseer keep listening.

"sigh*, most likely. our devotee was met with one of those vampire..."

"...vampire? what is that?"

"ah, it was actually some words from arthur 1st, you know him i presumed."

"yes, arthur arcdragon the first had his throne after overthrowing henry 14th of the old vannahar king's line."

"yep, he made those word to portrayed a certain family clan in vannahar ever since his inception. he said, vampire was known as immortal creature unable to age...." chief moore took another cup of tea before he continue, "...and it seems like our devotee soul had met mishaps from one of those clan member."


sipping the tea, chief moore nodded, "...yeah, the vega's."

3rd overseer stared incredulously, "wait, you mean the vega family that said to have patriarch at genesis class wizard?"

"well, you are just coming from the other side of elu, so you most probably don't know about the details."

"but it was soul we're talking about! even genesis class won't be able to track it..." she exclaimed full of disbelief.

chief moore stared straight at her, he sighed, "vega clan wasn't some ordinary family, you should peel your eyes open in the future. lest disaster found you."

chief moore stood up as soon he finished his cup of tea, then he went away after waving toward her, leaved alone 3rd overseer began to ponder.

'....vega clan huh? interesting, i couldn't wait to know more about you guys in future....'


"you were reckless di'en. the lightning avatar spell wasn't something you could shortened at will..."

inside the mansion courtyard of maron city inner ring, the old magician reprimanded his disciple the dead-pan face man 2 stars magician.

"but master, with this revolution technique i finally had enlightenment! i could feel what i was doing were right!"


the old magician knocked di'en forehead with small bamboo pole, he glanced at his disciple in disapproval.

"you were too hasty, just because you could read it doesn't mean you understand its essence..." he shook his head while mumbled, "...you were so different from that crippled boy..."

"what are you talking about master?" di'en asked.

"nothing...just keep practicing, if you can't change your method today, you can just scram for me!"

di'en was startled, even if his face doesn't have any expressions he turned fidgety from his master threat.

"okay, okay master...i'll try my best."


"what's try my best? if i said you must that means you must!"

soon the old magician went away, leaving di'en in awkward situation.

"master, master..." edna called in playful manner.

"edna, how was your training?" asked the old magician while smilling warmly at edna whom approaching while holding the ocean-blue colored orb with white chains.

"hehehe, this orb is really powerful master, i already bound it to me, now i could unleash at least 10% of its power..." edna grinned filled with pride.

nodding while smiling, the old magician stroke her short brown hair, "very good, you are very talented, but don't be complacent! you should tread it with prudent!"

edna stucked out her pink tongue childishly, "of course master! beside this orb has finally returned to its rightful owner...hehehhee." she giggled, "...oh oh, thats right...master, master..."

"hmm? what's it edna?"

"what's with the black bottle inside your room master? it feels eerie and sinister."

"ah? you went to my room?" the old magician stared at edna, she flinched slightly from it.

"ah, master don't misunderstand, i just want to take a look at you books.." edna stuttered while waving her hands in panic.

"having curiosity is good. but edna, you should known that curiosity killed the cat."

"...hmpf, but i'm not a cat master..." she mumbled with a pout.

"hahaha, well. that bottle is gift for your aunt..." the old magician spoke calmly.

"aunt? which aunt?"

"your 12th aunt, bellatrix..."

as edna heard which aunt, she grinned brightly, "ah, so it is for elder sister bellatrix..."

flinched his eyebrows, the old magician knocked her head lightly.

"call her aunt..."

"...hmpff, but sister bellatrix insisted to call her as elder sister, she would be mad if i call her aunt, i don't want that..." seemingly recalled something unpleasant, she shivered slightly.

the old magician turned speechless, he thought, '...she is my younger sister, if you call her sister, wouldn't it means you are also my younger sister?...'


new arc is coming...

thx for reading....

Thousand_Stupacreators' thoughts