
Cripple At Day, Devil At Night

Unable to move any part of his body save his head, daytime is an absolute nightmare for Randy, it reminds him of what a waste he is to society and his family and most importantly it keeps him away from the dream world and the mysterious frozen woman that resides in it. In the night, while others sleep, Randy gets taken to a place where he can walk, bash whichever head he pleases, be the legendary pervert he wishes to be and most importantly become a figure so powerful even his maker becomes wary. While Earth puts up a strong front against an invasion from the demons, preparing to fight off their several great armies, a devil in the guise of a crippled boy is revived and nurtured in their midst, several women having a hand in this devil's rise for their own selfish reasons.

Bad_Bishop · ファンタジー
37 Chs


Looking around him and seeing that all was still the same, Randy let out a breath of relief and then looked at both his hands.

"So I'm back in my real body" Randy said, "and this is some other kind of world that actually exists."

Looking away from his hands, Randy looked at the world, took in a deep breath of it, and then without hesitation slapped his palms together and began going through a flurry of hand signs.

When Randy had done the complete set of the hand signs that Linda had just taught him, he paused and then repeated it again.

"This should do," Randy thought after going through the hand signs one last time and then narrowing his eyes, he reached for the warmth deep In him and pulled and then this time instead of sending it to just his fists or legs, he took it to his left hand, and the down to his left leg, right leg, right hand, head and then back to his core.

"That was stressful and slow" Randy thought after making the circulation, touching the drops of sweat that had formed on his head.

"Surely this wasn't what Linda was talking about, it doesn't feel practical. "Randy muttered.

Randy's squinted his eyes as he remembered what Linda had said, and then checked if he had missed anything.

"Well, she did mention the churning part," Randy muttered and then went into thought for a few more seconds, his brows furrowing and then suddenly there was an explosion of pressure from him.

"Ooh, could this be what she meant," Randy thought with a smile as he sent the energy in his core spinning.

"Hehe, let's take this up a notch."

Just as Randy had this thought, the pressure around him intensified, creating a wind that sent the leaves and dirt around him flying, and then out of nowhere, a purple hue surrounded him.

"Is this my energy?" Randy thought in glee and not wasting a second, he spun the energy in him much harder.

Randy's action led to the hue around him getting much thicker and expanding much farther while the strong blowing wind which had been present ever since he began churning his energy began transitioning into a mini storm.

The entire world around Randy was thrown into chaos, a small calamity seeming to be brewing.

"Welp, this is awesome, I feel like I'm a god," Randy thought as he slowly began floating up, this feat making him churn his energy harder with each passing second and then watching as the purple hue around him expanded to over 20 metres, but then in the midst of his fun, a sudden weakness hit him, his mind going blank for a second and when next his brain began working he found himself quite some meters in the air.

"Welp," Randy muttered as he soon crashed to the ground face down.

"Urghh, that hurts" Randy thought as he pushed himself up to his knees but just as he looked up, he froze and then muttered.

"Did I do this?"

Though Randy could see green in the far distance, the same could not be said about the environment closest to him as it had been turned black.

The trees, the bushes, the ground, all of them had been burnt black with some trees no longer even having branches.

"It seems this energy of mine is quite destructive, I wonder how it doesn't harm me considering it stays in me."

Thinking this, Randy stood to his feet and while his body suddenly released another heavy pressure, though to a far lesser degree than the last time, Randy slapped his palms together and began repeating the hand signs Linda had taught him.

"She said I will know when it works" Randy muttered, "so here goes nothing."

As Randy finished his thoughts, his hands arrived at the last hand sign and with his whole body swimming in energy which was being churned from his core, Randy suddenly felt like he was quickly dipped in some viscous liquid and then brought out.

"Ehhh is this what she meant" Randy thought.

After the bizarre feeling, Randy suddenly felt his body ripple and then suddenly two strong feelings settled within him.

One of the feelings urged him to desire to move downward while the other urged him to want to go upward, it was like there was some invisible rope both up and down and he had to decide which to use.

An idea of what might be happening quickly settled within Randy and in the spirit of confirmation he decided to see what was downward.

Randy didn't have to do anything physical, he just had to use the energy in himself to tug downward and then when he was done, he found himself looking left and right in a bit of confusion.


"The feeling has gone and I'm still in the same place" Randy muttered and then after some checks that showed that he was still in the forest body and soul and vulnerable to harm, he decided to perform the hand signs again.

Just like he had done before, Randy churned his energy while repeating the hand signs, but this time, when he was done, he felt nothing different, there was no ripple feeling of being placed in a liquid, Randy felt normal.

Randy performed the technique three more times before finally accepting that he couldn't activate the technique again and he had an idea why.

Randy guessed that after he had activated the technique the first time, the downward feeling was kind of a way for him to exit it while the upward feeling would have taken him to Linda.

"Who would have known there could be a possible limit to how many times it can be activated," Randy mumbled.

"Welp, nothing much I can do about it, I'll just wait and then try again later, but in the meantime," Randy said out loud, a smile on his face.

Of course, the boy could have tried calling out to Linda, but why would he do that when he liked the current situation?

After his run-in with Zatsubi and Roy, Randy knew he was strong, but now after learning how to churn his energy he felt was invincible, he could feel the humongous amount of energy within him, energy which took over his reasoning and made him feel he crush anything.

Randy stood to his feet and uncaring for the black state he had put this portion of the forest in, he wondered which way to go, his mind unable to point out the route to the village.

"Welp, I guess I'll just sincerely explore this world then."

With a carefree smile, Randy decided to move straight, his eyes taking in the sights around him.

"Hmm, I thought I was just in a special area, but it seems this world is actually well blessed with greener and bigger trees, back on earth, this isn't something one can see everywhere."

Several minutes passed as Randy moved and before he knew it, he found himself on a road.

"No tar, seems I'm located far from the big cities and towns" Randy mused but then the next second he heard the loud sound of gallops and wheels turning.

As someone who had watched tons of movies, it didn't take Randy long to figure out what was approaching, yet he still couldn't hide the look of surprise on his face when a red and white carriage pulled by two black horses appeared on the far end of the road and ran up to him.

"Don't tell me this world is one still stuck in the medieval times and that village wasn't just an eyesore" Randy thought watching as the carriage which actually had a coachman reached his position and then stopped.

"Dear lord, boy are you okay" A feminine voice said, the owner jumping out of the carriage and running up to Randy touching him up and down.

"Oh my god, are you from the village? Is that madman still going around killing people, don't worry we're heading to the village right now, and we'll properly deal with this evil person."