
Crimson Wolf Zero

Kunaigai · ファンタジー
40 Chs

Chapter 12

Walking further into the cave he found a group of two kobolds.

"It seems as if these dungeons are some type of tutorial," murmured Zero in a low voice.

Even though he spoke softly the kobolds still heard him and looked directly at him.

'It seems they also have good hearing,' thought Zero before making his first move.

He raised both of his arms and swung them down simultaneously, throwing both daggers at the kobolds' faces.

The one on the left wasn't able to react on time, but the one on the right was able to. The kobold swung its arm up hitting the knife with its claws, sending the knife flying upwards. Seeing this Zero ran up to the knife, jumped, and grabbed it mid air. He held it on a reverse grip, and once he fell towards the kobold, he used his his bodyweight and the momentum from him falling to stab the kobold on the head. He then fell together with the kobold to the ground and quickly got back up.

"It seems like they have different reaction times as well. Well, just like every living being, not everything is the same. Still the reaction speed was too different. I should use a different type of weapon, in case they have better reaction speed."

Zero then continued to go down the cave, thinking which weapon he should try out next. While he was thinking a kobold pounced at him. He ducked under it and quickly muttered: "Gunvault: Katana." He then brought his right hand to the left side of his waist. He swung up his arm with the katana in his hand and slashed the kobold through its waist. After the kobold fell to the ground and it didn't move anymore, Zero then brought the katana to his waist as if he was sheathing it and continued thinking to himself.

After walking a few more steps, he then looked back. "Huh?" Zero said confusedly. He hadn't even noticed that he had slashed apart another kobold. He then started analyzing what he had done and a question popped up on his head: 'Can I do what I just did without saying a word?'

He then went on to ask Kunaigai about it.

"Kunai, can you summon a katana without me saying anything?"

[What? You wanna change the way that we do things for a third time?]

"Can you do it or can you not?"

[Yes, I can. But I need some sort of signal to activate it when you want me to.]

"Okay. Once I bring my hand to my waist and cup it in the shape of the hilt of the sword, summon it."

[Okay... Wait, why don't you just keep it summoned then?]

"Two different reasons. Mobility inside the cave would become much easier, and it would take the enemies by surprise."


"Did you just say nod?"

[You can't see me. What else am I supposed to do?]

"Just say okay."

[I can't always say the same thing! If I say the same thing over and over again, people start thinking I'm not even listening. So I change my response whenever I can.]

"But why 'nod'?"

[It's an affirmation! I'm not going to say something like affirmed!]

While arguing with Kunaigai, Zero went on to complete the dungeon.

While all this was happening, Shadow was wishing he could eat some popcorn.

After the dungeon, Zero instantly got the reward sent to his watch.

'So the currency of this world comes from the world itself,' asked Zero to himself before going to eat something.

He then went on to sleep for the second night in his room.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Kunaigaicreators' thoughts