
Crimson Skies of Freedom: A Tale of Sasuke's Odyssey

all characters aren't mine After a fateful battle with his rival Naruto, Sasuke Uchiha finds himself thrust into a mysterious rift, traversing dimensions to an unfamiliar universe. Stranded on a colossal space station known as the Ark, he joins a group of young prisoners destined for Earth's surface. As the tension between prisoners and leaders escalates, Sasuke's strength, forged through years of conflict, challenges their perceptions and dynamics. Amidst an impending war with the Grounders, Sasuke's journey of adaptation, leadership, redefining his destiny as he takes control of the 100, forging unity in a world where survival knows no bounds.

WarreP01 · テレビ
11 Chs

Chapter 10: Clash of Wills

Sasuke descended from the dropship, his agile form moving with grace and purpose. As he approached the end of his descent, his acute senses picked up on the distant sound of raised voices. Tensions were brewing among the gathering of delinquents below.

Just as he was about to touch the ground, the argument reached its crescendo. Wells, a young man with an earnest demeanor, was making a plea. "We need to find Mount Weather, my father mentioned it in the message," he implored.

Octavia, a spirited young woman with a hint of rebellion, scoffed. "Screw your father, Wells. You think you're in charge here? You and your little princess."

Clarke, with a sense of urgency and pragmatism, interjected, "It's not about who's in charge. We need to get to Mount Weather, not because the Chancellor said so, but because the longer we wait, the hungrier we get, and the harder this will be. We're looking at a 20-mile trek. If we want to get there before dark, we need to leave now."

Bellamy, a charismatic but defiant figure, offered an alternative. "I've got a better idea. You two go find it for us. Let the privileged do the hard work for once."

A chorus of agreement echoed through the group, with many nodding in reluctant assent to Bellamy's suggestion. It was clear that the delinquents were divided in their opinions, and tension filled the air.

But Wells remained resolute, insisting, "You're not listening. We all need to go."

It was at this point that Murphy, a brash and confrontational figure, seized the opportunity to push Wells, sending him staggering backward. Wells let out a cry of pain as he fell, his leg twisting at an awkward angle.

Sasuke landed on the ground, his dark eyes narrowing at the unfairness of the situation. He stepped forward, addressing Murphy with a cool and measured tone. "You should stop here. It isn't fair to continue when he has only one good leg."

Murphy, however, ignored Sasuke's admonition, his aggression unchecked. With a sneer, he lashed out with a wild swing, aiming a punch at Wells, who lay defenseless on the ground.

In that moment, Sasuke knew he had to intervene. He moved with blinding speed, intercepting Murphy's strike with a precise block, sending a shockwave of force through Murphy's arm that forced him to stumble back.

But Murphy's allies weren't about to let Sasuke's intervention go unanswered. Two of Murphy's goons rushed at Sasuke, fists clenched and fury in their eyes.

With uncanny reflexes, Sasuke sidestepped their attacks, fluidly incapacitating them with non-lethal strikes. His movements were like a dance, a display of combat expertise that left the two goons sprawled on the ground, bewildered and defeated.

The fight that ensued was a breathtaking display of martial prowess. Sasuke's movements were a blur as he effortlessly countered Murphy's every attack. He used his agility to his advantage, darting around Murphy with an almost supernatural grace.

With a calculated strike, Sasuke disarmed Murphy, sending his weapon clattering to the ground. The other delinquents watched in stunned silence as Sasuke demonstrated his mastery of combat, each movement precise and efficient.

Sasuke's final move was a non-lethal incapacitation, a quick strike that left Murphy incapacitated but not seriously injured. He then turned to face the crowd, his eyes carrying a hint of warning.

"Enough," Sasuke stated firmly, his voice cutting through the tension like a blade. "Just walk the other way."

Clarke, Bellamy, and Octavia exchanged glances, recognizing the newcomer as a force to be reckoned with. The hundred, now stilled by the unexpected turn of events, had no choice but to acknowledge the newcomer. Sasuke's presence had not only saved them from further division but had also asserted his place in this unforgiving new world.

As the tense moment settled, Wells struggled to his feet, his expression a mixture of gratitude and humility. "Thank you," he began, wanting to express his appreciation.

But Sasuke simply turned away, his features inscrutable. Without a word, he walked back toward the dropship, his steps measured and purposeful. It was as if the gratitude and acknowledgment of others held no importance to him. He was a lone figure in this new and unfamiliar world, driven by his own objectives and memories.