
This isn’t healthy

A few days had passed since I woke up in this strange, luxurious world, and I was finally starting to wrap my head around the madness of it all. This wasn't Earth. It wasn't even close.

Magic was everywhere. It wasn't just in the air or some mystical, untouchable force you heard about in fantasy stories it was real.

It powered everything, from the floating lights that illuminated my room to the enchanted gardens that bloomed year-round, regardless of the season.

It was fascinating, sure. But also unnerving. This world was rich, layered in history and class divisions, and I was smack in the middle of it. A noble, apparently.

My parents well, whoever's parents these were were high-ranking, though they were currently off gallivanting on some diplomatic trip.

So, for now, I was left alone to figure things out, surrounded by servants who seemed as confused by me as I was by them.

But none of that was what bothered me most.

No, what bothered me was this body. Every time I moved, I could feel the weight of it, this unfamiliar softness clinging to me like an extra layer I couldn't shake off. I wasn't used to it.

Back home, I was an athlete. Basketball, running, drills I lived for that stuff. My body had always been a machine, something I could push, break down, and build back up stronger.

But this? This was different. My limbs were heavy, my stamina non-existent. Walking across a room left me winded, and I couldn't stand it.

I had to do something.

So, I started exercising. The same routines I used to do push-ups, sit-ups, squats. Even tried jogging. Except, this new body wasn't having any of it. Each movement felt like I was dragging a sack of bricks along with me.

Push-ups were impossible; my arms shook under the pressure, and I barely managed to do one before collapsing into a heap. Sit-ups? Forget it. My belly seemed determined to keep me grounded.

And jogging well, let's just say it was more like a slow waddle around the garden.

The servants had started to notice, and I could see the perplexed looks they gave me whenever I ventured out. It wasn't normal for someone of my supposed status to be doing this, apparently.

One of the maids had whispered to another that maybe I'd hit my head or something. Rumors circulated that I'd lost my mind.

I caught a glimpse of one of the gardeners crossing himself as I jogged by if you could even call it jogging. But I didn't care. I had to get back in shape.

This wasn't about vanity it was about survival. I couldn't keep getting tired from walking across the garden.

Speaking of which, today's session was particularly grueling. I was moving at a brisk walk or what passed for a brisk walk in this body.

My legs felt like lead, and my breath came in short, shallow gasps, sweat dripping down my back despite the cool morning air.

"Come on, Ren," I muttered to myself. "You've played full-court press for hours. You can handle this."

Except I couldn't. Every step felt like my muscles were screaming in protest. It was weird, feeling so weak when I was so used to being strong. But I forced myself to keep going, if only out of stubbornness. I had to. I couldn't just sit around and accept this.

As I trudged along, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched. I glanced around, expecting to see one of the servants, but no one was there.

Still, the hairs on the back of my neck prickled, and I got the distinct impression that someone or something had their eyes on me.

Whatever. Let them watch. Maybe they'd learn a thing or two about hard work.

But then, as I turned a corner in the garden, I spotted them a man and a woman hiding behind a bush, whispering to each other.

They looked suspiciously out of place, like they were spying on me. Great, just what I needed.

I pretended not to notice, hoping they'd go away. But of course, they didn't. Instead, they stood up and walked right toward me.

The man was tall, broad-shouldered, with thick, muscular arms that filled out his clothes perfectly. His hair was dark and slicked back, with a few silver streaks running through it, giving him a distinguished, almost regal air.

His skin was tanned, and his features sharp but softened by a warm smile that seemed completely out of place given the circumstances.

The woman beside him was equally striking, with a slender, athletic build. Her blonde hair cascaded in soft waves, framing a face that could've belonged on a magazine cover.

She moved with the grace of someone who was used to command, her pale green dress flowing elegantly as she stepped forward. Both of them looked healthy, beautiful basically the exact opposite of what I felt like at that moment.

"My daughter!" the man suddenly exclaimed, breaking into a run, his arms wide open as he rushed toward me. I blinked, confused, but before I could react, he scooped me up into a bear hug.

"Why are you experimenting with hell?" he asked, his voice a mix of concern and... was that admiration?

"I—what?" I stammered, struggling to catch my breath from the surprise embrace. My feet dangled a little too high off the ground for comfort, and I wriggled awkwardly in his grip. "I'm just trying to can you put me down?"

The man laughed heartily, setting me back on the ground with a grin that didn't match the gravity of what he'd just said. "There's no need for all this exercise! You're perfect as you are!"

I gaped at him. "Perfect? Have you seen me? I'm fat."

The woman gasped, putting a delicate hand to her chest like I had just insulted the entire family bloodline. "No, darling, you are beautiful!" she cooed, stepping forward to brush a lock of hair from my face. "Look at you! Radiant, like a little goddess."

I stared at them both, dumbfounded. Were they serious?

"No, really," I said, shaking my head. "I can barely walk without feeling like I'm going to keel over. This isn't healthy. If I go to school like this, it'll be a disaster!"

"School?" the man laughed again, clearly amused by the very idea. "Why would you go to school? You don't need to concern yourself with such things."

I frowned. "Uh, pretty sure I do. What about grades? Friends? Learning things?"

The woman's smile widened as if she found my concerns adorable. "Sweetheart, you don't go to school. You stay in your room all day. There's no need to worry about that."

For a moment, all I could do was blink. Stay in my room all day? Was that normal for whoever I was supposed to be in this world? I felt a rising panic in my chest as I tried to process that information.

How could anyone live like that? And worse how had I, or this body, lived like that before?

I let out a long, frustrated sigh. "Well," I muttered under my breath, glancing down at the soft, round body I was trapped in, "this is going to be a long journey."