
Crimson Overlord

Check out my new novel: My Seven Beautiful Sins! ±±± At the beginning of the universe, there was only chaos. Chaos gave birth to a world, accumulating into Black and White and the five elements (also known as the Origin Elements), creating the world's laws and the order of heaven and earth. This world was called the Origin world, where the Original beings born out of chaos reigned. They created orders, creatures, and numerous worlds where they reigned as Supreme beings until a calamity befell them and destroyed the Original world alongside numerous worlds. Two billion years have passed since then. In a small world somewhere, a baby was born carrying an unusual past. A love story of a vampire, the primogenitor of vampires. ••••• Nickaido's here; this story is a reboot of Prime Vampire, do not expect the same story or the same characters; many things have changed. Please support me and make this story a great story through your comments and suggestions, and once again, English is not my first language.

Nickaido · ファンタジー
368 Chs

Fragmented Memory of the Past 2**

A/N: Check out my new novel: Players Era: The System!


IIlya's eyes finally snapped open but he gave no time to steady herself for the realization to sink in that he had already caught the act of her peeking at Lily and him red-handed. Ashamed, she tried to sit up. To explain why she couldn't declare her awakening, alas, the sound of the door clicking shut met her efforts as the pain wracking her shoulder and back made it a strenuous task to sit up.

And with Orpheus gone, Ilya, who had barely lifted her body, slumped back with a deep exhalation, staring at the ceiling silently while Lily's urgent pants filled the room.

'... What the hell?...'

Ilya had no idea that at the moment Lily was having a dream, some erotic dream.
