
Chapter 27 - Fortune teller?

One of the perks of being Demon was its unbelievable charisma that it allowed him to entice even the most willed individual without using brainwashing skill. He was able to befriend Kaijin and the others, gaining their favor to him where Arryn mentioned that they would likely join him one way or another. Erix had left Slaanesh to orchestrate everything when Vesta appeared and gained him as an asset for later and kicked Kaijin from the kingdom, allowing to gain them completely without people's blame to him.

Erix is doing this in case anyone investigates and hides his intention for the time being. Sebas collected and brought more materials to be tested and used for later. He followed Kaijin and the others to a hostess club called butterfly of the night that was filled with Elves. The last time he saw elves beside the twin dark elves was in Yggdrasil having fought players who tried to hunt him down after he had gained World Enemy job when he fought one single handedly.

Even if thirty levels 100 players work together, fully prepared and forewarned of the battle ahead, enter combat with any one of these World Enemies, the outcome of the match would still be in doubt. If one of these monsters had appeared before them, it would be a threat to the Great Tomb of Nazarick. World Enemies' attacks could bypass the racial resistances of heteromorphic monsters or players.

By YGGDRASIL standard, despite a legion, composed of six parties of six players each (36 players in total), they would still not have much of a chance against these unimaginably powerful creatures.

While World Enemies are level-breaking monsters, even the weakest ones are over level 100. They were the first type of monsters confirmed to have a cap that is beyond level 100. Not to mention, World Enemies are immune to the abilities of World Items like Longinus.

However, Erix bypassed this through another world item that had a specific condition and it was pure dumb luck he managed to do it. Even how perfect a system appears to be there is always a loophole to be found and Erix exploits it like a madman.

This only meant that the foolishness of players who tried to hunt him down paid a steep price. He enjoyed the jobs since it brought more enemies to grind and steal their world items. Though, eventually they were too afraid to even try to fight him and cause him to feel bored.

He shook his thoughts looking at the elves praising their erotic body and inwardly approved of their figures but there was Loli that made him frown.

{ Fbi opens up! We got him! }

'Seriously?' Erix deadpanned said since he can see through their soul and their age is older than a human and despite the younger ones appearance they are at least in their late 30s.

[ Fufufu We don't mind if thee like them. Thou hast Rimuru who's age is yet reach a year old. ]

Erix frowned at how their conversation went into dangerous territory but can't deny that Rimuru's new life had not yet reached a year.

'Let's stop our conversation here. I'll take them when the time comes. It's not like this will be the last time I'll visit this place.' Erix said returned to real time and the elves blushed when they saw his handsome face that had immense charisma enticing them and stirring their hearts.

He was embraced by one of them and soon followed by the others enjoying the softness and bounciness of their chest around his arms. Erix smiled at the sensation and was led to their table ordering a few alcohol asking for some Ale or wine if there was one.

Erix disliked the taste of beer since in his opinion it was for barbaric people. They poured him some alcohol as they relaxed and Kaijin began to speak his mind thanking Erix for his help while he said the same thing as Rimuru but genuinely felt that his skill was something few would attain. Unlike Yggdrasil where weapons can be dropped and npc to make them, it follows a systematic algorithm. Kaijin managed to gain an amazing skill in refining weapons without those guides.

Kaijin seemed surprised and flattered by his praise asking about his offer having considered it. Erix was pleased that he did even though he already expected it. He toasted with them while one of the elves who had fortune telling ability suggested she use her powers on Erix.

"I don't mind. I'm curious about my future." Erix doubts there would be anything that will appear when he is locked in the present with no future nor past having tried going back in time but it was impossible. Unless, he allows it and is curious what his future self did.

"Your future, huh? Well let me try it." The Dark elves fortune teller began to use her power while the other elves curious with some praying to be one of his concubines. Erix can see through their thoughts quite easily and flattered.

He looked at the crystal ball after glancing at the dwarves who were busy drinking and having a great time. Erix and the elves witness something appear in the crystal ball where he found someone riding a fiery red dragon having two horns arching down to upward and another arching upward to downward. It had four red wings that seem to set itself ablaze while more dragons flapped their wings beside it.

Then on top of the dragon was a young man having four limbs each wielding a polearm and had long scarlet red hair. He had horns on top of his head akin to a crown and red halo thorns on his head as five eyes opened while he grinned. Before it glance at them making the elves blush having gained something while Erix frowns knowing who that person was.

'Seriously? Guess I'll gain the Ancient Dragons in the Age of God's dungeons.'

He knows those dragons came from the God rank Age of God dungeons making him ponder if they are True Dragon or at least Dragon Lord. He senses that they are below True dragon and above Dragon Lord. Erix hoped they were at least comparable to a world enemy and tested how he would fare now.

'Also, I seem to be stealing Rou even his looks hahaha.'

Erix knew that it's a former that allowed him to bring out most of his skills and technique. He'll request weapons perfect for those formed later from Kaijin. On the other hand, the Elves witnessed their future having followed Erix to his new empire and had life beyond bliss. They had powerful children and attended the world tree alongside their queens.

Kaijin asked what they showed him since none of them saw it while they hid the truth telling him that it was nothing special. He didn't think too hard and let it go while the Elves were more clingy to Erix than usual which was convenient to Erix.

Eventually the night went like what happened to Rimuru but instead of Kaijin punching Vesta, if it was Erix when he tried to hurt one of the elves when they defended Erix when he accused him of being a spy. It was not a lie but didn't care and flicked Vesta's face with ease making sure to hold back.

Everything came like the canon but the elves wanted to follow Erix telling that they were involved yet denied by Erix telling them that this business was theirs and would be a waste to shut it down telling them it won't be the last they'll see of him and will be in contact having given them an item to converse.

They were happy and gave Erix a kiss on the cheek and lips with some more passion than the others, slightly making the dwarves jealous but they were already too old for it. Everything went according to his plans and left the Dwargon kingdom having Sebas waited for them and had Slaneesh left to manage the kingdom for the time being behind the scenes for him.

The group got inside the carriage and began to head their way to his soon to be kingdom having spent 4 days within dwargon hoping that the kingdom had expanded more than before.

It took them another 2 days to reach their destination without teleporting and Erix decided to take this slower pace to get to know more about the dwarves to gain their trust since the puppet only reserves if he believes there will be a threat. On the next afternoon, Erix sensed something happening and looked into the distance, having met some Bandits that blocked their way.

Erix then heard something pop into his eyes and he was taken aback at what he had just witnessed. It was a different panel screen than normal because of what it said.

[ Mission ]

[ Objective: Save Red haired, The twin, Alchemist, Blacksmith from the bandits. ]

[ Rewards: Dimensional Chat Group ]