
Crimson Kissed Bride

(DEMONS AND DRAGONS Books) #2 Demons & Dragons {MATURE CONTENT R18+. No Rape} "So, Lady Aisling," Baron Kylian Hawkrige's voice rumbled, a dark caress that sent shivers down her spine. He stood across the room, a silhouette of broad shoulders outlined against the flickering flames. "Do you intend to play the reluctant bride all night?" Aisling lifted her chin, emerald eyes flashing defiance. "And what role would you have me play, Baron? The grieving widow, perhaps? Or perhaps the grateful concubine?" A muscle ticked in Kylian's jaw, the air crackling with unspoken tension. "Neither, my dear," he countered, taking a menacing step closer. The firelight glinted off a silver skull signet ring – a memento mori glinting on his hand. Aisling's breath hitched. This wasn't the reserved, haunted man she'd envisioned. This was a predator, and she, his captive prey. "Marriage," she spat, the word laced with venom, "is a sacred bond, Baron. Consummation shouldn't be a mere duty." A slow, predatory smile spread across Kylian's face. "Formality can be most…pleasurable, Lady Aisling," he murmured, his voice dropping to a husky whisper. "Especially when the wife is as defiant as you seem to be." His hand shot out, a blur in the firelight. A gasp escaped Aisling's lips as he grasped the delicate lace at the back of her gown. A single, swift tug sent the crimson fabric cascading to the floor, leaving her bathed in the flickering firelight, a beautiful, defiant statue carved from ivory and rebellion. Kylian's eyes burned with an intensity that both terrified and strangely thrilled Aisling. He leaned in close, his breath hot against her ear. His voice, a low growl, sent shivers down her spine. "Now, Baroness," he murmured, "let us see if your screams can rival the ghosts that haunt these halls…or perhaps, they'll be a melody far sweeter." The air crackled with unspoken desires and a darkness that promised a wedding night unlike any Aisling could have ever imagined. ***** Aisling, a fiery redhead barely a woman, is bartered away to the enigmatic Baron Kylian Hawkrige. Whispers of a haunted past and a brooding solitude shroud Hawkrige Manor, a gothic monstrosity that chills Aisling to the bone. Her arrival is marred by a shocking crimson stain on her wedding dress – a violent secret that binds her to a fate worse than death. Kylian, a man as handsome as he is haunted, offers a chilling proposition – a marriage of duty, not desire. Yet, beneath his stoic facade lies a darkness that both repels and strangely attracts Aisling. As she delves into the manor's dusty secrets, she uncovers a chilling truth - the stain on her dress isn't the only mark of violence that taints these halls...

Rhysmonde · ファンタジー
36 Chs

Darkness and Deception

Aisling couldn't contain herself any longer. As the villagers, their faces etched with despair, hesitantly offered bids far below the exorbitant price Kylian had demanded, a fiery anger welled up within her. She stood up abruptly, her emerald eyes blazing.

"This is outrageous!" she cried out, her voice ringing through the hall. "They can't afford this! You can't just—"

A strong hand clamped around her wrist before she could finish her tirade. Kylian, with a swift, surprising movement, pulled her onto his lap, the heat of his body flooding her senses. His gaze, dark and unreadable, met hers.

The intimacy of the situation stole the breath from her lungs. Never before had Kylian touched her so… possessively. His thigh felt solid beneath her, his hand a firm grip on her wrist, sending a jolt of something far from anger through her.

"Patience, my love," he murmured, his voice a low rumble that vibrated through her. "Let the game play out."

Aisling squirmed in his grasp, a mixture of frustration and a strange awareness of his nearness coursing through her. "But their livelihoods—"

"Watch," he commanded, his voice leaving no room for argument. Reluctantly, Aisling settled back, her gaze darting between Kylian's face and the anxious crowd.

To her astonishment, a shift occurred. One by one, the villagers, with a desperate determination in their eyes, began offering higher and higher bids. Soon, the starting price had been surpassed, then doubled, then tripled. Aisling's jaw hung slack in disbelief. Where was this money coming from? These were supposed to be impoverished people!

A slow, predatory smile spread across Kylian's lips. He leaned closer to her, his voice a husky whisper. "See, my love? Appearances can be deceiving, especially here in Westmarch."

His words sent a shiver down her spine. What was he implying? He leaned back, his gaze sweeping over the villagers. "Interesting," he murmured, a hint of amusement in his voice. "It seems some of you live a more… comfortable life than you let on."

His words hung heavy in the air, a veiled accusation. A collective gasp rippled through the crowd. A young woman, her once vibrant face now pale with fear, clutched her shawl tighter. An older man, his eyes darting nervously, cleared his throat.

"My Lord Baron," he stammered, "we… we do our best to survive. These are hard times."

Kylian's smile turned cold. "Indeed," he agreed. "Hard times that often lead people to… desperate measures." He paused, his gaze lingering on a group of young girls huddled together in the corner, their eyes wide with fear. "And desperate measures often involve missing daughters, wouldn't you agree?"

The hall erupted in a cacophony of gasps and denials. Aisling's heart hammered against her ribs. Missing daughters? What was he talking about? Had he discovered some dark secret about Westmarch? A secret she, as Baroness, had been completely unaware of?

Shame washed over her. Here she was, doubting Kylian's motives, when he seemed to be the only one uncovering the truth about her people. A tear escaped her eye, tracing a warm path down her cheek.

Suddenly, a new voice cut through the chaos. A burly man, a skilled blacksmith judging by his calloused hands, stepped forward. He bowed low before Kylian.

"My Lord Baron," he said, his voice gruff but respectful. "I offer you my services. Weapons. I can forge the finest weapons in all the land. In exchange, perhaps a… reduction in the tax burden?"

Kylian's eyes gleamed with a predatory light. Here was an opportunity, a way to further tighten his grip on Westmarch. He glanced at Aisling, a playful glint in his eyes. "Intriguing," he mused. "And for you, good blacksmith, what price do you place on your loyalty?"

"Loyalty is earned, My Lord," the blacksmith replied, a hint of defiance in his voice. "But I believe a fair deal benefits both parties."

Kylian chuckled, a deep, rumbling sound that sent shivers down Aisling's spine. He enjoyed a good bargain, that much was clear. After a brief negotiation, a deal was struck. The blacksmith would receive a significant tax reduction in exchange for a steady supply of high-quality weapons for Kylian's guard.

Then, Kylian's gaze fell on a ...frail old couple, their hands gnarled with age and their faces etched with worry. Kylian surprised everyone by lowering his starting bid by half for them. The couple, tears welling in their eyes, stammered their gratitude, showering him with blessings.

While they spoke, Kylian busied himself with Aisling, his lips trailing a hot path down her neck. He nibbled at the sensitive skin just above her collarbone, sending a jolt of heat through her. A shiver escaped her lips, a mixture of pleasure and annoyance.

Their intimate display wasn't unnoticed. Young girls, their faces painted with a cheap attempt at sophistication, cast Aisling hateful glances, their whispers laced with envy. Aisling, however, couldn't focus on them. The heated pressure of Kylian's lips against her skin was far too distracting. His touch, after the teasing silence in the carriage, set her nerves on edge.

"Enjoying the show, my love?" he murmured, his voice a husky caress. Aisling tried to stammer a reply, but all that came out was a shaky breath. He chuckled, a low, rumbling sound that vibrated through her. "Don't worry," he whispered against her skin, "they'll understand their place soon enough."

A new voice cut through the tension. A talented artist, his clothes threadbare but his eyes bright with passion, stepped forward. "My Lord Baron," he began, bowing low, "I offer you my artistry. A portrait of your magnificence, capturing your essence for eternity. In exchange, perhaps a… slight reduction in the tax burden?"

A slow smile spread across Kylian's face. A portrait, huh? An interesting proposition. He glanced at the villagers, their faces a mixture of anxiety and hope. They were paying more than the initial starting bid, but many were still struggling. He watched them closely, his dark eyes scanning the crowd, particularly the group of young girls huddled together in the corner. They seemed oddly nervous, their gazes darting around the room like caged animals.

Suddenly, a boisterous laugh cut through the air. A portly man, his face flushed with wine, stumbled forward. "My Lord," he hiccupped, "I offer you… a joke! A very witty, very hilarious joke! In exchange for complete tax exemption!"

The crowd erupted in laughter. Kylian, ever the pragmatist, raised an eyebrow. "A joke, you say?"

The man puffed out his chest. "The best joke you've ever heard, My Lord! Guaranteed!"

Kylian leaned back in his chair, a hint of amusement playing on his lips. "Alright, then. Let's hear it."

The man cleared his throat and launched into a rambling, bawdy tale that had the crowd roaring with laughter. Aisling, despite herself, found a smile creeping onto her face. Maybe, just maybe, there was some humanity beneath Kylian's ruthless facade.

After the man finished, wiping tears of mirth from his eyes, Kylian gave a slow nod. "Not bad," he conceded. "You've earned your exemption."

The man cheered, his face beaming with delight. Kylian, emboldened by the success of this impromptu entertainment auction, decided to make it a regular occurrence. Anyone who couldn't afford to pay the tax could offer a skill, a talent, a story – anything to avoid the burden.

Valaric, who had been watching from the corner, a sardonic smile playing on his lips, found himself intrigued. Kylian's methods were unconventional, certainly, but they were undeniably effective. He leaned back in his chair, one fang glinting in the firelight. This was going to be interesting.

As the evening wore on, the hall buzzed with a strange energy. A mixture of fear, hope, and excitement hung in the air. Aisling, still nestled in Kylian's lap, watched it all unfold. She couldn't deny his brilliance, his ability to manipulate a situation to his advantage. But a nagging unease still remained. What was his true goal here in Westmarch? And what did the missing daughters have to do with it all?

Looking up at Kylian, his face illuminated by the flickering torchlight, she saw a flicker of something… dark in his eyes. It was a fleeting glimpse, but it sent a shiver down her spine. She knew, with a chilling certainty, that this auction was just the beginning.

The night deepened, the firelight casting long, flickering shadows across the hall. As the entertainment auctions continued, a wave of nausea washed over Aisling. A particularly desperate man had offered his daughter, a girl no older than sixteen with wide, frightened eyes, as "entertainment" for Kylian. The very suggestion had sent a cold fury coursing through her.

As if on cue, the group of young girls huddled in the corner began to stir. They exchanged nervous glances before slipping out of the hall one by one, melting into the night like phantoms. Kylian's gaze, sharp and predatory, followed their every move. Then, with a barely perceptible nod, he sent a silent message across the room, a message only Valaric, with his keen vampire senses, could pick up. A sardonic smile played on Valaric's lips – he understood the unspoken command perfectly. He would follow the girls, see where they led.

Aisling watched, her heart pounding against her ribs, as Kylian turned back to the man. "Very well," he said, his voice a low rumble. "Your daughter shall… entertain me." His eyes swept over the girl, lingering on the faded bruises peeking out from beneath the thin fabric of her dress – bruises only his enhanced vision could clearly see. A dark anger flared in his eyes, a cold fury that sent shivers down Aisling's spine.

The man, his face etched with relief, shoved the girl forward. She stumbled, her eyes filled with terror. Aisling felt a surge of protectiveness, a primal urge to shield the girl from whatever fate Kylian had in store for her. But before she could react, the lights in the hall flickered and died, plunging the room into darkness.

The sudden darkness sent a wave of panic through the crowd. Cries and gasps filled the air as people scrambled for the exits. Aisling felt Kylian's hand clamp over her mouth, his touch surprisingly gentle. He scooped her up in his arms with effortless grace, his voice a low murmur in her ear.

"Don't worry, my love," he whispered, his breath warm against her cheek. Then, with a speed that defied logic, he was moving, disappearing through a hidden door at the back of the hall that Aisling hadn't even noticed before.

They emerged into the biting winter night, the frigid wind whipping at Aisling's hair. Kylian set her down, but before she could speak, he held up a hand, silencing her. He was moving again, this time with an unnerving agility, weaving through the shadows with an ease that spoke of practiced stealth. Aisling, forced to keep pace, stumbled after him, her heart pounding in her chest.

"Kylian!" she hissed, her voice barely audible over the howling wind. "What are you doing? Why did you accept that girl?"

Jealousy, a bitter and unwelcome emotion, twisted in her gut. He was married to her, for heaven's sake! What did he need with another woman, especially one so young and innocent?

He stopped abruptly, a dark silhouette against the pale moonlight. Turning to her, he took her face in his hands, his touch sending a jolt of heat through her. "Don't be ridiculous, Aisling," he murmured, his voice a husky caress. "I wouldn't dream of offering anyone… what I intend to give you tonight."

His words sent a shiver of anticipation down her spine. But before she could respond, a bloodcurdling scream pierced the night, shattering the fragile peace. Aisling's blood ran cold. The scream had come from the direction the girls had vanished – the direction Valaric had followed.

Fear, cold and sharp, gripped her heart. What had happened? Where was Valaric? And who had screamed? A million questions swirled in her mind, unanswered and terrifying.

Kylian's gaze, usually dark and unreadable, held a flicker of something…unsettling. He pulled her close, his voice a low growl. "Stay here," he commanded, his tone leaving no room for argument. Then, before she could protest, he vanished back into the night, leaving Aisling alone in the cold darkness, the echo of the scream hanging heavy in the air.