
Chapter 4: The Academy's Crucible

The day of the Royal Magic Academy's entrance exams had arrived, casting an air of anticipation and tension over the entire institution. Students from all corners of the realm gathered in the grand auditorium, each one hoping to secure a coveted spot in the academy's classes. The higher your score, the higher your class, ranging from the lowly F to the prestigious A.

Alexander, true to his nature, maintained his calm and composed demeanor as he observed the throngs of students nervously flipping through their textbooks and reviewing their notes. Despite his nonchalant attitude, there was a flicker of curiosity in his eyes. He had rarely faced a challenge he couldn't master, and the entrance exams intrigued him.

Valeria, on the other hand, was a bundle of nervous energy. She paced back and forth, her fiery hair a vibrant contrast to her anxious expression. She had always been competitive, and the thought of not making it to the highest class gnawed at her.

The exams began, and the students were presented with a series of complex magical problems, puzzles, and practical tests. Alexander, seated at a desk in the back of the room, completed each task effortlessly, as though he had known the answers all along. His answers flowed from his pen like fire from a wellspring.

Valeria, seated nearby, had a different approach. She attacked each question with fierce determination, her fiery magic occasionally flaring to life as she attempted to impress the examiners with her prowess. Her answers, while correct, were delivered with a touch of flair that made her stand out.

As the hours passed, the exams grew more challenging. Some students began to sweat and falter under the pressure, while others exchanged anxious glances. But not Alexander. He continued to answer the questions with ease, occasionally glancing out the window as though distracted by something outside.

The time allotted for the exams came to an end, and the students submitted their papers. Valeria, still restless, glanced at Alexander's paper. She couldn't help but notice that his answers were minimal, far from the detailed responses she had provided.

As the days passed and the results were announced, the entire academy buzzed with excitement. Students crowded around the bulletin board, their eyes scanning the list of names and rankings. It was an intense moment for everyone, a culmination of years of preparation.

Valeria, with her competitive spirit, had secured a place in the A class. Her eyes sparkled with pride as she shared the news with Alexander. "I did it! I made it to the top class!"

Alexander, his expression unchanged, nodded in acknowledgment. "Congratulations."

Valeria, eager to see where her enigmatic friend had landed, looked for his name on the list. She was stunned to find it at the very top, in the A class. Her eyes widened in disbelief. "Alexander, you... you got into the A class too?"

He nodded again, this time with a faint smile. "It seems so."

Valeria couldn't hide her astonishment. "But your answers during the exams were so brief. You hardly seemed interested."

Alexander glanced out the window, where the afternoon sun cast long shadows. "I answered the questions to the best of my ability. The rest didn't matter to me."

It became clear to Valeria that Alexander possessed a rare kind of genius—a natural talent for magic that transcended the need for conventional study. He had effortlessly secured his place in the A class without even trying, leaving Valeria both impressed and slightly envious.

Their journey at the Royal Magic Academy was just beginning, and the dynamics of their friendship would continue to evolve as they navigated the challenges of their new class. Valeria, determined to prove herself, and Alexander, with his calm and enigmatic nature, were destined for greatness in the world of magic, and the academy was merely the crucible where their destinies would be forged.