
Chapter 1: The Boy with the Red Flame

In a world where magic flowed like a river through the veins of the earth, there existed a realm known as the Infernal Kingdom, ruled by the formidable King Azazel. But before his reign could come to an end, a prophecy had foretold the arrival of a boy who would change the course of their fiery realm.

Before the king's impending demise, he made a desperate choice. He entrusted his infant son, Alexander, to the magical portal that led to a distant world. A world filled with mystic wonders and untamed magic, where the very air thrummed with unseen power.

As the portal shimmered and crackled, young Alexander was whisked away from his father's kingdom, leaving behind the scorching landscapes and echoing screams of the damned.

In this new world, the boy with fiery red hair found himself alone, abandoned on the outskirts of a quaint village nestled amidst rolling hills and lush forests. The villagers, unaccustomed to seeing such an unusual child, took him in, but their whispers and sidelong glances spoke volumes.

It was there that he met a remarkable woman named Seraphina. She was a renowned hero, her name echoing through the land as a savior of the oppressed. Seraphina had a child of her own, a daughter named Elara, who was a few years older than Alexander. The three of them lived under the same roof, forming an unlikely family.

Alexander's affinity for fire magic quickly became apparent. Sparks danced in his palms, and flames obeyed his every command. Seraphina, recognizing his potential, decided to teach him the ways of magic. She guided him in the manipulation of fire, instructing him on the importance of control and balance.

Over the years, Alexander's powers grew, his red hair often aflame as a testament to his growing mastery over fire. His personality, however, remained enigmatic. He possessed a calm and blunt attitude, rarely letting emotions cloud his judgment. This demeanor earned him both respect and caution from those who crossed his path.

As the seasons changed, the trio faced countless challenges. They encountered mythical creatures, delved into ancient ruins, and fought against the dark forces that threatened their world. Alexander, with his red flames burning brighter with each passing day, became a formidable protector alongside Seraphina.

Yet, there was always an unspoken understanding between the two. Seraphina knew that one day, Alexander would have to fulfill his destiny. The prophecy that had led him to this world remained a lingering shadow, an inevitable future he couldn't escape.

That day arrived when representatives from the Royal Magic Academy paid a visit to their village. They had heard of Alexander's exceptional abilities and invited him to join their ranks. It was an offer he couldn't refuse, as it meant the opportunity to unlock the full potential of his magical talents.

With a heavy heart, Alexander left behind the village that had become his home. He bid farewell to Seraphina and Elara, promising to return one day, stronger and wiser.

As he journeyed to the Royal Magic Academy, he carried with him the legacy of his father, the King of Hell, and the teachings of Seraphina, the heroic woman who had raised him. The boy with the red flame, with his calm and blunt demeanor, was destined for greatness in a world where magic reigned supreme.