
Criminal, Detective or Victim

Criminal, Detective or Victim is a choose your own adventure book surrounding the reader and an assortment of characters with three plot options and a plethra of endings. Criminal story line- after being kidnapped by a mafia crime boss, you decide to join their ranks and go on a mission to wipe out a competing crime family. Detective story line- after a party you have attended is crashed by the police, a detective takes you under his wing to help him bust a crime family. Victim story line- after being kidnapped from a party you've attended, you are held captive by a crime family and take your chance to escape.

Brisket_85 · アクション
20 Chs

stay with ambulance

"I think I'll stay with the ambulance." You reply, staring absently at the ground.

The detective sighs and hesitates a moment before nodding. "Alright."

You keep your eyes down as he walks away.

The paramedic is quiet while you process and then she puts a hand on your shoulder. "Would you like a ride home?"

You look up into her eyes, searching them for something, you're not exactly sure what. Then you nod. "I'd like that."

She helps you get into the back of Ambulance, and then offers you a blanket and pillow before asking your address. You give her the address, laying down on the pillow and wrapping the blanket around you.

The ride home feels very long and very fast as the same time. When the vehicle stops, the Paramedic helps you to your door. You thank her and she smiles tightly before walking back the truck.

With limbs that move slower than you want, you unlock the door and step inside. The familiar smell of your home engulfs you and you're struck by the shock of it.


You close and lock the door behind you and walk over to the couch, sinking down into the cushions.

Its dark and quiet and finally you feel the tension melt out of your muscles, your heightened senses fade and then it all hits you at once like a truck.

You were in a mass shooting.

You were the only survivor.

Tears run down your cheeks and you take a shakey breath in, covering your face. Its all too much to process.

You sit on your couch and cry.

Morning light filters in through the curtains, illuminating your eyelids. You blink your eyes open and stare at the slit in your curtains where the sun filters through.

For a moment you wonder if it was a dream. A truly awful dream. Your wonder is shattered with dread as you glance at your clothes. You sit up and turn on the news.

The End

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