
Chapter 1

"Hey, cupcake? You ready for your first day?"

"Yup, llllleggo!" Lauren giggled. Hours later she finds herself on a stage in a strange, low-key school.

"Hello, my name is Lauren." She says into the mic.

"Lauren? Just Lauren?" Professor Ghan-San asks, his voice raspy. He's a traditional Japanese man.

"Yes, just Lauren."

"How old are you and when is your birth date?" Professor Clara Dean asks. The beauty and brains kind of criminal.

"I am currently 13 years old and I don't really know when was my birthday so Professor Gina made it the day she found me December 3, 2006."

"Oh? So you're an orphan then?" A unidentified voice came from the dark. Soon, a figure emerged, covered in fabrics and linens, only her captivating green eyes visible from all the printed and brain-painful patterns on her choice of clothing.

"Yes." Lauren hesitantly answers.

"Ah, Professor Jamila. You arrived! We thought you'd miss the student interview!" Professor Delixo Montgomery basically announces. He's a Mexican Scientist.

"Yes, it seemed so. But one cannot expect what is undetermined. Now, what makes you different, Ms. Lauren?" Professor Jamila asks.

"I have a quite jaw-dropping school from which I deduct what a person is, how they act, what they did, what they'll do, how they think and etc."

"Oh really now? Then deduct me." The formal professor walks on stage, facing the crowd but her eyes look farther than that.

"Very well." Lauren walks around the professor, her hands behind her back. "You weren't late by accident, you did it on purpose. Judging by how well and intricate your makeup was made. You were recently widowed since you have a necklace with a ring on it with the name 'Ahmad' marked inside. You have a younger brother in his teen years who doesn't know about any of your crimes and thefts. You're very secretive and mysterious, and your personality is driven by some traumatic experience I've yet to know." Lauren stops circling the professor and faces the faculty.

"Damn, Jamila. I should have brought Lauren here years ago." Gina comments.

"Oh, sh******t. You're going to hell for thatttt." Professor Clara jokes.

Jamila turns away from the crowd in speed. Leaving the room full of students and professors.