
Chapter 2nd - The weasel game

🎵 All around the carnival town,

the clown chased the children,

the blood was shed the soul bled 'n bled,

🎵...POP! Goes the weasel! 🎶

An eerie, slightly distorted music box's melody of [Pop goes the weasel] resounding in my ears...

I try to recall its lyrics...with my eyes closed.

that time I'm not ready to see anything gruesome, yet.

♩ ...All around the mulberry bush,

the monkey chased the weasel,

The monkey thought it was all a joke...🎵

🎵...POP! Goes the weasel! 🎶

'Please... when this song gonna end !?'

I swear I'm gonna scream my head off for this you little...

🎵 His work was done for the day.

he had claimed a new prize,

He cackled then so evilly -

he loved their demise...! 🎵

🎵 ...'Round and 'round the cobbler's bench,

the monkey chased the weasel,

The monkey thought it was all in fun...♬

🎵...POP! Goes the weasel! 🎶

My heart's beating fast...

but my patience is run thin, as if it would keep playing this like...forever!'

That when I was snapped, open my eyes and shout "Are you done with singing!?"

After I shouted, the song begun to play slower and distorter...

♩ A penny for a spool of thread,

a penny for a needle,

That's the way the monkey goes,

🎵...POP! Goes the...weasel! 🎶

🎵...Pop...goes....the....weasel.....?🎵 🎶

After the song end, the first thing I saw was huge black shaped hands and sleeves of black and white...

and a pointy cone shape 'nose' coming from behind.

"A---h, You're finally wake up Mr. cotton candy! Welcome to MY circus! in for a show?"


I was puzzling, never used to being called by the name of desserts...

Was he always calling his 'playmates' like...this?

"Wait - what I miss ---? oh right - we gonna show you your deepest, darkest fears!

Trust me kiddo... have fun in here once, you'll wish you NEVER WANT to leave!"

...follow by laughing of lunatic. he's a male clown, tall, massy black hair, all monochrome, has pointy teeth.

that's all I can make out...

I find it spine tingling just looking at him, confusing of what he has in store for me about his whole circus and fun and....

that when it hitting me,

I later realized that my hands, my arms and my legs were all strapped to a floating red, luxury-like chair with armrests, one found in haunt house from theme park by somethings black and solid, its seem too tough to be mere tourniquets or tape.


I look up upon his announcement, inside the monochrome tone circus full of hanged corpses.

The "show" is the gymnastics of ghosts(He called it "Children Weasels"), all deformed, some were headless, jaw missing, losing one of their arm and having white blank eyes. They're all dead, that for sure.

The show end, light off.

Nothing's seem different from one I see on TV. weird, I don't feel any scary thing come out from it.

Beside the way they show their acrobatic play as 'cars'....

Then that demonic clown said that to me,

"Enjoy the show? Bet you would!

Now it time for the main event----!

all of my missing children, find them before sunrise!"

The light turn on again, I see a kid standing alone, deformed and colored grey.

this time I notice something off... the trail of bloody footprint, it was going to outside the tent.

the show having around 20 or so but now there's only 1 left. less children weasels then earlier, 19 missing children to find huh?

The chair I was strapped on disappear into smoke and confetti and a sound of clown car's horn was heard.

Sunrise... I can feel the air getting thicker. I was rush out of the tent and find those Un-dead kids. the game has start. Don't wanna know what he will do to me should I failed.


♩ ...All around road of poisoned Ivy,

the hunter hunting weasels for me,

The hunter thought catching was all its took,♬

🎵...POP! Goes the weasel! 🎶

"Ugh...lyrics aside, why it has to be that melody again..."

I try my best catch all of his children weasels I found in sight, but already dead or not, they are so small and fast they escape my grab EVERY SINGLE TIME. the giggle of children start getting into me, I'm about to losing control over my sanity and I'm run out of time too...

Out of the blue I came up with a method to 'clear' this sick childish game.

'...catching was all its took...'

The scissors with ribbon "Cruzar", the keepsake I have with me... should does a lot of tricks.

I chasing children out of their hiding, force then to gather in group.

and when they are about to run away, I throw Cruzar similar to the way people throw boomerang at the furthest one while I tied the ribbon's end with my right wrist.

Trust my words you will not get the picture if I don't spell it out.

in dreamscapes anything could happen, the ribbon was stretched long enough to hold the group of those undead kids - all in one place.

But after courting out it was 17 of them.

The last two that escaped was not far from me...

I brought the group of children I got into the 'circus' before go out for the rest.

"Holy...It about to sunrise...!"

A sudden chilled feeling getting into me at much at how annoyed it was, the song that keep playing at the background during my chasing was start to playing faster and faster.

I saw the last two of ghostly kids run toward the rail and I see the roller coaster was on their way, that when my face gone pale, my legs running faster and my hands was manage to grab them, drag them out before they get hit by the ride...

Nothings personally,

I just feel triggered whenever I see someone about to get hit by any vehicles with wheels,

and that all.

the song Pop goes the weasel stopped and all these undead kids are now together.

"Alright, I already beat stupid game of yours! now what?"

at ominous at it sound that same demonic clown appear behind me, I prepare what his 'reward' he will give.

to my surprise, He jump and give me his 'BIG hug' with his long (as-f) arms...crying.

my god HE hugged me so tight my body could crack in half if I do say so myself.

The children Weasel, they seemly sadden and cried along with him.

Are they sad because I was about to...?

"WAHH! After all these time! after my best friend Issac, no one having fun play MY game like you do - waah!"

what a child...his cry was more like shout to me.

Unless he fake his cry, Who is Issac? I don't know what he talking about.

But I don't feel any of his murderous instant, he's act like a crying child who finally met his best friend or parents he thought they're long gone.


unlike other of my playmates; the children I pay visit tend to fall like a fly, they failed to have fun with me, they failed to entertained ME!

but you, YOU!

You are the first adult to beat my little game these kids parents failed, you didn't ever shaking!

so be it. ...hic...

I think I will never come to kill you again. until I fled bored...


Before I could understanding what he said...he snapped his finger.

then I was waking up on my bed... the morning is arrive.

the scissors was still in my right hand.

but on my left hand I was holding a bunch of purple lollipops.

No idea who put this here, but...

I was survived, for now.


This... was scary but also 'fun', too bad I try to sleep again in the another night, to dreamed of the hall with doors.

I find out I can't go thought that white door anymore...

The door was gone, all the remain is what left of the balloons, popped out.

That's why I force myself to wake up, in the middle of the night at I try to recall the vision of what I remember in my dream back in the monochrome carnival, write it out and public it at my novel...at the reminder of that dream...

MY horror genre novel under the title, "Remember the Raven-black Circus"

Let's say I wrote some lyrics that echo in my head in the story, too.

That's all I will write this out...

you might want to be here, to reading my story again.

So stay tune,

til Inspiration fall apart...

- Writer Psychosis, J.C.M.